Once Upon A Time

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The next few days after my encounter with my father were a little rough, not just for me but also for Sam and Dean. It wasn't intentional, but I became a little distant, I didn't really want to talk, and I would cry myself to sleep. I had come this far without any indication of what happened to my dad, and I actually came to terms with it years ago and moved on. So why, all of a sudden, had the universe brought him back into my life? Was it because my mom was no longer with us? I was so confused by everything. Sam and Dean felt so helpless, because all they wanted to do was talk to me and find out the story behind what had happened all those years ago. About a week after seeing my father, I finally decided to sit the boys down and begin telling them my story. "Hey," I said, walking toward where Sam and Dean were sitting. "Good morning, baby," Sam said with a smile. "How are you feeling today?" "Still a little confused about everything," I said. "But I'm ready to talk. I want to tell you my side of the story. I have to warn you, though, it will take a while to explain everything." "Rome wasn't built in a day," Dean said. "And you're not leaving us any time soon." I laughed. "Very true. Ah, where to start, though." Sam kissed my forehead and said, "How about the very beginning?" "Fair enough," I smiled. "My name is Samantha Weston. I was born April 24, 1983 in some southern town, the second born daughter of James and Mia. My father was in the military, so like you guys, we were always on the move." Dean looked at Sam and said, "You got yourself an older woman, Sammy boy." They both laughed, and Sam said, "She has me by eight days. Big deal." I laughed and said, "Should I continue?" "Please, sweetie," Sam replied. "When I was eight, my father came home one day and told my mom that he was leaving her. He claimed that he had been unhappy for quite some time and that he needed to find himself. My sister and I were outside playing and we overheard them talking. We also happened to notice a younger woman sitting in the passenger seat of dad's car, smiling and waving at us. We may have been young, but my sister and I were not dumb by any means. We knew what was really going on." "Daddy had found a new love," Dean said. "Precisely," I responded. "He gave us each a kiss on the cheek and promised he would keep in touch, but he drove off that day and we never heard from him again." Sam put an arm around me and said, "I'm so sorry, baby." "Well as you probably heard the other day, shortly after dad left my mom went nuts. She packed up everything we owned, drove us to my nana and poppy's house, dropped me and Scarlett there, and a few years later, she just up and left. We never knew where she went, and we never asked. We both knew she was hurting as much as we were. My sister and I stayed with our grandparents until we were old enough to be out on our own. She met a guy, moved to Canada, and got married, and I went off to college." "Is that where you were when we saved you?" Dean asked. "No," I said. "I only went to a two year college. The place I was living when you found me was my grandparents place. I moved back after college to help grandma care for grandpa. He passed shortly after my return, and she checked in to an assisted living facility. She left the house and half of her fortune to me." "So you own a house?" Sam asked. "Yes," I answered. "But I put it up for sale shortly before my encounter with Lucifer. I lived alone in a three bedroom house. I didn't need all that room. I was in the process of looking into apartments when you guys came into my life." "We have great timing," Dean said, smiling. I laughed. "That you do. Anyway, now you understand why attempting this relationship with my dad is going to be a little difficult. He had 21 years to find me and give me his side of the story. He missed so many birthdays, Christmases, and other milestones. A part of me feels like he doesn't deserve to know me, but the other part never stopped loving him. He is my father, after all." "And you have a heart of gold," Sam said, flashing me that gorgeous smile of his. "It's both a blessing and a curse," I agreed. "Has he contacted you since your meeting at the jail?" Dean asked. "He has," I said. "He called me two days after, while you two were out on a hunt. We talked for a little while, but he is completely respecting my wishes and taking it slow." "It's a start, right?" Sam said. "It is," I told them. "Who knows? We could get back on good terms, but it will never be the same as it was. I'm at a new chapter in my life now, I have a whole new family that I absolutely love and adore." I smiled at the boys, who both returned the gesture. Dean suggested we go out for a nice dinner that night, so we all got a little dressed up and headed into town looking for something better than a diner. As we were driving, I was thinking to myself that once upon a time I had wished things with my family had turned out a little differently. Now I was starting to finally understand why people always say things happen for a reason....

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