Daddy Issues

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About a week after the boys and I discovered my grandfather was a hunter, I got a phone call from my father. Little did I know that I was about to find out a few more surprises about the family I thought I knew. Sam and I were watching a movie in the living room and Dean was asleep in the guest bedroom. Halfway through the movie, my phone started going off. I looked at the caller ID and saw my dad's number (he was out of jail at this point). "It's my father," I said to Sam. "Answer it," he told me. "You promised him you would try and work on your relationship." I nodded my head in agreement and took the call. "Hi Dad," I said. "Hello Samantha," he replied. "How are you doing today?" "I'm fine," I told him. "How have you been?" "Staying out of trouble," he said with a slight laugh. I let out a small laugh, too. "I need to ask you something," I said. "You may not know the answer, but it's worth a shot." "What's up, buttercup?" he asked. "About a week ago, I found a picture of poppy with a man who turned out to be Sam and Dean's dad," I said. "Remember I told you what Sam and Dean do for a living?" "They hunt the supernatural," dad responded. "Right," I said. "Their father was also a hunter, and the picture I found of him and poppy looked like it was taken after they went hunting. Now I know poppy Jake was mom's father, but I was curious whether you and mom knew he was in the same profession as the Winchesters." I heard dad sigh before he answered me. "I knew, your mother didn't. Your grandfather was very good at keeping his home life and his outside life separate from each other." "Obviously," I agreed. "I never knew that he was hunting supernatural beings until the other day." Dad let out another sigh, then said, "I guess it's time you knew the truth." "About what?" I asked, confused. "The reason I knew about your grandfather's line of work is because I am also a hunter," he said. "Wait, what?!" I said, a little screech running through my voice. "Your grandfather took me under his wing," dad explained. "He wanted me to keep you three safe from all the weird and strange creatures out there. I used the military as an excuse to hide what I was really doing from you, your sister, and your mom. It was poppy's idea. He didn't want me to get you three mixed up in all the craziness for fear of any of you getting hurt or worse." "So you're telling me we moved around a lot because you were off on hunts?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "The day I left you guys was the hardest day of my life, but I had to do it. I was in charge of keeping someone else safe, and we were being followed by some really nasty supernatural beings. In order to keep you three safe too, I had to take Marissa and leave town." "So you're telling me that you didn't leave mom for Marissa because you were in love with her?" I was still a bit confused. "You left because you were assigned to protect her? And you wanted to make sure these creatures didn't find us and harm us too?" "Exactly," he said. "I didn't fall in love with Marissa until after I heard your mom had abandoned you and your sister. She was my shoulder to lean on, my rock. I didn't plan on falling in love again after your mom. She was the love of my life." "Ok, so you knew mom had left us, but you didn't come back for us?" I was a little angry now. "We were still being chased by those nasty beings," he said. "I swear to you on my father's grave, Samantha, if I wasn't afraid for your lives, I would have come back for you and your sister. You live with hunters now, so you have to understand in some way." "Actually, I do," I told him. "Some of these supernatural creatures can be real assholes. I should know. I've been attacked by almost every kind there is." "So we're in a good place in our relationship now?" he asked. "Now that I understand why you left, yes," I said. "Is there anything else I need to know about our family, though? Any other members out there who hunt?" "No," dad replied. "Just your grandfather and I." "I appreciate you clearing up a lot of confusion for me," I told him. "I'm sure there will be more along the way, but all in due time." "Anything you want to know, just ask," he said. "You're my daughter, I love you, and there are no secrets here anymore. You're old enough to understand now." "More than you'll ever know, dad," I said. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I turned to face Sam and said, "You heard every word, didn't you?" He nodded. "So your dad was a hunter too?" "Yes," I replied. "The military was just a cover story. We moved around a lot for the same reason you and Dean lived out of hotels." "Your past just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?" Sam said with a little laugh. "All kidding aside," I said, "I'm glad I'm learning more and more about my family. It's starting to also help me understand more about what really brought me to you and Dean. It wasn't fate that brought you guys to me that crazy night two years was destiny." Sam planted a kiss right on my cheek, wrapped me in his arms, and we cuddled on the couch watching movies until we fell asleep.

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