Trapped (Part 1)

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Days after my experience at the amusement park, the boys and I were spending a quiet day at the house. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I decided to go up to my room and take a nap. I fell asleep for what felt like an hour or two, but when I looked over at the clock, it was more like four. I figured Sam might have joined me, seeing as he was feeling a little tired himself, but I woke up alone. I made my way back downstairs to see what the boys were up to, but they were nowhere to be found. I peered out the window and the car was gone. Figuring they must have gotten hungry, I walked into the kitchen to get myself a drink of water and a snack, and that's where I found the note explaining that the boys had gone out for a few hours. I took my glass and my snack and headed back out to the living room to watch some television when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I turned around to see where it came from, but it obviously did not come from the room I was in. Maybe it was next door? I decided to get up and walk around the first floor, since it did not sound like it came from upstairs. I walked toward the back door and saw a rock and some glass on the floor and one of the windows in the door frame had been busted. Great. Some punk kids thought they would get a laugh at my expense. I walked around to the kitchen to grab the broom and dustpan, but instead found myself staring down the barrel of a gun. I looked up at the person holding it...this kid couldn't have been more than 17 or 18. Did he want money? Was he looking to score drugs? "Can I help you with something?" I offered politely. "Do you need money or something? Are you lost? What's your deal?" "Shut up!!" He screamed at me. "Hey, you broke into MY house buddy," I snapped. "The least you can do is tell me why." "The diamond," he said. "Where is it?" "What diamond?" I asked. "What the hell are you talking about?" "The diamond that was stolen from my family years ago," he said. "It took my father years to figure out who took it, and now I'm here to collect." "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," I told him. "He tracked it back to this address," the young man said. "Someone named Jacob Carmichael. Where is he and where is my family's diamond?" "Surely you're mistaken," I told him. "Jacob Carmichael was my grandfather, but he's dead. I have lived here pretty much my whole life and I don't know anything about any diamond." "You're lying!" he screamed. "I assure you I am not," I said. "Leave now, and I won't tell anyone else about this little encounter." He obviously did not take me seriously, because next thing I know I felt that gun's handle hit the side of my head. I fell to the ground, holding my head in pain. "There was no need for that, you ass!" I yelled at him. "I tried to be nice. Now you're going to pay." I started to crawl toward the wall where the phone was hanging, but he grabbed my legs and pinned me down. I watched as he grabbed some duct tape from his coat pocket and used it to bound my legs and then my arms. He threw one last piece over my mouth and then carried me outside to poppy's old work shed. Throwing me down in one corner of the shed, he looked around for any sign of a lock or something to barricade me in there with. Lucky for him, poppy had all kinds of locks just lying around (having to hide his hunting secret from us, it did not surprise me one bit). He grabbed one of the combination locks, slammed the doors shut, and clicked the lock into place. I listened carefully for the sound of Dean's car pulling into the driveway, but no such luck. Instead, I could hear things being thrown around my house in this guy's desperate attempt to find his precious diamond. I sat helplessly in the corner of the shed hoping the boys would show up and catch this guy in the act. I watched through a small window on the opposite side of the shed as the sunlight turned to night. Had I really been sitting in that shed for hours?? And where in the world had the boys disappeared to? They should have been home by now. I listened again to see if I could hear the car pulling into the driveway. At least the noises inside the house had stopped, so either the guy had found what he was looking for or he gave up and left. Since I was still feeling sick, I must have passed out of exhaustion because the next thing I remember hearing was the boys' voices screaming for me. "Sammi!!" Sam's voice rang out. "Where are you, princess??" Dean yelled. I tried to lead them to me in the shed, but the duct tape over my mouth was making it hard for me to answer them. Maybe I could somehow slither close to the door and kick at it to make my whereabouts known? Lucky for me, poppy had used concrete as the foundation for the shed, not wood, so there would be no chance of splinters. I dropped onto my stomach and rolled toward the shed door. Halfway there, I felt myself roll over something hard and pointy. Rolling onto my side, I looked over and noticed an old butterfly knife lying on the ground next to me. Samantha Weston was about to turn into MacGyver....

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