Going Home

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Over the next few weeks, I filled the boys in a little bit more about my life up until I met them. I told them about all the friends I had lost over the years, whether it was because we drifted apart or because they had passed away. I also explained to them that the house I had grown up in had not sold since I left, so I technically still owned it. Figuring they might need some time away from the business, I suggested we take a road trip to Georgia, where the house was located. Sam and Dean were more than up for the time away. With their job, they almost never had more than a day or two off at one time. I convinced them to let the other hunters out there handle the supernatural for a couple of weeks. We packed up our belongings and took off on our first official vacation. Since Dean didn't want to stop for anything but gas and food, the three of us took turns driving. When we reached the outskirts of town, I felt a weird chill run through my body. Sam must have sensed something was wrong, because he turned to me and said, "You alright, babe?" "Yeah," I told him. "I just haven't been back here since..." "Lucifer," Dean cut in. "Right," I said. "Well you don't need to worry about that jackass anymore," Dean said. "I know, thank you," I smiled at him. "Take this right up here." Dean turned onto the street and followed it to the very end. Nana and Poppy's house looked just as I remembered it: warm and inviting. Dean parked in the driveway and shut the car off. "You ready for this?" Sam asked. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said. I pulled the key out of my pocket, got out of the car, and walked up to the front door. After I unlocked and opened the door, I walked inside and took a look around. Someone had been here after I had left. The place looked like it had been cleaned up pretty nice. I left in a hurry (obviously) two years ago, so I didn't exactly have time to clean up. It didn't take me long to figure out who had been there...it was my sister. Talk about another blast from the past! I found a note on the dining room table: Dear Sammi - Drew and I were in town and decided to stop by and see you, but you weren't here. I'm sorry we missed you, but I hope you are doing well. I think about you a lot and I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. I cut off a lot of people after I left here, and now I'm regretting every minute of it. I don't know if you heard, but mom passed about a year ago from cancer. I tried to get in touch with you to let you know, but the realtor didn't have any forwarding address or phone number for you. It looks as if you left in a hurry, so I took the liberty of cleaning the place up in case you decided to come home. Drew and I also stocked up on canned and boxed goods, seeing as they have a longer expiration date than perishables. By the time you get this, Drew and I will probably be back in Canada. I am leaving my address and phone number here for you. Please utilize them. I miss you, little sis. Love, Scarlett. It was dated from 2010, which means I was still living in that house when my mother passed away. I didn't blame Scarlett for not telling me when it first happened...it probably took the hospital some time to track her down. But I was in the phone book at that point in time, my address hadn't changed since mom left us there. Why wasn't I contacted?? Sam and Dean walked in and saw me reading the note, tears starting to well up in my eyes. "You alright, princess?" Dean asked. I handed him the note, which he took and read quietly while Sam looked on. "My mom died while I was still living here and no one told me," I said solemnly. Sam came over and held me in his arms. "I'm sorry, sweetie," he said. "Are you absolutely sure you were still here, though?" "Positive," I said. "The letter was dated August 2010. You guys didn't come into my life until about October of 2009." He hugged me tighter. "What can we do to cheer you up?" "According to the letter," I started, "my sister stocked up on some boxed and canned goods. Dean, would you mind finding something to cook up for us? I'm starving." "It would be my pleasure," Dean said with a smile as he disappeared into the kitchen. "Are you going to get a hold of your sister?" Sam asked me. "Most definitely," I told him. "I miss her too. But right now, I just want to kick back and relax with my boyfriend and his brother." He smiled that amazing smile of his and said, "That sounds like Heaven to me." We made our way through the living room and up the stairs to the bedrooms. I set mine and Sam's things down in the master bedroom, and put Dean's bags in the guest bedroom. Before we headed downstairs to see what Dean had fixed for dinner, I gave Sam a huge kiss and said, "Thank you so much for making this trip with me. You have no idea how much it means to have you and Dean here. It feels more like home when you two are around." Dean yelled from downstairs, "You two lovebirds better get down here while dinner is still hot!" Sam and I both laughed and went to join Dean for the first of many home-cooked meals...

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