(Almost) Deja Vu

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The boys and I had been at the house for almost a month, and I had learned far more about my family than I had ever expected. Sam and Dean had been having the time of their lives, taking a break from hunting to kick back and have a little fun. Dean had yet to fill us in on just how much longer of a hiatus he wished to take from work. For the time being, the three of us were just going to take it day by day and go find another form of excitement. "Amusement park?" Dean suggested. "Haven't you two gone there enough already?" I said with a smile. "You can never go to an amusement park too many times," Dean said. "Besides, you haven't had any fun since we got here." "Yes I have," I told him. "I've been enjoying finding out just who I am and where I came from." Dean rolled his eyes. "I meant REAL fun, princess." "Dean's right," Sam added. "We don't mind going back to the amusement park, especially if you come with us this time." It didn't take much to convince me that I was not going to win this argument. "Alright," I smiled. "Let's go have some fun at the amusement park." We jumped into the car and drove off. About 30 minutes later, we arrived at the park. After Dean found a parking space, the three of us purchased our tickets and made our way through the gates. "What would you like to do first?" I asked the boys. Dean's face lit up like a kid on Christmas, and it didn't take long for me to figure out why (especially since I saw where he was staring). "You two go ahead," I told them. "You know me and those kinds of coasters." "What if I hold your hand the entire ride?" Sam suggested. "That's sweet, babe," I said, "but I'm still going to have to pass. I'll be fine until you get through with your ride." I gave him a kiss and sent them both off on their roller coaster adventure. I spotted a booth where I could get custom souvenirs made, like shirts, hats, key chains, and license plates. As I was making my way over, I heard a noise that I could've sworn I had heard before. Instinctively, I jumped off to the side just in time to see an employee golf cart come racing by. Can we say deja vu?? At least I didn't get run over this time and have to get my one kidney replaced. Don't these people realize they are driving in an area where there is heavy traffic?? Would it really kill them to use their sad, pathetic excuse for a horn to let people know they are there? Or at least scream "coming through!" Once I regained my composure, I finished making my way to the souvenir booth. I browsed for a little while before deciding on inter-locking key chains. You know the ones I'm talking about...not the two halves of a heart, like best friends sometimes get, but the lock and key ones. I had them put my name on the heart, and Sam's name on the key. The girl who was making them let out a little chuckle, but I'm pretty sure it was because of the whole "Sam and Sammi" thing (unless she had seen my near accident with the golf cart). I thanked her, paid for my items, and then took off to see if the boys were done riding the roller coaster. Since I didn't see them, I figured they must have still been waiting in line. I decided to grab myself a drink and a funnel cake and I sat down at a nearby picnic table to indulge while I waited. I had eaten about a quarter of the funnel cake when I heard "Save some for me!!" I looked up and there were the boys heading my way. Dean sat down across from me and grabbed the plate from my hands. Sam sat down next to me and I offered him some of my drink, which he gladly accepted. "So how was your roller coaster experience?" I asked. "Awesome," Dean said, in between bites. Sam took another sip of my drink and asked, "What did you do, baby?" "Well, I went to the souvenir booth and had these made," I told him, handing him the key chains. He held them up and examined them. "These are really nice," he said. "And very thoughtful." He gave me a kiss and hooked his right to his key ring. "Oh," I said, "and one other thing...I almost got run over. AGAIN." Sam's eyes widened, Dean stopped eating and looked at me with that brotherly glare he uses with Sam constantly. "What???" Dean sounded pissed. "As I was walking to the souvenir booth," I told the boys. "I heard this sound that sounded eerily familiar, so I jumped off to the side, and sure enough, this guy raced past in one of those employee golf carts." Sam was still speechless, but Dean looked ready to explode. "What is wrong with these pricks???" he said. "Don't they realize there are hundreds of people walking around? Did you see the guy's face? Could you point him out?" "Relax, Dean," I said. "I didn't get hurt this time, I'm fine. Let's just go have some fun." "You two go have fun," Dean said. "I'll meet you back here in a little while." He got up and left the table without saying another word. I looked over at Sam, who was still not talking. "Sweetheart?" I said. "Talk to me, please. You're freaking me out a little over here." "You're sure you're alright?" he asked. "Yes," I assured him. "I'm fine. I got out of the way this time." He gave me a great big hug and said, "Thank you again for the key chain. I love it." I smiled. "You're welcome, baby. Where do you think your brother disappeared to?" "If I had to guess," Sam started, "he went to find the security office to complain." "I told him I was fine," I said. "Yes, but this isn't the first amusement park where something like this has happened," Sam reminded me. "Plus, it's his brotherly instinct. He would have done it either way." I just nodded in agreement. "How about you and I go find some rides that we both will enjoy?" Sam suggested. "That sounds like fun to me," I said, as I took his hand. Out of all the nights we had been in Georgia so far, this one was turning out to be my most favorite one yet!

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