An Unexpected Visit

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About a week after visiting with Jordan and Gavin, the boys and I were spending a day at the house, relaxing and watching some action movies (Dean's choice). Since it had been a while since I had done research on my family history, I was debating on whether I wanted to go back through some of Nana's old things. What other crazy things could I possibly find out about my family? I was about to excuse myself to go upstairs when the doorbell rang. Dean started to get up to answer it, but I told him, "I got this," and walked over to the front door. I peered through the side window and almost fell over in disbelief. It had been years since I'd seen the face, but I'd recognize my sister anywhere. I opened the door and there stood Scarlett with a guy I just knew had to be her husband, Drew. "Sammi girl!" she screamed as she gave me a hug. "Well this is a nice surprise," I said, as I hugged her with my one good arm. "What are you guys doing in the United States?" Drew decided to answer that one. "Your sister and I had a few friends that wanted us to come visit, so we made a stop over in Georgia on our way back to Canada." "How'd you guys know I'd still be here?" I asked. "We could have left by now." "Lucky guess," Scarlett said, as I closed the door behind them. "It really is so great to see you after so long." "Same here," I told her. "And it's finally nice to meet you, Drew." He held out his hand for me to shake and said, "Nice to meet you too." By this point, Sam and Dean had gotten up and walked over to where we were standing. I wasted no time with the introductions, saying, "Scarlett and Drew, meet Sam and Dean." Hands were extended and shaken, and then Scarlett said to Sam, "So you're the one who captured my sister's heart?" "It was the other way around, actually," Sam said, smiling. "It took a while for your sister to realize she felt the same way." "I'd been alone for years," I said. "Can you really blame me?" I flashed him a smile, which he reciprocated, and I gestured for everyone to follow me into the dining room. "I'll go and get some drinks," I offered, but Dean stopped me. "Stay here with your sister and brother-in-law, princess," he said. "I'll go get the drinks." Dean disappeared into the kitchen, so I sat down at the table with Sam, Scarlett, and Drew. "So how long are you guys in town for?" I asked. "We're heading out tonight," Scarlett said. "But I figured we could stop by for a few hours and catch up." "There isn't much to catch up on," I told her. "Everything you've missed we've already discussed on the phone." "How's dad?" she asked. "He's doing great," I told her. "Our relationship is in a really good spot right now. I've even spoken to Marissa over the phone a few times. She seems really great." "Next time you talk to him, tell him I miss him, will you?" she asked. "I know he feels the same about you," I said. "I can give you his number so you can call him." "That would be fantastic," she said. "Have you heard from Declan yet?" "Yes," I said. "He called me shortly after you and I spoke about him. He wants to come visit as soon as his schedule allows. He wants to see you, too." She looked at Sam and asked, "So when's the wedding?" I was about to interrupt, but Sam gave me an "it's ok" look. "We haven't set a date yet," he told her. "We have had a lot going on lately, but as soon as things slow down, we'll sit down and pick a day." "And you'll be one of the first to know," I added. Drew decided he should get in on the conversation too, so he said, "If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your arm?" "I got trapped between a bookcase and a wall," I told him. "It was an old bookcase, I tried to move it, and it collapsed and pinned me against the wall." "Why would you try to move a bookcase by yourself?" Drew asked. "You have two strong looking men living with you." "They weren't home," I said. "I dropped my ring on the floor and it rolled behind the bookcase. I was trying to be a hero." "On the bright side," Scarlett said, "I bet the boys have to wait on you, hand and foot." "We do," Sam said, "but she doesn't like it." "Who wouldn't want to be waited on, hand and foot?" Drew asked. "It's not that I don't like it," I admitted. "I just feel like I'm a burden on the boys." "Not this again," Dean said, re-entering the room. "We love you, Sammi. It's no trouble for us to take care of you while you're hurt." "Alright, alright," I said, taking a napkin and waving it like a white flag. All five of us burst into laughter, then continued talking for a few more hours before Drew looked down at his watch and said, "We should probably get going, honey. It's getting late." "Are you two driving straight through to Canada or are you going to stop and rest somewhere?" I asked. "We're driving straight through," Scarlett said. "He'll drive until he feels tired, I'll sleep while he's driving, then we'll switch off." "Just be safe," I told them. "And call me when you make it home." "I will," Scarlett promised. We all exchanged hugs and handshakes, said goodbye, and I watched as my sister and Drew drove away. I closed the door, turned to the boys and said, "Well that was a pleasant surprise." "It was really great meeting your sister," Sam said. "And Drew seems like a pretty good guy," Dean added. "When do we get to meet your brother?" "Whenever his schedule allows," I said. "With the military, that could be a while." "Either way, I'm glad you're slowly starting to meet your surviving family members," Sam said with a smile. "Me too," I said. Slowly, but surely, the story of Samantha Weston was starting to make more sense.

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