It Comes With the Territory

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If you're keeping up with my adventures, you know many things about my life thus far. You know that I live with Sam and Dean Winchester, and you know that they hunt the supernatural. You also know that my father is a hunter, and the boys go on hunts with him from time to time despite being on a hiatus from work. Furthermore, you're aware of the fact that I have slowly started to learn a little more about who I am and who my family is, and that I have now re-connected with my older sister AND met my older brother (who is Scarlett's twin) whom I didn't even know existed until recently. Plus, we had ANOTHER brother who would have been 3 years older than the twins if he hadn't been killed during one of Dad's hunting trips. That being said, I have stressed over and over again just how dangerous the work my dad and the boys do is. I have been a victim of several attacks by supernatural forces, and the boys have both been brought back from the dead at least once. So I shouldn't have been surprised when I got a phone call from my father one day telling me that I needed to meet them at the hospital as soon as possible. I knew it had to be serious because I attempted to ask him what happened and he hung up before I had the chance. When the boys go hunting with Dad, he always picks them up and Dean leaves Baby (his car for anyone who doesn't know) with me in case an emergency comes up or I just need to get out of the house. I ran out of the house, hopped in the car, and raced to the hospital. After searching for about twenty minutes for a parking space, I parked and ran as fast I could to the emergency entrance. In my mind I was wondering which of the boys had been hurt this time, but it didn't take long to figure out once I saw my dad and Dean waiting for me. Pardon my french, but the words "fuck no!" came to mind. "Where is he?!" I was panicking. "What happened? Why Sam? No, no, no!" Dean put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Calm down, princess. We're not going to tell you anything until you calm down. Panicking only makes matters worse." "Why don't we take her over to a quiet area, have her sit down, and then tell her what's going on?" Dad suggested. So the three of us found a quiet section where we could be alone, sat down, and I got myself in check. "Are we good now?" Dean asked. I let out a deep breath and said, "Yes, we're good now." "Before we tell you anything," Dad started, "keep in mind that our job comes with side effects. You've personally experienced some yourself." "I know," I said. "Just tell me what happened." "We were attacked by a group of creatures that can only be described as a cross between a snake and a lizard." Dean said. "But they also had some human features," Dad chimed in. "We killed two of the three, but the third one got away." "So what does this have to do with Sam being here in the hospital?" I asked. "Well," said Dad, "while we were searching for the third being, it crept up behind us and bit Sam's shoulder." "How bad is it?" I asked. "The bite itself wasn't that big," Dean answered. "But like most snakes, these creatures secrete venom when they strike." "So Sam was poisoned by venom?" I concluded. "Yes," Dad answered. "We killed the last creature and brought him straight here." "How far away were you?" I asked. "From the hospital, I mean. Long enough that the venom could have a lasting effect on him??" "It was about twenty minutes," Dean said. "The doctors think we got him here in just enough time. They see a lot of snake bites in this town, so they have the anti-venom available." "So now we wait," Dad said. I looked at Dean, tears starting to form, and said, "Sam has been through so much worse than this, right? He's going to be ok. Please tell me he's going to be ok." He wrapped his arms around me to hug me and said, "He's a fighter. He'll be alright, princess." We waited for quite some time to hear anything from the doctors. Dad and Dean left for a while to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. They had asked me if I wanted to join them, or if I wanted them to bring me anything back, but I was too upset to eat. I just wanted to know what was going on with my Sam. I was still sitting in the waiting area by myself when a doctor finally showed up. It was the same doctor who had treated me for both my arm AND my appendectomy, so he knew who I was there to see. He walked up to me and said, "Your boyfriend is one very lucky man. The other two gentlemen got him here in record time. We had to pump him with a lot of anti-venom, but he's going to be just fine. He's resting now, but you're welcome to go in and see him whenever you're ready." "Thank you so much," I replied. The doctor returned back to the nurse's station to file paperwork just as Dean and Dad had returned from their cafeteria trip. "Any news yet?" Dean asked. "The doctor said you two got Sam here in record time. He's pumped up with a lot of anti-venom, but he's going to be fine. He's resting now, but we're allowed to go see him." "I told you he was a fighter," Dean said. "Why don't you go first, honey?" Dad suggested. "We'll wait out here," Dean agreed. "Give you two some time alone." I nodded and made my way down the hall to Sam's hospital room. He looked so peaceful lying there, so I attempted to quietly maneuver around the bed and take a seat in the chair next to his bed. I didn't notice that my shoelace had come untied, and I wound up tripping over it and falling right onto the bed. So much for trying to be discreet and letting the poor man get some rest. He opened his eyes and said, "Hey baby. Are you alright?" "I tripped over my stupid shoelace," I told him, feeling myself start to tear up again. "There's no need to cry," he said with a smile. "You didn't hurt me." "That's not why I'm crying," I told him. "I'm just relieved that you're ok. When Dad called and said I had to get down here as quickly as possible, with no explanation, I assumed the worst. I know injuries come with the job, but I'm still getting used to it." "Come here," Sam said, arms wide open. I laid down on his chest and allowed him to hold me. "It's going to take some time to get used to these flaws of our job," he told me. "But you will get used to them, and you will learn to handle them like a pro. I promise." "I'm just thankful that Dean and my dad got you here in record time," I said, looking up at him. "You're alive because of them." "Remind me to thank them later," he said, flashing that awesome smile of his. I laid my head back down on his chest while he ran his fingers through my hair. Sam was right; I would eventually start handling these situations like a pro. It would just take some time, that's all.

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