Chapter 5

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"Ahoy maties! The booty is over the ocean, by the scary sea monster!" Daniel talked through one of his pirate figures. He wore a paper pirate hat and eyepatch as we played.

"Arraaugggg!" I cried out random noises, wiggling my limbs through the air, pretending to be the sea monster.

He pushed his pirate ship towards me, "We are getting closer! The sea monster will attack!"

I went over to Daniel wrapping my arms around him as I began to tickle him. He screamed gleefully in between fits of laughter.

"The sea monster got me!" He giggled as he laid on his back as I continued to tickle him. I stopped tickling the boy and he calmed down.

"Alright pirate Daniel, it's time for bed."

"Awe." He pouted, looking just like his father.

"I don't want captain Calum to get mad at me for not putting you to bed on time." I took the four year old's hand, walking him upstairs to his room. He put on his pajamas, and brushed his teeth. Then he got into his bed, which was a queen sized and practically swallowed the toddler.

He cuddled close to a stuffed dinosaur, "Daddy reads me a story before bed." Daniel told me as I tucked him in.

"Okay, what story do you want?" I asked, going over to his bookshelf.


I pulled out a Thomas the Tank Engine book, then sat on the side of the bed and began to read.

"You have caused confusion and delay!" I read in a funny deep voice, causing Daniel to laugh. Finally I closed the book, and got up to turn off the lights.

I stood in the doorway my hand on the switch, "I will be downstairs if you need me, and your dad will be home in a couple of hours." I told him before flipping the lights off, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He responded in a sleepy voice.

I went downstairs to watch tv. I turned on a random game show and pulled out my phone to text Cami.

I'm at Calum's house babysitting Daniel!!

OMG! Really?! What's it like?

It's huge, and gorgeous, I'm so jealous. I'm joining a band just so I can be this rich lol

Can I join? I play a mean triangle haha

Haha of course


"You can't go five minutes without tripping over your own feet, can you Luke?" I heard muffled voices and laughter from outside. The front door unlocked, and four slightly intoxicated guys stumbled in. I shut off the tv, grabbing my purse, walking into the front room.

"Hi Ellie, how was Daniel?" Calum asked, taking out his wallet.

"He was great! We had lots of fun." I smiled.

"Ah good." He handed me $50.

"Thank you!" I said, accepting the money.

"No, thank you for babysitting."

"Oh it was no problem, I enjoyed it. Well I better get going." I headed towards the door.

"Bye!" The boys chorused.


"Kale, this is my best friend Ellie! And Ellie this is my boyfriend Kale!" Cami introduced me and Kale when I visited her house one day.

"Nice to meet you." The blonde haired boy shook my hand.

"You too." I smiled.

"And this is Ferdinand!" Cami raced over to pick up a little calico kitten, who mewed softly and began to purr.

"Awe he is so cute! But Ferdinand?" I questioned the name with laugh.

"It's a fun name." Cami laughed along, placing the kitten down. He rubbed against my legs a couple of times, before prancing to the kitchen. Kale and Cami lived in a small one story, two bedroom house. It was cozy and nice.

"So how's it been with you and Calum?" She asked as we walked into the living room.

"I swear you are only my friend because I know Calum Hood." I teased.

Cami laughed, "Yep, exactly."

"But yeah, I've babysat a couple of times, but really that's it." I shrugged.

"Awe c'mon! No secret loving glances? Or 'accidental' hand brushes?" She winked.

I shook my head, laughing, "Nope. This isn't a fan fiction Cami!"

She frowned, "Darn!"

I shrugged, "He is nice, but I really only spend time with Daniel. Man I love that kid. He is just the sweetest!"

"That's so cute!"

"He really is! I am babysitting him again on Tuesday. Well more like being a nanny, because Calum will be there. I think he and the band are doing something at his house."

"Ooh can I come with?" Cami grinned.

"Not this time. Maybe sometime." I chuckled.

"Well tell me how it goes! And I want all the juicy gossip that you hear the boys talk about."

"I don't think that they will be gossiping. And I'm gonna play with the kid, not listen in on my employer's conversations."

"Oh so he is your employer now?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I do work and he pays me, so yeah."

"Well, have fun, and tell me all about it."

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