Ooooh Ya'll in trouble

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Miracle Pov

Samia and Ben explained to us how they contacted Ms.Dawn and we were under code blue now

Nurses and other people that do that kind of code blue stuff came and surrounded Kmury

We had to get out the way so we all went sat in the chairs in the dark office in silence

"I hope he's okay" I said frowning

"He should , he's a strong guy" Tayvion said

Ms.Dawn came into the office

"Thank you Ben and Samia for contacting me and those who tried to come get me, the nurses have brought Kmury to the patient room and are helping him. Now can someone tell me who is responsible for this?" Ms.Dawn asked

"Alexis Smith and Courtney Carter" We all said

Ms.Dawn sat in front of all of us

"Well Alexis and Courtney started it but Kmury's phone was left recording on accident and caught everything"Tayvion said

"This phone? It was on the ground next to Kmury." Ms.Dawn said as she showed us all Kmury's phone which has a very protective case so when it hit the ground it didn't break

Courtney didn't catch the phone she was to scared and in shock that Kmury blacked out and I saw her run off with Alexis. I didn't stop them because I could care less about them running away now, I was worried about Kmury

"Yes! That phone it has the video of what happened from the very beginning!" I said glad that Ms.Dawn had a chance to see what happened

Ms.Dawn sat there and watched the whole video with the volume up

We sat there , then we heard voices and things people said when we were running down the hallway

Kmury never pressed the stop button! The video was still going when he got knocked out!

This dude smart

"I can't believe they did that to Kmury!"Ms.Dawn said when the video was over

"And for you girls...." She said talking about me, Aleeyah, Samia,India, and Amber.

"You all won't be in trouble because that was self defense, I'm letting the consequences slide." Ms.Dawn said

"Now lets all go find Alexis and Courtney!" She said

I love having her as our principal

Aaleeyah Pov

Yass , so glad Ms.Dawn saw that video not Alexis and Courtney bout to be in so much trouble! And I'm just be standing there watching them get in trouble smiling

"On the video I saw them tun down back to the restrooms" Ms.Dawn said

Squad all marched down there like we in a music video or something haha

We saw Alexis and Courtney standing there where the fight happened

"Alexis Smith and Courtney Carter, over here now!" Ms.Dawn said

Oooohhh y'all in trouble!!

Alexis Pov

Ugh they got the phone and showed Ms.Dawn.
My girl Courtney tried her best though

Courtney Pov

I feel kinda bad, I pushed Kmury into a door and he went unconscious

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