The School Sleepover Finally Begins

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|1 day until Katherine officially arrives|

Samia Pov

My mom, dad and sister all left for my cousins house for the hurricane, I told them to stay safe and they told me the same. We hugged good bye

I got on the bus and sat with Aaleeyah as usual

"My brother Aaron gonna be staying at the high school too" She said

"I wonder how they School Sleepover gonna be?"I wondered

Today we all started bringing our things for the Sleepover since the Sleepover was officially starting today. I had my book sack , 2 bags for my self , one rolling and one carry , and a big cloth bag holding all the things for the "house" and other things I bought for the hurricane

My 2 bags were purple and had emojis all over is with Samia on the front in big light blue letters

"Gurl I like your bags" Aalee said as she looked at them

"Thanks, I like yours too!" U told her

Her 2 bags ,also one rolling and one carry, were light pink with Aaleeyah on on front in green

The bus finally arrived at the school and me and Aalee quickly got off and got to the gym with all our stuff. Amber said she was gonna find us a nice spot to build the "house" since she is the first to get to school

When we got to the gym we went in and saw not to many people

Probably yet

The bleachers were moved up 2 seats but we can still use them. We saw Amber unpacking things in this corner that used to have a big shelf . It was near one of the doors to the gym but it was covered in wood to keep from breaking during the hurricane, all the windows and most of the doors were.

The corner went further than the wall in the back of the gym it was like a cube with 3 walls . I like the space it looks cozy and its even bigger than our tent which is HUGE! So lots of space too

"Hey yall!" Amber said

"Hey" we told her

We started unpacking things for "the house"

India and Miracle soon arrived we all started opening the 2 huge air mattresses

"Okay, here's the pump, now lets blow up this thang." India said

Me and Miracle were pumping one tent while Aaleeyah and India pumped the other and Amber started preparing the tent

About 10 minutes later we finished pumping the air mattresses and Amber still hasn't figured out how to put the tent together

"You are already struggling and you just started" Tayvion said

"Shut up" Amber said while laughing

Amber's Pov

"Instead of talking about me struggling , why don't you come over here and help me Tay." I said frustrated

He helped me put the tent together fix it up so it wouldn't fall

"Whew , thank you Tay." I told him

"No problem." And he walked away

We can actually stand up in the tent because of how big and tall it is

"I bought 15 little fluffy boxes for $15 and we can each get one to keep our stuff in, in the tent, and the other for snacks, tools, electronics, and other things"I explained

Samia hung up the fairy lights and India had a little short table to but the projector on and she bought a big white screen that came with the projector and stood if up in the back of the tent

India also bought this really really short, long table to put laptops and electronics on so we can sit and use them

Our tent that has a window that can open behind the long short table and we have a surge protector outside of it connected with the outlet next to our tent

****20 minutes later****

We are all done with the tent

When you come in the little door which can be zipped and unzipped , there is a pastel blue soft rug that is like our floor before the air mattresses start, on the left there is our fluffy boxes with things in then like food tools and personal belongings etc, continuing on the left side is the short short , long table with our electronics and laptops and the window behind it with our surge protector

On the right when coming in the door is a small table with India's Mini Projector on it connected to her laptop on the long table
Continuing on the right are piles of our clothes and our bags we bought

Now going forward from the door, after the long table and our piles of clothes, is where the air mattresses start , both of them (we have 2 big ones) we have these stable , fluffy back pillows against the left and right of the mattresses and big pillows and we have blankets all stuffed in a corner right now since no one is sleeping and at the very back of the tent is the projector screen , also the tent is very wide so lots and lots of space

Oh! and Samia bough her art supplies to keep her busy when she bored and she bought this medium sized poster paper and she wrote "The Awesome 5 House" on it and we all decorated it and stuck it outside the tent by the door and Samia hung the fairy lights all around the tent and looks soooo pretty

Samia Pov

The Awesome 5 (thats what I'm calling us now :P)
All got granola bars from the food box and relaxed on the mattresses

We were chatting and talking about how good the Awesome House is but then we heard 5 different voices outside of it

"Dannggg, bruh this cool"

"Wow this thing big

"You saw em' earlier? They was blowing up two big air mattresses

"They had rugs and lights and tables! I wonder how it look in the inside!"

"Bruh this is just straight up cool"

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