Chapter 7

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My car's AC blasted in my face. It may have been only spring, but it was 90 degrees outside. I pulled into Calum's driveway, typing in the code for the gate. I babysat so often now, he gave me it, so he didn't need to let me in each time. I pulled up to the door, grabbing my bag, before hopping out of the car. I brought my swimsuit, figuring that Daniel might want to go swimming. At least I hoped he wanted to, because I really wanted to cool off.

Calum opened the front door letting me inside. I followed him into the living room, where the other three 5sos boys were playing Twister with Daniel. Upon seeing me, they all collapsed, letting the child win.

"Awe it looks like Daniel won again!" Ashton faked disappointment, while Daniel beamed with pride.

"Okay little dude, we are gonna go to the basement with your father, and Ellie can play with you now." Luke ruffled Daniel's dark hair.

"Okie-dokie!" He giggled, running over to me. I'm often was asked to play with Daniel, while Calum had the band over. It gave them some time to hang out, without having to entertain the child.

"Hi Ellie! What are we gonna do today?" He asked, bouncing up in down with excitement.

"Well, I was thinking that since it's so hot, we could go swimming! If that's okay with your dad, of course." I added, looking to Calum for approval.

"Yeah sure." He nodded before following the guys to the basement.

"Yay!" Daniel cheered, zooming upstairs to get his bathing suit on. I went to the bathroom to change into my bikini, then met him at the back door. We walked out to the pool, where I sprayed sunscreen on him, then myself. I helped him put on his arm floaties and goggles.

"Okay, you ready?" I took his hand, leading him into the shallow end of the rectangular pool. Goosebumps rose on my arms, as I stepped into the cool water, but it was a relief from the heat.

"I'm a sea monster!" He splashed around in the water, chomping his teeth.

"I thought I was the scary sea monster!" I referred back to my first time babysitting him.

"Now we both are sea monsters!" He splashed me.

We played sea monsters for a bit when we were interrupted by someone yelling "CANNONBALL!" A figure came flying into the pool, creating a giant splash as he dropped into the water. Ashton surfaced, with a bright smile, his soaking wet curls, now hanging limply. The rest of the guys came out by the pool, well except for Michael, who sat down at the patio table, shaded by an umbrella.

Ashton and Daniel engaged in a pool noodle fight, and I pulled myself out, sitting on the edge of the pool, watching them and laughing. Calum came over to me, with two towels, one draped over his shoulder, and another in his hand. He offered me one which I took. I stood up, drying myself off, and wringing out my hair. I noticed his eyes glancing me up and down, before quickly looking away when he noticed that I saw him. I laughed as he blushed lightly.

Suddenly, I felt a jet of cold water hit my back. I yelped in surprise, and turned around to see Ashton showing Daniel how to use a squirt gun. Daniel giggled in delight and squirted me again.

"Two can play at this game!" I smirked, grabbing another water gun. I sprayed both Ashton and Daniel back. Soon Calum and Luke joined in the squirt gun battle. We ran through the backyard, trying to hit each other with streams of water.

"Let's get Mikey!" Daniel pointed to Michael, who was on his phone, still sitting dry in the shade, not realizing what we were about to do. We quietly surrounded him, all guns pointed to him.

He looked up and saw us, his eyes widening, "Whoa guys, please don't shoot!" He put his phone away, and raised his hands up.

"Now!" Calum yelled, and we all began to spray him with water, as he screamed in protest.

"Ack! GUYS STOP! Ugh nooo!" He was soaked by the time we stopped. We erupted into laughter as Michael looked annoyed, his hair wet and flattened and his shirt now dripping wet. But his frown broke into a grin and he joined in, laughing. "You guys are di- jerks!" Michael quickly censored himself, remembering that Daniel was still there.

"Awe nah, you love us!" Ashton pulled Michael into a hug, the other guys following his lead, engulfing him in a big group hug. I stayed back, I was still only the babysitter, so I didn't feel right to be a part of the hug.

"Come on Ellie, join us!" Luke pulled me into the hug, surprising me, but I wasn't complaining. I spent years dreaming of getting a hug from 5sos, and now it was coming true.

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