Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

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"Wake up, lazy bums," I heard Dean say. "It's Christmas morning!" I rolled over in the bed and opened my eyes to see Dean standing in the doorway, coffee in hand. "What time is it?" Sam asked. "Eight o' clock," Dean replied. I jumped up so fast, you would have thought the house was on fire. "My dad is supposed to be here in half an hour!" I said. "Calm down, sweetie," Sam said. "You look fine. Besides, it's your dad. You don't have to dress to impress." "There's more coffee downstairs," Dean added. "Come on down and have some. Wake yourself up a little more." The three of us made our way down to the kitchen, and I poured coffee for myself and Sam. We had just sat down to drink when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Dean said. "You two enjoy your coffee." He disappeared for a few minutes, then returned with Dad in tow. "You're early," I told him. "I have to meet Marissa at her brother's house by noon," he said. "He lives about two hours from here, so I figured I'd get an earlier start than originally planned." "Would you like some coffee, Jim?" Sam asked. "I would," Dad said. "I can help myself, though." Dad made himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to me at the table. "I like your tree," he told me. "Sam and Dean did all the decorating," I said. "I was alone for so long that I basically stopped celebrating Christmas. But thanks to the boys, that's about to change. It's slowly starting to become my favorite holiday." "Whose ready for presents?" Dean asked. Sam, Dad, and I got up from the table and followed him into the living room. I grabbed my gifts from under the tree and handed one to each of them (I wrapped Dean's two gifts together in one box). "Merry Christmas, boys," I said. "You didn't have to get my anything, pumpkin," Dad said. "Yes I did," I told him. "You're my dad." "Well you certainly didn't have to get me anything," Sam told me. "Yeah, right," I said. "You're the one person I KNEW I had to get something for. You get me little gifts here and there all the time. It's only fair." "So who wants to open their gift first?" Dean asked the other two. "I guess I will," Dad said. Me and the boys watched as Dad unwrapped his gift and opened up the box. He took the jacket out, held it up and said, "Wow. This is is absolutely beautiful, pumpkin. I love it. Thank you." "You're welcome," I told him. "You looked like you could use a new one." I turned to Dean and said, "You next." Dean ripped the paper off his gift, opened the box, and let out a shriek of joy. "You got me my two favorite things!" he said, holding up the blanket first and then the shirt. "Cars and pie. Thank you so much, princess." I smiled at him and then turned to Sam. "You're up," I told him. Sam unwrapped his gift and popped open the lid of the box. He sat there for a moment, completely speechless, his mouth wide open in amazement. "I think he likes it," Dean said. "This is absolutely gorgeous," Sam finally said, as he turned the box around to show Dad and Dean. "How did you know I needed a new watch?" "A little birdie told me," I said, smiling. "That is a real beauty," Dad agreed. "It must have cost you a fortune." "Sam is priceless to me, Dad," I told him. "Besides, it's the thought that counts," Dean added. "Touche," Dad said. Sam pulled me towards him and gave me a big hug and kiss. "Thank you, baby. It's perfect." I smiled and said, "Glad you like it." Dean passed three boxes in my direction and said, "Your turn now, princess." I grabbed the first box and read the tag. "This one's from Dad," I said as I tore the paper off. I popped the box open and found a beautiful locket inside. "Open it up," Dad told me. I popped the locket open and saw a picture of Mom, Dad, Declan, and Scarlett on the left side. The right side contained a photo of Nana and Poppy. "Now you'll always have your family with you wherever you go," Dad said. I got up and gave him a big hug. "Thank you, Dad. It's perfect." "Would you like help putting it on, sweetie?" Sam asked. I handed him the necklace, held my hair up, and turned my back to him so he could fasten it around my neck. "Open mine next," Dean said, pointing to the next present. I picked up the gift and unwrapped it. I opened the box and threw aside the tissue paper, revealing a beautiful gemstone bracelet. "Oh Dean," I said in shock. "This is absolutely stunning!" I took it out and placed it around my wrist. "That's an interesting combination of stones," Dad remarked. "It is," I agreed. "However, it represents my bond with the boys. My gemstone is diamond, Sam's is emerald, and Dean's is garnet." "Now that is a really thoughtful gift," Dad said in awe. "I try," Dean joked. "I'm afraid to open this last one," I teased. Sam just rolled his eyes. I ripped the paper, and opened the box. Inside was a photo album. I took the album out and started flipping the pages. Every page had a picture of me and Sam, and next to each picture was a caption telling when the photo was taken. "I secretly had Dean take pictures of us together shortly after we met," Sam explained. "As you can see, I wrote down exactly when each photo was taken and what the occasion was." "This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me," I told him. "It's like you documented our entire relationship so far. I love it." Sam smiled. "I couldn't think of anything else to give you. You're always saying you already have everything you could ever want." "I honestly do," I said. "I have the three of you AND I'm finally getting to know who I am and where I came from. Who could ask for anything more than that?" I knew at that moment that this was just one of many awesome Christmases I would be spending with my boys.

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