Air Mattreses

380 13 13

|3 days until Katherine officially arrives|

Miracle's Pov

School today was really weird.

My school is filled with crazy people who are talkative and have lots on energy and are always playing around and what some people might call 'no chill'.

Thats how I would describe my school cause barely anyone is chill

But it was weird because people actually had chill today, probably cause they had no other choice.A hurricane is coming your way in 3 days, you gotta chill before you panic and pull your hair out

It's the end of the day and us 5 got on Ms.Genie's bus even though we don't ride her bus everyday.

Ms.Genie is a woman in her thirties who is very close friends with all of our mothers , she is a very nice lady , plus she understands young people , which I like.

Our parents really trust her so on somedays we get on her bus and she takes us to places that we have to go other than out homes, like sometimes we go to fast food restaurants or the store

We got on her bus today because our parents all gave us money this morning to get on her bus, go to Wal-Mart , or what Amber likes to call: Wolly world
And go buy stuff to get prepared

"Yall going get stocked up on supplies for Katherine huh?" Ms.Genie asked us

"Yup" Amber said

We all sat down in seats at the front of the bus right behind the drivers seat

"Katherine ain't playing no games she predicted to last more than a month because she is so big, reminds me of Katrina in some way."

We all gave each other shocked looks telling that it is time to get really serious

"Did you ever go to the six flags amusement park in New Orleans before it shut down because of Katrina?"India asked

"Yeah I went maybe 3 or 4 times many years ago it was a fun place but I never got on those big tall scary rides and rollercoasters."She said

"I'v read some things saying that the six flags in New Orleans is haunted." India said

"Well I believe you , New Orleans is the most Haunted place in the world."
Ms.Genie said

"I have lots of stories about New Orleans ,A Lot, but I'll save them for another day when we have less things to worry about."

I love listening to Ms.Genie's stories, they are so interesting and cool

We arrived at Wal-Mart and got out and we all went inside

"Might as well get ready myself while I have a chance,lets all meet by the fruits and stuff in a hour stay together, unless you travel in groups!" Ms.Genie said and walked off

"Alright so how about we go to each section of things we need like food, tools, sleeping stuff, etc?" Samia said

We all agreed


We got food and snacks now we are going get flash lights and radios and those flash light, radio,2-in-1 things just because

Amber's Pov

I was reaching for a flash light until someone bumped into me making me hit my head on the shelf

"Ow!" I said

"Oh I'm sorry! My bad"He said

I looked up and saw Tayvion
He goes to our school and he is in all of our classes

"Well look who it is, it's Ms.Amber Jones"He said playing around like always

"Yeah, thanks for giving Ms.Amber Jones a headache" I said looking straight into his face

"Sorry about that"

"Its okay"I told him

I heard someone shout his name

"Gotta go my brother looking for me hope your head feels better"He said and ran away

"So how was your time with Tayvion?" Samia asked me
as Miracle, India,Aaleeyah looked at me for answers

I jumped

I forgot they were all there

It felt like it was just me and Tayvion

Wait what

"It was painful." I said meaning physically not mentally but they couldn't tell

Aaleeyah's Pov

We all started walking to the area with blankets, pillows, mattresses, etc.

We all started deciding on what she should get because we though it would be better to get something big that we can all use and sleep on and put our money together

As we were talking and deciding to get a big blanket or a big sleeping bag, Samia come over to us with a huge box

"I don't know about yall but if I'm gonna be sleeping somewhere other than my bed for a month, I'm gonna sleep comfortably , on this Big air mattress."

"Whoa! Lets get two of these huge air mattresses and some fluffy,puffy, pillows, and big fluffy blankets!"I said

"Yassssss,and I want to get a big tent to put the air mattresses in , cause we all going through the time where you want privacy when we have , that moment , and it can be like our little house!"

We all liked the ideas a lot so we got the air mattresses and big tent and pillows and blankets

India's Pov

After buying all our needs, we met back up with Ms.Genie ,checked out, got back on the bus, and went home.

I started packing clothes and other things from my house that I would need.

In 5th grade I won a mini projector as a prize for selling over $100 dollars worth of candy and it can connect with Iphones, Ipads, and laptops.Maybe if Ms.Dawn will allow us to bring our electronics, I could bring my mini projector and project movies in the tent

I'll have to tell the others about this but I'm too tired to do it over text right now

Katherine is getting closer and closer ..........

And closer

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