Family Matters

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After my "act of heroism", I made it my mission to go down to the hospital to see how Gavin's mom was holding up. I waited two days...I wanted to give her a little time to recuperate before I invaded her privacy. I picked up a pretty bouquet of mixed flowers at the gift shop and headed toward the information desk. "Hi," I said to the receptionist. "I'm here to see the accident victim who was brought in two days ago." "Are you family?" she asked. "No," I replied. "I'm the one who called 911, though." "The girl who saved the baby!" she said in excitement. "You're a legend around here. She's in room 205. Go down the hall and to your right." "Thank you," I said with a smile. I waited a few moments before heading down to her room. I know you're thinking I was a little nervous because I didn't know this girl, but that wasn't the case at all...I was waiting for Sam, who had driven me there and was parking the car. I wasn't waiting long when Sam joined me and said, "You ready for this, babe?" "I was born ready," I teased. We walked hand in hand down the hall and to the right until I saw the numbers 205 on the wall outside the door. "I'll wait out here," Sam said and took a seat right next to the room. I stepped just inside the room and knocked on the door. The girl in the bed looked up at me and I said, "Hi. You might not remember me, but..." She cut me off and said, "You were the girl at my accident scene. The one who saved my son." She smiled and I saw tears starting to roll down her face. "Oh please don't do that," I begged her. "I'm sure they are happy tears, but you're going to get me started, too." "Thank you so much for being there," she told me. "My name is Jordan." She extended her arm to shake my hand, and I gladly accepted. "My name is Samantha," I told her. "But you can call me Sammi. I got these for you." I handed her the flowers, which she happily took from my hands. "They're beautiful, thank you," Jordan said. "Please, sit down." I took a seat next to her bed and said, "So how are you feeling? Hopefully you didn't sustain too many injuries?" "The doctors said I was very lucky," Jordan said. "I only suffered a mild concussion and a broken nose from the impact of my air bag." "You must have had an angel looking out for you and Gavin," I told her. "How is he, by the way?" "He's absolutely perfect," she replied. "Most of the impact was in the front by me. He didn't have one scratch on him." "I'm happy to hear that," I said with a smile. "Thank you for keeping him calm while the paramedics were saving me," she said. "He's such a happy baby," I told her. "He wasn't even crying when I found him. And honestly, you're the real hero. I wouldn't have known he was in the car with you if you hadn't said anything." "Do you have kids?" she asked me. "No," I said. "I just recently got engaged." "Congratulations," she said. "Do you think you'll ever have kids? You're so good with them, from what the paramedics told me." Knowing Sam was right outside, probably listening to every word, made it a little awkward, but I wasn't going to lie to the girl. "I would love to have children someday," I said. "As long as it's in the cards for me. Life has a plan for everyone, you know?" "That it does," she agreed. "I'm just glad you and your son are both alright," I said. "I don't want to take up any more of your time. I'm sure you have relatives who want to come visit you. Besides, I don't want to keep my fiance waiting too long." "He's here with you?" she asked. "He's actually right outside the door," I told her. "He probably heard every word I said." "Why didn't you bring him in?" she laughed. "I wasn't sure you'd even remember me," I admitted, smiling. Then I said, "I know you can hear us, Sam. Come on in and say hello to Jordan." Sam walked in and gave Jordan's hand a shake. "You're looking better than the first time I saw you," he told her. "Feeling much better too," she said with a smile. "Sam and Sammi, huh?" We both just gave her a smile and I said, "Not like we planned it that way." All three of us laughed and then Jordan looked at Sam. "I hope you treat her well. She is one awesome woman." "That she is," he said, looking in my direction and smiling. We heard a knock on the door, and in walked an older woman, who I guessed was Jordan's mother, carrying Gavin in her arms. "There's my little man!" Jordan said with a smile. "Mama, this is Sammi and her fiance, Sam. Sammi is the one who made the call that saved my life. She's also the one who saved Gavin." Her mom walked over to me, Gavin still in her arms and gave me a hug. She whispered a "thank you" in my ear, then backed away and went to hand Gavin over to Jordan. "Let Sammi say hello," Jordan insisted. Gavin looked right at me and reached out with his little arms. I took him from Jordan's mom and said, "Hey there little guy! I guess you remember me." He smiled and cooed as I tickled his little tummy. Sam watched with a sense of pride as I played with Gavin for a few minutes. Jordan and her mom would giggle every time I made a funny face at him. The entire time I was looking at Gavin, all I could think was how lucky he and Jordan were that I had decided to sit outside that day. They were both still here because of crazy does that sound?? I handed Gavin to Jordan and said, "I really am so glad that you're both alright. I'll let the three of you have some family time." I turned to her mom and said, "It was nice to meet you." She smiled and said, "You too." "Before you go," Jordan said, "Would you find it odd of me to ask you for your phone number? I believe that we meet people for a reason, and I would really love to keep in contact with the woman who saved mine and Gavin's lives." "It's not odd at all," I said, smiling. I grabbed a pen out of my pocket and wrote my number down on a piece of paper I found sitting on the table next to her bed. "Call me any time," I told her. "Thank you," she said. "And it was nice meeting you, Sam." "Nice meeting you too," he said. "Take care now." As Sam and I walked out to the car, he turned to me and said, "You were really great with Gavin." "Thank you, babe," I said. "I've always loved kids. There's just something about them that makes my heart melt." "Watching you with Gavin made MY heart melt," Sam said with a smile. "You're going to make an awesome mom someday." "I am?" I asked. "You mean you want kids?" "Of course I do," he said. "I don't plan on hunting forever, but if Dean and I have to keep hunting, we'll find a way to balance work and family." "If I didn't have one broken arm right now, I would jump up into your arms and give you the biggest hug," I told him. "Will you settle for a kiss?" he asked. "With pleasure," I said, smiling from ear to ear.

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