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Aaleeyah Pov


I calmed down ad I realized what I was looking at

I was looking at

I was looking at Courtney sitting in the closet with earbuds in her ears and her phone and a blanket

She stopped screaming and stared at me

"...uhummwhat" I said trying to catch my breath

"Ummm..." She said while getting up out the closet

"Oh...umm... You guys are all here..."

"Okay first of all why you was in a closet on this side of the school?" Amber asked

"I like to come in here when I want alone time and think and do whatever on my phone and listen to music.." Courtney responded

"Why are y'all over here?"

"Why should we tell you?" Amber said

"Because I just told you why I was over here"

"That was your choice"

"Look I know you guys don't like me but I'm sorry for all that I have did to y'all because I'v been doing it for a reason that can like, harm...kill people...."

"What!" Everyone said

"Look if I tell you guys this , you have to accept me as a ally because I'm not supposed to be telling you guys this I just can't take it any more and Alexis with her bull" tears started running down her cheeks "I'v been like depressed...like sometimes I don't wanna live..."

"Don't say that." Samia said

"I promise you I'm not lying about the things I just said!"
Courtney said

"I guess I accept you as a ally..." Amber said

"After you made me black out!?" Kmury said

"I'm so sorry! Alexis made me do it I really didn't want too but she...thats part of what I will tell you guys if you all accept me.."

Everyone eventually accepted her as a ally too

"Okay first can y'all tell me why y'all over here cause what I'm about to tell you might be kinda long..I promise you guys can trust me, especially after you guys accepted me"

"Look we're over here because us 5 girls got a text from a unknown number talking bout meet them 
by the elementary doors at 10:00 tonight....."
India continued telling her

Jaden Pov

As India said "10:00 tonight" I started looking around for a clock

I saw a white one on the wall it was 10:30

".....the doors closed and locked and then probably some signal shut all off our phones off so we stuck on this side" India finished

"The first person I can think of who did this is Alexis" Courtney said

"Wow she that crazy huh?" Ben said

"You don't even know...."
Samia Pov

We all had gathered on a circle on the rug in the classroom and we all had flashlights in the middle standing up to give a little light to see each others faces
Courtney Pov

"Okay...so first thing to know.... Me and Alexis are cousins, but not by blood..her dad met my aunt when we were in second grade and married my aunt a year later
But before that Alexis pretty much hated me, I felt like she always got jealous of me
But when I told my aunt about her, she told her dad and talked to Alexis about it then we got along and she liked me and we became true friends , well that's what I thought!"

I told them about the text messages on Alexis' phone about playing me and stuff

"But before that , after my aunt and her dad's wedding she told me somethings.....

"Listen to me, now that we are cousins and you want me to not cause any horrible problems ,You better listen and do what I say because if you don't, the people you love and care about can get harmed, mentally, and physically, or even killed.....I may seem like just a little normal girl but that's not what I am at all. Also tell ANYONE...about what I'm telling you right now there will be consequences just like the ones that sill happen if you don't listen to me and do what I say....that's what best friends are for huh?"

*~*~*~*End Of Flashback*~*

Tears were sliding down my cheeks as I finished

"I'm not supposed to be threatened like this but what scares me even more and what actually made me believe in what se told me and listen to her is that her dad told me something after she told me that"


"I suggest you listen to what Alexis told you because if you don't, I have some very bad consequences too, and if you tell anyone especially your aunt, you might get harmed yourself"

*~*~*~*End Of Flashback*~*

"I eventually stopped thinking about it as long as I didn't think about telling anyone cause if I didn't , I would have nothing to worry about.....but I just told you guys...I couldn't hold it in anymore" I said


They all started telling me how I could trust them, I felt so relieved

I don't understand the full truth behind Alexis and her dad but, I can't have my family and the people I love and care about getting harmed or killed like that

I sighed
I really hope I just made a good choice

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