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A week after my sister and Drew stopped by, I started counting down the days until the cast was supposed to come off my arm. I had lost track at one point, but I was absolutely certain now that it was only a matter of 10 days. Little did I know that I would be back in the hospital sooner than I expected, but for a completely different reason. The day started out like any other, with me snuggled up on the couch watching television, but this time I was joined by my beloved Sam. He had decided to stay back and keep me company while Dean went on another hunt with my Dad. Lucky for us, Dean had hitched a ride with Dad and left Baby with us (in case you haven't caught on yet, we've had many unfortunate events over the years). Anyway, we were about halfway through whatever movie we had been watching when Sam said, "I'm a little thirsty, sweetie. Do you want anything?" "Let me go and get it," I offered. "What would you like?" "Surprise me," he said with a smile. I got up off the couch and started toward the kitchen, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I felt a sharp shooting pain in my right side of my stomach. "What's wrong, baby?" Sam asked. I wanted to tell him, but the pain was getting worse, and I dropped to my knees, clinging to my side with my one good hand. I heard Sam jump up off the couch and run toward me. He knelt by my side and asked, "Are you having some sort of pain?" I nodded, then said, "I think I'm going to be sick." Sam shot up and ran to the kitchen, returning shortly after with a bucket. "I would say maybe it was something you ate, but if the pain is that intense, it may be something else," Sam said. I couldn't do anything but nod, and right at that moment I started vomiting. The pain seemed to be intensifying, and I felt like I was about to pass out. When I had finished getting sick, I managed to tell Sam, "I think I need to go to the hospital," right before I actually passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed, Sam sitting by my side. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Did they figure out what is causing my pain?" "Not yet," he said. "They ran some tests. They're supposed to be coming back shortly." He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead. "I hope I'm not coming down with some virus," I said. "I hate being sick." The doctor returned a few moments later. "We've determined the cause of your pain," he said. "Your appendix has started to rupture. We're going to need to get you into an operating room and perform an appendectomy." "Are you kidding me?" I asked. "This is so my luck." "The quicker we get you in, the less damage it will do to your insides," the doctor warned. I looked at Sam and said, "Call my Dad. Let him and Dean know what's going on." "I will, sweetie," he said, kissing my forehead again. "I'll be right here when you get out of surgery." The doctor and a nurse wheeled me out of the room and down the hall. Once they got me settled in the operating room, the anesthesiologist placed an IV line in my arm and said, "The medicine in this bag here is a sedative. I need you to start counting down from 100." I remember getting to about 96 before passing out completely. Once again when I woke up, I was in a regular room, Sam sitting by my side. He greeted me with a "How do you feel, baby?" "Like I just had surgery," I told him. "Did you call Dad and Dean?" "I did," he said. "They are on their way to see you." "Awesome," I said, still groggy from the sedative. "I wonder how long the recuperation period is for this one." The doctor walked in at that moment and said, "You only have to stay in the hospital for about three days. After that, just take it easy for about two weeks and you'll be back to your old self in no time." Sam shook the doctor's hand and said, "Thanks so much for taking care of my girl." "It's my job," the doctor told him. "Just be thankful you caught it in time. The damage could have been so much worse. I'm going to give you this prescription for Percocet for any pain and discomfort. If you have any other issues, make sure you come back and see us again." He handed the prescription paper to Sam and left the room. "On the bright side, my cast comes off in 10 days," I said with a smile. "How long do you think it will take Dad and Dean to get here?" "Not long at all," I heard Dad say. I looked toward the door and there they were, just walking in. "What the hell, princess?" Dean said. "You just can't catch a break, can you?" "How are you feeling, pumpkin?" Dad asked. "Like she just had surgery," Sam replied. "At least that's the answer I got." "I feel like I'm still a bit high from the sedative," I admitted. "I'm surprised I haven't broken into a fit of laughter yet." Dad and Dean took turns kissing my forehead, then dad asked, "What exactly happened?" "I was just walking to the kitchen to get us some drinks, and I felt a sharp pain on my right side," I said. "Next thing I know, I fell to the floor, started getting sick, and asked Sam to bring me here." "The doctor said we're lucky we caught it when we did," Sam added. "Her appendix had started to rupture. He said if we had waited any longer, there would have been severe internal damage." "Guess it was a good thing I left the car home today," Dean said. "With my track record, yeah," I said. "It was a great idea." "We're just glad you're alright," Dad said. "How long do you have to stay in the hospital?" "Three days," I told him. "Then I have to take it easy for two weeks while the surgery scar heals." "Looks like we get to spoil you for just a little while longer," Dean said. "I've actually started to get used to it," I told him. "I might keep getting hurt just so you can keep spoiling me." Dean, Sam, and Dad all looked at each other, then at me, and the four of us burst into laughter. "You've had a rough day, pumpkin," Dad said. "Get some sleep. I'll come back and see you tomorrow." He gave me another kiss on the forehead, shook Sam and Dean's hands and left. "I think I'm going to get going too," Dean said. "Jim and I had one hell of a day, although not as hellish as yours, princess. You staying here, Sammy?" Sam handed Dean his car keys and said, "Did you really have to ask?" Dean smiled, then looked at me and said, "Take it easy, princess. I'll see you in the morning." Shortly after Dean left, I turned to Sam and said, "You're not going to sleep in that chair, are you?" "I don't exactly have many options, sweetie," he answered. I moved over and said, "Get up here next to me. I think cuddling will help me get to sleep easier tonight." Sam joined me on the bed, wrapped his arms around me carefully, and soon after I drifted off to dreamland.

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