Chapter 3

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I looked down at my phone typing a text to Cami to tell her I was here, but I was interrupted by a loud squeal.

"Ellie oh my god is that you?!"

My smile grew as I saw a familiar face that I had only seen on a screen, "Cami!" I exclaimed running over as we engulfed each other in a hug.

"I can't believe after all the years, we are finally meeting each other!" Her caramel curls bounced on her shoulders as she jumped in excitement.

"I know this is crazy!"

"Let's go inside to eat. You have to tell me everything!" She grabbed my wrist pulling me into the diner.

We sat in a booth and ordered our meals before I told her my story about meeting Calum.

"And then as he left I offered to babysit if he ever needs it." I finished.

Cami's jaw was dropped, "That is actually so freakin cool. You're so lucky."

I laughed, "I would have appreciated it more five years ago when I was obsessed with them."

"True but still you and Calum Hood are basically friends!"

"I wouldn't exactly call us friends. I'm probably closer to his son than I am to him." I joked.

"How is his son? What's his name... Daniel right?"

I nodded, "Yep, and he is so adorable. He looks just like a Calum, but he has Amy's eyes."

"Have you met Amy yet?" Cami asked.

"No, Calum told me they got divorced after the band died down."

"No way." Cami's eyes widened, "Dang I totally shipped them."

I giggled, "I didn't." I admitted.

"Yeah I know. You always tried to sink my ship." She laughed.

"Well I turned out to be right!"


We paused our conversation as our food arrived. We ate and caught up with each other.

"So Kale asked me to move in about eight months ago and of course I said yes, so I moved across the country to here. I just can't believe we live so close now!" Cami told me.

"I just can't believe you are dating someone named Kale." I teased.

Cami laughed, "I know. But what about you? How is your boyfriend, Jake?"

"Oh, we broke up. I found out he was cheating on me."

Cami's smile dropped, "Oh no, I'm so sorry."

I shrugged, "Eh, I don't need him."

"Yeah, you are much better without a cheating scumbag!" She nodded.

We payed the check and said out goodbyes outside the diner.

"We have to meet up more." I hugged my best friend.

"Totally." She agreed, "And don't forget to tell me whenever you talk to Calum." Cami winked.

I chuckled, "Of course."


I danced around my apartment, making some pasta, while playing music. I dumped some uncooked noodles into the boiling water. Then took tomato sauce out of my fridge.

"-then I'll raise you like a PHOENIX." I sang loudly along to Fall Out Boy, only for the music to fade out, being replaced by an annoying Apple ringtone. I sighed, turning down the heat on the stove so the water wouldn't boil over.

I picked my phone up out of the dock and slid my finger across the screen to answer it, "Hello?"

"Um hi, is this Ellie?" A voice in the other line asked.

"Yep, who is this?"

"Oh right, it's Calum."

My heart started to race and I became nervous, "Oh hi." I tried to keep my voice steady.

"So I was wondering if you could babysit Daniel this Friday night?"

"Yeah, no problem." I nodded, but quickly realized he couldn't see me nodding.

"Great." I heard a little voice mumble something, Calum spoke to someone next to him, which I assumed was Daniel, "Yes, I'm talking to Ellie right now." His voice was muffled since he turned away from the phone. He started talking to me again, "Okay so does 4:30 to like 9:00 work?"

"Yep that's fine."

"Cool thanks. I will text you my address. See you Friday."

"See you Friday." I repeated before he hung up the phone.

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