Chapter 2 - The Phantomhive Manor

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You brushed your teeth, combed your hair and washed your face before getting out of the bathroom. You went directly to the wardrobe, and saw dresses, beautiful dresses. You saw a (Color) dress, with a (Color) ribbon, the dress was short but comfortable to wear for the whole day. You didn't want to get out of the room, but you had to, it was 8:34 am, and you couldn't wait to meet Ciel. But you had to wait until Sebastian told you to head over his office.

You were wandering around the manor, and you saw a red haired girl, with a crack on her round glasses that tripped over and broke all of the plates. "Not again!" She screamed and started cleaning the floor before Sebastian could see the mess she did.

You went near her and asked if she needed help to clean, you smiled before she could say anything and you started helping her with the mess. "I am Mey-rin. Nice to meet you! What's your name?" She asked with a girly tone.

"I am (Name). Nice to meet you too." You smiled back and realized you both cleaned up all the mess already. "How about you meet the others? Come!" She grabbed your wrist and led you to the kitchen, were a blond haired guy with a cigarette on his mouth stood, as well for another blond haired boy, with a hat on his head and a cheerful smile.

"Isn't she the lady Sebastian doesn't stop talking about?" The blond haired boy with the hat said. "I am Finny! Nice to meet you!" He said

"I am Bardroy." The other man said.

"This is (Name), yes she is!" Mey-rin said.

You just stood there smiling and blushing of what Finny said about Sebastian.

You talked for a while with the servants until Sebastian came into the kitchen looking for you. "There you are, milady. Come with me, the young master wants to talk to you." He said and smiled escourting you to his office.

"You look quite gorgeus today..." He whispered on your ear in a seductive way.

"....T-Thank you." You said shyly covering your embarrased face, with an annoyed expression. You weren't used to this kind of stuff.

Finally you got to his office, as Sebastian opened it, you could see a young boy, with dark blue hair and a black eyepatch covering one of his eyes, you wondered why he had that.

Sebastian bowed and went next to the boy, and Sebastian's eyes shined a bright pink making you confused.

"I am Ciel Phantomhive. And you are..?" The boy asked with an relaxed expression on his face.

"I'm (Name) (Last Name)." You slightly curtisied smiling.

"You may be wondering how you got to this manor. Well, we found you fainted on middle of the streets, and Sebastian insisted to take you here, we kind of, need help... Would you like a job in my manor, (Name)?" He asked you waiting for your response.

"I would be glad to." You said calmly because you weren't a loud person at all, and you wanted to make a good impression for Ciel.

"Alright then, you may start tomorrow. Take this day to relax and have fun as well. You may exit." Ciel said while looking at his paperwork as he sighed.

You got out of his office but you didn't knew what to do. Down the stairs you could see Sebastian carrying broken plates that Mey-Rin broke, again. You chuckled and walked away from the sight. You could see a door open, and your curiosity won over your fear and you went inside. It was a beautiful room, bigger than the one you woke up this morning. It seemed like no one was inside so you began to explore the room. When you opened the wardrobe, you saw butler clothes.

'For fuck's sake.. this is Sebastian's room..'

As soon as you realized it was Sebastian's room you turned your gaze to the door, that was now closed. 'Did someone come in?!' You thought in panick trying to open the door, but it was locked.

"Oh my.. someone came into my room." A seductive and devilish voice said behind you.

'I won't look back, I won't look back.' You said to yourself terrifled.

"Look at me, I won't hurt you. How come you can be so attractive.. Hm..?" The voice said.

Your turned to face him, of course it was Sebastian, who else would it be.

You sighed and remained with an annoyed expression trying to calm yourself "Open this door now, it was an accident to come in your room. Now, open it, please."

"I am afraid I can't do it, (Name)." He said getting near your face.

You got nervous and tried to push him away, but you saw he had his hands on your waist.

He laughed and got his hands out of your waist "Oh well, I was teasing you a little, but next time, I won't let it pass this easy." He went near the door and opened it, like if it wasn't locked at all.

You just stood speechless and when you were about to say a word Sebastian interrupted you.

"I am simply one HELL of a b--."

"-itch." Ciel finished his sentence that was now in front of the room's door. "Now get out of here and go do your damn chores." Ciel said grunting and walking away from Sebastian and you.

'Damn Boochan' Sebastian mumbled and you giggled a bit and got out of the room as well.

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