Katherine waiting on us at the door

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*Miracle Pov*

I got up and opened the window next to the door to see 5 faces

"Uhhh can we come in? I gotta see the inside!" Tayvion said

"Yeah!" 4 other voices agrees

Those voices belonged to
and Ben

"Uhhh....hold up"

I stuck my head back inside the tent and went towards the back of the tent to the girls on the mattresses

"Okay so, Tayvion, Anthony, Jaden, Ben, and Kmury,are all outside the tent wanting to come in because apparently they have to see the inside!" I told them

"Well we don't have any problem with Tay..." Amber said quietly

"Oh so you wanna be friends now mmmhmm"Aaleeyah said

"True , but you know you fine with him coming in for other reasons....."I told her quietly so the boys wouldn't hear us

"It's not because of .. that!It is true that he is nice to us!" Amber said

"Mmmmmm Oh My God" Me, India, Aaleeyah and Samia all said

"Okay okay!" I said laughing"He helped put up the tent so it would be fair if Tay came in."

We all agreed and I went to the door and stuck my dead out

"Okay Tayvion, you have permission to enter so far." I said

"Yesss!" Tayvion said and took his shoes off and went in

"What about us?" Kmury asked

I don't know why but I stopped thinking about everything else when I looked at him, all I was thinking bout was him.

"Uhh Fine you all can come in to see what the inside looks like" I said

Knowing the girls truly want them to come in because they all like one of them

And I don't know why but I had a strong want for them to come in too or maybe ... One of them

India Pov

I saw the 5 boys come in and I all of a sudden had a urge to talk to Jaden , don't ask me why cause I don't even know

"Uhh Welcome to the Awesome 5 house!" I said

"Whoa this is cool!"Jayden said

I turned around to face the air mattresses while Jaden was looking and things behind me

Jaden must not have known  I was there because when I got up to throw away my granola bar paper , he ran into me and we both fell over

"Ouch." I said

"Sorry!" He said "I had no idea you were right there"

"It's okay" I said and he helped me up, when I stood up he looked at me and smiled

Good thing no one was paying attention

Samia Pov

I Bet she thought no one was looking

Aleeyah Pov

All the boys came sat down on the air mattresses and we all started talking about the hurricane and our tent

I feel like someone was looking at me and In the corner of my eye I saw Anthony looking at me .
I didn't do anything though.

Amber Pov

After talking with the boys they all got ready to go back to the cafeteria to go talk to their friends and as Tayvion was leaving he handed me a loom bracelet

"I figured your favorite colors are pink and lime green since you wear that pink and lime green bow a lot , so I made you this bracelet , I was seriously just bored

"They are my favorite colors thank you!" I told him and I said thank you

Hope no one saw that ,it would be kinda awkward

Samia Pov

I bet she wish no one saw that

Wow, I be seeing everything that be going on

I know too much

After the boys left we decided to go walk around the school and see whats going on

We walked around the school and saw some people in classrooms watching movies ,talking, playing games, or sleeping
It was pretty quiet though, I guess everyone just trying to calm they self

The wind outside started getting stronger and stronger ,it was whistling loudly , we all started looking out the windows that were not boarded up and The sky was almost black , Katherine is just waiting to get bad when we least expect it

All of a sudden there was lightning and thunder , it happened often , flash and then a big boom

Katherine has gotten real close now I guess

"We going back to the tent to watch a movie you coming?" Miracle asked me

"Uhhh...." I started thinking

I'm going walk around for a little while longer , moving around is making me calm down

They went back to the gym I started walking and when I tried to touch my ring, I didn't feel anything

My grandma gave me this shiny ring and I think of it as luck . i never really where it to school or in public and when I'm going places , but I took a risk and put it on for luck before we left the tent

I started walking around the hallway with classrooms but I didn't find it

The hallways were empty, It felt weird

As I was turning the corner of the hallway to go back to the gym I bumped into someone

It was Ben

"Oh hey I was looking for you , Uhh I think this is for you, I saw you wearing a ring like this."Ben said and handed me my ring

"Oh my god thank you! I was walking around the school looking for it, never taking a risk in wearing it again, thank you!" I said so happy that I had it back

"Your welcome!" He laughed and walked off

I started walking back to the gym

India Pov

We got back to the tent and I connected my phone to my projector and played Disney The Princess and the Frog. (Samia kept shouting to watch it)

Samia soon came in later and sat down and watched it with us

For the rest of the day we stayed in the tent and talked until 11:00 and then we all went to sleep

The weather got really bad at night

Katherine gonna be waiting for us at the door tomorrow

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