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//third part to stranded and escape//

We begin walking down the trail to the tower. "We should jog at least, we can cover more ground faster." Andy says. "But we would also have a greater chance of getting caught." I contradict. "True, but we do have weapons." "Also true." I reply with a laugh. "Let's just try it." He says. 

We jog for a good distance, covering twice the amount of ground we would have. The tower is steadily getting closer. As we get closer, we pass by more camps. "They must live around the tower." I say. "I wouldn't be surprised." He replies. We hear laughter in the distance and we both run to different trees. I climb high enough to surround myself with leaves, but having room to see where the men were coming from. After a good while, two men appear in my sight, "Has anyone seen Mathias?" One of them laughs. "No, brother,  that crazy old man probably tripped and broke his neck." The other one laughs along. That must be the man who tried to attack me. I don't see Andy in the nearby trees, so I hope he made it to good enough cover. I don't have any weapons I could stealth kill with, so Andy would have to do it until I find something. I realize that it's wrong, but we can't risk being spotted. It's either my life, or theirs. Unjust murders. As I looked back at the men, they were both lying face down in the ground, two knives glistened in their backs. My eyes widened. I didn't even notice. Andy then comes and retrieves his knives. He motions me down, and I do so. 

"Their base is close." He whispers while digging through the pockets of the men. "Nothing." He says while standing. "It must be if they aren't carrying anything." I reply back. "Be careful, quiet, and stealthy." He says as his finger presses against my chest. He knows theses men are dangerous, and ao do I. 

We stay crouched and creep along the bushes. Buried in the leaves, I come across a climbing axe. I could use this to stealth kill... Almost on cue, men's voices are audible. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, but I could care less. Andy takes out the man in the back of the grouped three with his bow and arrow, and throws his two knives at the other two. "Holy shit!" I whisper yell as he retrieves his things. "I've had a lot of training." He smiles back. He's like a ninja-survival man. "I haven't even had the chance to use this thing." I say while holding up the red axe. "Where did you find that?" He asks. I point to the ground where I dug it up. He stays crouched and drags the bodies into the bushes. He comes to meet me, and he starts digging where I had previously dug. We finds many ancient coins and the rotted remains of food. "A survival cache. Nice find." He compliments. "Thanks?" I whisper with a smile. We hear twings snap and a slightly smaller man, seeming to be older, walks on the path near us. I take the opportunity to sneak up behind him and press the ace to his neck. At crack sounds after a bit of chocking and he goes limp in my grip. A sick feeling spreads through my body as I catch him and lay him down softly next to the others. 

I eventually make it back to Andy an he hugs me. "I'm sorry, but you need to get used to it. It's awful, I know, but there will be a lot more. We're so close to getting out of here. He squeezes me tightly and I squeeze him back.

We creep down the bath and smell smoke in the distance. "Their camp is close. Stay on gaurd." He warns. I follow behind him and eventually a small village comes in to sight at the bottom of the hill we are currently at. Of course at the center of it is the tower. "They gaurd the tower." I growl. He looks at me. "Don't worry, we'll get to it." "Do you know how many of them are probably in there? I bet no one ever escapes." I snap. "Hey," He snaps back, "we're going to get out of here." Angrily, I look back at the village. These sick people are going to be the cause of our deaths. As I examine the buildings, they seem makeshift out of old scrap metal and other things. Probably from shipwrecks of their other victims. No female crosses my sight, probably because they're all murdered and burned. I'm probably next. Tears fall down my face and I sniffle. Andy turns around. "What did I tell you? We are going to survive this. I promise you." His large hands grab my face. We're both filthy, bloody, and hungry. The situation seems so hopeless. His lips suddenly crash on to mine fiercely, delivering a short but passionate kiss. It was just what I needed, but not enough of what I wanted. "Now let's go kick some ass." He says with a laugh. I wipe away my tears and while he squeezes my other hand. 

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