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//Sequel To Scars//

WARNING: possible triggers

Three years have passed. The best three years of my life. I live with Andy, the boy who I love with every ounce I have. Over the past years, we've gotten stronger together, happier. He's all I want. He's my whole world. Looking back at all of the times we've spent together, the first time he said he loved me always sticks out to me. It was an awful time in my life. I had so much going on, it was extremely overwhelming. He carried me through the dark. 

He gave me strength.

•           •            •           •            •           •           •           •

The usual alarm goes off and I roll over to the beautiful man lying beside me. "Good morning." He says to me in almost a musical tone. His voice is beautiful. "Good morning." I say back while stretching. He reaches his hand out and tickles my stomach lightly. I burst into a fit of giggles and desperately roll out of bed to escape. He lets out a hearty laugh as I pick myself up off the floor. He gets up also, his beautiful tattoos now exposed. The ink set on his skin is so gorgeous. I admire the man as he sleepily walks to the bathroom. I smile to myself. He makes me so happy with the smallest things. "Wanna go to the gym?" He asks me. "Yeah. That sounds nice." I smile. I love it when we workout together. I dig through the closet to find a pair of black athletic shorts and my favorite Nike muscle shirt. We swap places and I go into the bathroom and do my usual morning routine. I step out of the bathroom to see him ready to go. His black hair partially hidden under a Batman snapback. I guess some things never change.

We spent about an hour in he gym. I did a lot of ab workouts while Andy did weight lifting. After the intense workout, we headed back to our house. 

I cooked pancakes and made fruit smoothies for us. Andy comes downstairs from a shower. "Oh, babe. Thank you." He says while sitting down at the counter. "How are you not tired? You were up all night last night studying." He asks me while taking a sip of his smoothie. I'm studying for a major college exam, and I am pretty sure I will ace it from the amount I've been going over the material. "Honestly, I am exhausted." I say while rubbing my eyes. The workout really did drain me. "You should take a nap, darling." He says. A nap sounds nice. "You want to nap with me?" I ask with a slight giggle. "I've got some stuff I need to do, but I'd love to." He picks up my empty plate from in front of me and places it in the sink. He brushes his lips across my forehead, "Now go get some rest." He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead, then on my lips. "Thank you, I love you, Andy." 

"And I love you more than you can ever imagine."

I collapsed on to the fluffy bed after changing into some lazy clothes to sleep in. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

I awake from an alarm. I don't remember setting that...? I glance toward the bedside table to see a note lying on top on my buzzing phone. *Follow the rose petals. -A* I smiled and followed the trail of deep red petals downstairs. The trail led to a white box. *This is your first surprise. -A*  I opened it slowly to reveal a silver bracelet. On the bracelet was written, "To heal your scars I will give you everything I can." I gasp, remembering the quote from that night. Examining the bracelet closer, you flip it over to see more writhing in fine cursive, "I love you more than life itself." A tear rolls down my cheek as I wrap the silver chair around my wrist. 

I continue following the roses into the kitchen to see a black dress with matching shoes, along with another note. *Change and get ready. Follow the white roses when you are done. I love you. -A* I smile and grab the outfit. I change quickly and curl my hair. I put on light makeup with a small cat eye wing. I walk back down the stairs and find the white rose petals. They led to the back door. I step outside to see that the roses lead to a beautiful gazebo that surely wasn't there when I was wake this morning. In the stunning gazebo stands Andy dressed nicely in a tuxedo. He smiles at you as you walk down the path covered in white roses. The sun is in the perfect position. It's setting and the sky is painted with hues of purple, orange, and pink. Andy stands uncomfortably straight, looking a bit on edge. "Hello, beautiful." He says while kissing my hair. "Hello, Andy." I smile back at him. He pulls me in for a quick hug. He smells wonderful.

He pulls away and grabs my hand, his ocean blue eyes staring into mine. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "When we were younger, we were best friends for years and years. I stood by as you dated other guys, watching them betray you. You deserved to be treated like a princess, and I was determined to be the guy who would do exactly that. I was always scared that it would ruin our friendship if I told you, so I stayed silent for so many years. One night, around three years ago, you came to my house and knocked on my door so quietly that I could barely hear it. When I answered the door, I didn't expect it to be you... Seeing you in that state crushed me. I took you in and gave you dry clothes. You cried on my shoulder and I comforted you. At this time, I knew I needed to tell you. I love you. I told you I loved you, and, dear God, you said it back. So many years I loved you... So many years I wanted to save you. I wanted to heal your scars. I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to have what you deserved. The girl I loved didn't want to live anymore, and I had to do something about it. For the past three years, we've worked together. We've become stronger and happier as one. My love for you grows every day. Every single day. This ink may stain my skin, and my jeans may all be ripped... I swear I'm not perfect, but I'm perfect for you. You bring out the best in me. Seeing your amazing smile takes away all of my pain. You don't even realize it, by letting me save you, you saved me. Thank you for accepting the love I have for you, the love I've always had for you. You always make me feel okay, no matter what may be happening in my life. You've changed my life for the better, and I want you to know that. And I want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will never stop loving you. I will never stop holding your hand. I will never stop losing my breath every time I see you looking back at me. I will never stop opening your door. I will never stop choosing you. You still get my heart racing because you make everything feel new. You're just an angel... I'm so blessed to call you mine. All those people who have let you go and walked out of your life, they don't know what they've done. I'm sure they regret it. Look at you. You're the most beautiful woman I know, and that will never change. You can let every woman know that I'm yours, so you can fall asleep each night and know I'm dreaming of your face. These things are not momentary. You will always have all of my heart, only you. You give me strength. I've been waiting my whole life to save me, and I still can't believe that you're actually mine... I love you more than life itself." Tears flow down my cheeks as he pours out his heart to me. 

I'm speechless and he bends down on one knee and pulls out a small black box out of his tuxedo. "Y/N Y/L/N, Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my wife?" He opens the box to reveal a large square stone on a rose gold band. "Yes!" I sob as he slips the ring on to my ring finger. He picks me up and spins me around as I cry on his shoulder. He sets me down and sets a passionate kiss on my lips. "You're mine." He says between kisses, "You're going to be my wife."

We watch the sun set for the final minutes of the day, and we walk back to the house under the moonlight. 

Today is the beginning of a new life. A new life with my husband Andy Biersack. I've never been so happy in my life. I'm spending forever with him. 

Sometimes, even forever isn't enough.


Hellooooooo! I REALLY hope you guys like this. I worked super hard on it. Let me know what you think below please! Thank you for all the votes an comments! You guys are the best <3



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