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//fourth part//

Green smoke clouds about half of the men. A poison arrow! He straps on other one quickly to his bow as I shoot from a distance. Men scatter and their leader yells, firing out orders to send us to our deaths. "Go! Go!" Andy yells as he shoots another poison arrow. It takes out a large number of the men, making everything easier. I run to the side, going around a building to get to the tower. Men were running at me left and right, but my pistol put an end to that. Arrows began to be fired at me, and one skimmed my left arm. I quickly took out the threat, ignoring the fact that I'm taking these people's lives and focusing on getting to the tower. Most of the men didn't see me, they were focused on Andy's toxic arrows, so I put away my pistol and ran as fast as o possible could to tower.  I finally passed up the statue, and Damian roared, running after me. I dropped my axe, I wasn't going to turn around for it, but I may need it to climb the tower. I hear gunshots and yelling in the distance. I hear more hissing and coughing, and I know that Andy is doing his job. I turn to get my axe, but Damian had already grabbed it. I fumble my hands along my belt to grab my shotgun, but the large man knocked me down. I screamed as he pinned me down. "No one leaves!" He yells and spit flies across my face. He lifts my axe and I punch him in the jaw. His words confirm that he is the man who drive all of these people crazy. He is the man who murders young girls. My hatred for him boils in my veins. He groans, rolling to the side, and I finally get my shotgun. I move to stand up, he swings the axe and it cuts a diagonal in my back. I let out an earsplitting scream and pain spread through my body. I quickly shot the shotgun right as his chest as he prepared to swing the axe into my heart.

Blood immediately sputters from his lips and all over me as he flies backwards. I quickly grab the axe and finish running to the tower. Blood is dripping down my body from my back and the blood of their leader, but I keep climbing. Despite the pain, I keep climbing. I use my axe to pull myself up to hard to reach places and leap up the gaps where there is no ladder. I eventually reach the top. My hand are full of peeled rust and metal. The wind was blowing insanely hard, and it was cold. I looked down. I was so high up I could barely see the ground. I quickly adjusted the radio to find the Emergency broadcast. Thorough the static, I could faintly hear, "You're tuned in to the International Emegency Redponse-" Yes! I tuned it more and it was now clear, "You're tuned in to the International Emergency Response System. Please identify your situation and location coordinates, and standby for a response." 

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Y/N Y/L/N. We are stranded on an island in the Devil's Sea and we need help and medical supplies immediately." There is a moment of silence. "Come on!" I say frantically and pick up the transmitter. 

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Y/N-" 

"This is aircraft W356B. We've been searching for you ever since you've went missing. We had almost given up hope." I gasp and laugh. 

"So had we!" Yes! We're getting out of here. "We have your position, but we could sure use a visual." The man says. "I'm on it. I'll figure something out." "Heading your way soon. Out."

I scream in happiness and stick the transmitter in my backpack. I quickly climb back down the tower, praying that Andy is okay. I still hear gunfire, so he's still standing. I jump down to the ground and pull out my pistol. "I did it!" I scream. I hear Andy's shout of happiness after he fires a few arrows. I take out a few men and then run to his position, kneeling by the case of explosives. "We need to give them a signal." I say while picking up a flare gun. A sudden huge wave of men come running our way. "Run!" Andy screams while grabbing as many things for the box as he could. "I need an opening in the trees!" I yell as we run. He stops to hoot an arrow at the massive mob. Gunshots fire to my right. "Don't just run straight! Move!" He yells while pushing me and shooting another arrow. I maneuver through the trees and see an opening in the distance. At the moment, I hear the engine of a helicopter. "Shoot the flare!" He yells. As I turn he shoots another arrow and it explodes, shaking the ground with it. I collapse and crawl to thearge opening as Andy collapses behind me. I shoot the flare and red smoke flies to the sky. The helicopter circled the aread and came in for a landing as Andy and I dodged bullets. Andy screamed in pain as a bullet connected with his shoulder.

I threw myself over him and shot like a maniac with my pistol. The helicopter landed and armed soldiers ran out to help us. They took the majority of the men down while I helped Andy on to the helicopter. The hatch closed and we took off into the air. I laid my head back on the seat, ignoring the firing pain in my body. Andy whimpers beside me as a medical crew rushes over to tend to his shoulder. He also had two other wounds in his left leg. That must have happened while I was at the tower. "We're alive." I croaked while grabbing Andy's hand "I know." He whispered as a tear streamed down his face. My face was already wet with tears. A man rushed over to me and his eyes widened. "You're full of blood." He says. I turned my back to him. "Oh my god. How are you still standing?" He ripped my shirt to expose my back quickly.  "I don't know." I said woozily. "Lay her down!" One of the female nurses said I was laid on a leather seat. A cold, burning liquid connected with my back as the world turned black.

I think that's where I'm going to end it.

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