Chapter 13 - Lovely Miss

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-- Claude's POV --
I don't know why, but her being Michaelis' lover is interesting. She is amusing after all, I shall steal her away for the sake of my revenge. That crow, he always gets the bests souls around. So annoying.

As I was wandering around the Trancy manor, Alois called me.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Bring that little bitch back here, I have unfinished business with her." He spat out his saliva in anger. He cleaned his mouth in embarrasment and told me off.

I bowed and left the room. I quickly ran outside the manor and went to where Alois commanded me.

It was a good time to sneak in, she must be asleep.

I saw the manor in my front and if my supernatural senses were correct, I landed on (Y/N) window, it was open.. how careless.

I quietly looked around in amusement, I wanted to know more about her just in case I could use for manipulation. She had few jewelry, some victorian and plain every-day use dresses. She had natural beauty products on the bathroom, and on a separate desk she had a little box with a note on it, I simply ignored the note. What is inside? I can feel like it's important.

"Huh? Who is there?" I heard a voice behind me. She has woken up, so I guess she isn't those type of people to fall asleep deep and heavily.

She was half-asleep so maybe that's why she isn't freaking out about a stranger being in her room. I took the box and jumped off the window.

I looked back and saw that she closed the window and went back to bed I think, I can't see very clearly over the spot I am now, I'm in the woods running back to my master's manor.

I may be lucky if this little box turns out to be of good value for her.

-- Your POV --
I woke up and finally realized that a possible stranger was on my room. What exactly happened though.

It's not time to freak out, today we are going to the market with Ciel, Sebastian and the servants. I went over the desk situated on the corner, and found a note. It was from Sebastian saying to meet him downstairs when I finish getting myself ready.

As the note says, I went downstairs and I see him cleaning the counters were dishes are displayed.

"Good morning Sebastian. I saw your note."

"Good morning, (Y/N). Did you like it then?" He smiled and came closer to me leaving his current work beside.

"Eh? What thing? There was nothing next to the note.." I said confused.

"Really? I will go check out your room then.." He said dissapointed and a bit angered. Did I make him mad?

"Oh, (Y/N), no good morning kiss?" He smirked.

I blushed, what a cocky demon. I kissed him and saw him wander off to my room.

-- Sebastian's POV --
What the heck happened to the box.

When I went inside her room it was filled with a smell of hatred, it was the scent of another demon. From who you may ask, that Faustus. How dare he come inside at night? And how did he even come inside.

I saw (Y/N) come towards me, looking concerned.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked sweetly, oh, how did I want to eat her out with kisses right now.

"Did someone come inside your room at night?" I asked hoping to get the truth out from her. Worst thing to think is that she might be sharing her love with someone else.

"Y-Yeah.. I was really sleepy, I barely even saw it's face.. but someone did come in.. I hope that person didn't steal anything from my room." It's adorable when she stutters and becomes blunt and honest about things.

"I see." I looked outside the window, plotting how I was going to squish that annoying spider.

"You both pair of morons, the carriage is here!!" Master Ciel shouted from downstairs.

-- Time Skip and Sebastian's POV --
I helped master Ciel out, and then (Y/N). I smiled at her and grabbed her hand following Ciel.

He went inside Undertaker's shop to deal with some business, both of us were free until he was done.

"Let's go see around." I told her and she nodded smiling.

While we walked around, guess who I see, Faustus and his brat of a master.

It was clear that he knew I was here, we both knew it who was the robber here. He knows what he did.

(Y/N) tugged on my sleeve and asked me if we could go to the big fountain in middle of the shops streets.

I agreeded and decided to later on deal with Faustus.

He is going to regret it.

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