The Call

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About a week after I talked to Scarlett about our brother, Declan, I was relaxing in my bed, watching a movie. The boys were out getting some groceries because I requested a nice, home cooked meal (I was getting tired of diner food and take out). I was getting ready to get up and get myself a cold drink when my cell phone decided to ring. I checked the caller ID, but the number was not one I recognized. I usually let these kinds of calls go to voice mail, but I figured what harm could it do to answer it. The worst it could possibly be was someone trying to sell me something, or someone trying to collect money from me. "Hello?" I answered. "Sammi," the male voice on the other end said. "Is it really you?" "This is Samantha Weston," I said. "Can I help you?" "I can't believe I'm finally talking to you," he said. "I've been trying to track you down for years." "Wait a minute," I paused for a moment before uttering my next word, "Declan???" "Ah," he said. "So my little firecracker does remember her big brother." "Only because I talked to Scarlett last week about you," I admitted. "I'm staying at Nana and Poppy's house and I found an old family photo of the five of us. I only remembered growing up with Scar, so I called her and she told me all about you." "Well you WERE only 4 when I got sent away," Declan said. "It's not your fault you couldn't remember much. How have you been?" "Pretty good, considering I spent half my life alone," I told him. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, after dad left when I was 8, mom brought us here to Nana and Poppy's," I said. "Mom left shortly after and left Scar and me with Nana and Poppy. They raised us. After Scar left for school, Poppy got sick. I had to help Nana care for him until he passed. Nana decided she wanted to go live in an assisted living facility until she passed, so I lived here by myself for about 6 years." "Neither mom nor dad ever came back for you?" Declan asked. "Mom died of cancer a few years back," I said. "At least that's what Scarlett told me. Dad and I have reconnected in the past few months, but no. Neither of them ever came back for me." "So are you still living by yourself now?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Actually, no," I said. "And I don't live here full time anymore. I was attacked about two years ago by this guy who thought he was God or something. Luckily, these two brothers who keep psychos like him off the streets were in town the night it happened. They saved my life, and I have been living with them ever since." "So you're living with two cops?" Declan sounded confused. "Something like that," I said. I didn't know if he knew about Poppy and Dad's profession or not, so I didn't elaborate. "Since that night, I have had numerous other encounters with crazy people. A few of them almost killed me, but Sam and Dean took care of them." "Sounds like you've been keeping pretty busy," he teased. "Ha ha," I replied. "Oh, and did I mention that I'm also engaged?" "Congratulations!" he said. "My little firecracker is all grown up. I am so sorry that I couldn't contact you sooner. I asked Scarlett for an address to write to you, but she didn't know where you wound up after she left for school." "It's alright," I told him. "I'm just glad she kept her word and gave you my number. If you ever get the urge to write me, though, you can send your letters to Nana and Poppy's address. Like I said, I don't live here full time, but I will get them eventually." "That sounds like a plan to me," he said. "So where are you living now?" I asked him. "Scarlett said last she knew, you were in Vancouver." "I'm still in Canada," he said. "Living in Ontario now. And before you say anything, yes I know Scarlett lives here in Canada and yes, I do plan on going to visit her. I just got off the phone with her before I called you." "That's great!" I said. "She misses you so much." "And I miss her too," Declan said. "I would eventually love to come and see you, too, Sammi. If that's alright with you." "Of course it's alright," I told him. "We'll make plans whenever it's convenient for you." "Your fiance and his brother wouldn't mind?" he asked. "Not at all," I said. "If anyone is all about family, it's Sam and Dean." "Awesome," he said. "It's been great catching up with you, Sammi, but I'm afraid I have to go for now. I'm sure Scarlett told you that I was sent to military school?" "She mentioned it," I replied. "Well, I decided to stick with the military," he told me. "We have drills every day, three times a day. It's almost that time." "I understand," I said. "It was wonderful talking to you, Declan. Please keep in touch as often as you can." "I will, my little firecracker," he said. "You take care of yourself, Sammi. I love you, sis." "Stay safe," I told him right before he disconnected. I almost forgot that I had started to get up because I was thirsty, until my throat started to tingle. I continued out the door and down the stairs, just in time to be met by the boys coming back from their shopping trip. "Did you two buy out the entire store?" I teased. "We just found a lot of stuff that we both liked," Dean admitted. "What are you doing out of bed?" "I was thirsty," I told him. "I was about to get myself a drink when my phone rang. I'm finally now coming to get that drink." "Was it Dad or Scarlett?" Sam asked. "Neither," I said. "It was my brother." "The brother you just found out about last week?" Dean asked. "One and the same," I said. "I had told Scarlett that if she heard from him again to give him my number. Apparently, he's been trying to find a way to contact me for years. Since Scarlett didn't know how to contact me until recently, he'd been unsuccessful." "Was it weird talking to him?" Sam asked me. "At first," I admitted. "But I'm glad I got the opportunity. I told him to keep in touch as much as he can. He's in the military. He decided to stick with it after school was done." "Sounds like you had another educational day," Sam said with a smile. "All this excitement is making me hungry," Dean added. "How about I go cook us up a nice lasagna?" "Sounds wonderful," I said, as I finally got myself that long awaited drink.

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