Code Blue

155 10 0

Miracle Pov

I couldn't believe it

Kmury hit the door so hard and then fell and went unconscious

I gasped

We all started to shake him to try to wake him up

"We'll split up and find Ms.Dawn." India said and her and Jaden ran off to different places to find her

I continued to shake Kmury

Soon everyone in the classrooms heard the noise and came out and tried to help us with Kmury. there was so much noise but Kmury still wasn't waking up. He was knocked out

Ben Pov

This girl just really pushed my friend and knocked him out

I saw India and Jaden come back

"Can't find her, lots of 8th and 7th graders crowding the  hallways going to lunch" Jaden said

Samia quickly got up and went through the water to the front office which didn't have any lights on she was looking through things on the counter in the office and she was becoming frustrated because she wasn't finding what she was looking for

I ran in to help her

"What are you looking for ?" I asked her

"The radio that the office lady uses to talk to other staff members.I work in the office for elective on B day and it's usually right on this counter."

I started looking around

"It might be in the back room" Samia said and I followed her through the door and to a hallway that connects all the staff offices

We were in a room with a fridge a sink , coffee, and cabinets

"Maybe it's in this cabinet thats locked" I said

"True" Samia said "I know where the key is"

She opened the cabinet next to the locked one and got a key from under a bunch of boxes and stuff

She unlocked the cabinet and got the radio and turned it on

"Ms.Dawn?" She said

We waited for a answer

"This is Ms.Dawn who is this ? How did you get this radio?" Ms. Dawn said

"This is Samia Jade and I'm with Ben Louis and I'm a office worker on A day I know where the key is to get this radio out of the cabinet, I needed to get the radio to talk to you because a student has gone unconscious in the hallway by a students and we couldn't get to you because 8th and 7th graders are crowding the hallway"

"How did this happen?"

"2 students were fighting some other students and- it's a long story" Samia sais

"Ok I'm on my way but do me a favor and press 0 and then the number to connect to all the intercoms and announce code blue, I'm on my way down there as fast I as I can" Ms.Dawn said


We went back to the front office and Samia got on the intercom

"Code blue, Code blue at the end of the middle school hallway , Code blue"

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