Back To Work (Part 1)

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A few days after my meeting with the cop and his sketch artist, Dean had finally replaced the broken pane in the window. The three of us were getting ready to sit down to lunch when we heard a cell phone ring. All three of us pulled our phones from our pockets, but I was the lucky winner. I looked down at my caller ID. "It's my dad," I told the boys as I answered my phone. "Hey dad. How are you?" "I'm doing fine, sweetheart," he replied. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" "We were just sitting down to lunch," I admitted. "But it's alright. What's wrong?" "Are you and the boys still in Georgia or have you left already?" dad asked. "We're still here," I told him. "We had some wild times over the last few days. Is everything ok?" "Not really," he said. "I don't suppose the boys would like to work a case, would they?" "Is it local?" I asked. "Yes," dad said. "About an hour away from where you are. From what I've learned, it's a demon possession case." "You're there?" I asked. "Yes," he responded. "And I could really use some back up. But only if the boys are willing, that is. I know they are enjoying some down time with you." "Can I call you back in a few minutes, dad?" I asked him. "Sure you can, honey," he said. "I'll be patiently waiting." I hung up the phone and sat for a moment, thinking about how to go about explaining all of this information to the boys. Before I could even say a word, Dean spoke up. "Is your dad in town?" "You could say that, yeah," I responded. "He's about an hour away from here." "What's he doing out this way? Sam asked. "Coming to see his baby girl?" "Not quite," I said. "He's back to hunting. He's out here working a case." "What kind of case?" Dean looked intrigued. "A demon possession," I told him. "Sounded pretty serious, too. He's waiting for back up. I'm no hunter, but even I know that if one needs backup for a demon possession, it must be one bad ass demon." Dean looked at me, then over to Sam. "You want to go check it out?" Before Sam could answer I said, "I thought you were on hiatus from hunting for a bit?" Dean smiled and said, "It's one case, princess. And it's only an hour from here. Plus, it will give us a chance to get to know your dad a little better." I looked over at Sam, who smiled and said, "Yeah. Why not? It could be fun." "Call your dad back, princess," Dean said. "Let him know the Winchesters are definitely in." I dialed my dad's number and he answered on the first ring. "The boys will be there as soon as they can," I told him. "Great," he said. "Remind me to thank them when they get here. Love you, sweetheart." "Love you too, dad," I said and hung up the phone. "You ready to take a road trip with us, baby?" Sam asked me. "I was actually thinking about just staying here and resting," I replied. "Oh no you don't!" Dean said. "They still haven't caught that attempted robber yet. No way are we leaving you here alone." "Besides," Sam added, "don't you want to see your dad again?" I smiled at both boys. "You guys are right, as always. Let's go for a ride." "That's my girl!" Dean said with a smile. We packed up what we figured we would need for the day, hopped in the car, and took off to find my dad. "Did your dad give you a name of the town or anything?" Dean asked. "You know," I said, "he didn't. He just said it was an hour away. Let me call him back and find out." Once again, it only took one ring for dad to answer. "Let me guess," he said. "You need to know where I'm located." "Good guess," I told him. "All you said was you were an hour away. That doesn't really help." "That was my fault," dad said. "I'm an hour to the north. Just stay on the main road until you see an old abandoned clothing warehouse. It will be on the left side." "Got it," I told him. "Stay safe." "I will, honey," he said and hung up the phone. "He said head north and just stay on this main road," I told Dean. "It leads right to where he's located, which is an old abandoned clothes warehouse. He said it's going to be on your left." "Alright," Dean said. "Let's go hunt ourselves a demon."

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