Chapter 13

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"Thank you, I had a really great time." I smiled up at Calum, after our third date. We stood outside his front door after getting back from a movie.

"I did too." He smiled back, "Next time you can pick where we go, if you want."

"Oh, so there will be a 'next time'?" I smirked.

"I sure hope so." He chuckled. He took my hand in his, squeezing it lightly. I felt a chill run down my spine, even though it was a 70 degree night. He leaned forward slightly, his face getting closer to mine.

"HA I KNEW IT!" A voice exclaimed loudly, causing the two of us to jump practically a mile, ruining the moment.

"Michael!" Calum groaned at his friend who was now standing in the doorway, Luke and Ashton peering over his shoulders.

"Knew what?" Ashton asked.

"Knew that they would date. Someone as hot as her can't be just a babysitter."

I wasn't sure if I should be annoyed at them for interrupting or flattered that Michael Clifford just called me hot.

"Michael..." Calum said in a warning tone.

"Well come inside so we can meet her." Michael waved us in.

"First, this is my house, why are you inviting me inside?! And you already met Ellie." Calum crossed his arms. We followed the boys down the the basement. I had never been in the basement before. When I watched Daniel we always stayed upstairs.

The basement was fully finished, and divided into two sections, the stairs in the middle. One side was dedicated to music. There was a recording booth, with a tech board and a few Mac computers. There were some bass guitars as well as acoustic and electric guitars. There was even a drum kit, which I assumed Ashton used when he came over to practice with the band, rather than lugging his over each time. There were posters of artists and bands like Green Day and Blink 182, and pictures of the boys with different celebrities hung on the wall. There was also a trophy case with awards that the band won.

We went on the other side of the basement. The first thing I noticed was the colossal tv, that was like a scaled down movie theater screen. Facing the tv was a black leather sectional couch that formed an 'L' shape. This side was basically a man cave, with surround sound, a mini fridge, foosball, air hockey, a mini bar and even a classic Pac-man machine.

Ashton passed out beers to the boys. He offered me one but I politely declined. They made themselves comfortable on the couch, like they lived there. Calum sat up straight, with me next to him. My hand was still in his.

I tried to make this feel normal, like this happens a lot when people meet their date's best friends, but really this was completely crazy to me. I was currently holding hands with Calum Hood, the Calum Hood that I had a crush on since I was 15. I was in his house with his bandmates, the ones I idolized throughout high school. This wasn't normal at all.

"So Ellie, right?" Ashton asked, taking a swig of beer. I nodded. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ash." He introduced himself properly.

"I'm Luke."


I giggled, "I know."

Ashton raised his eyebrows, "Were you a fan?"

I nodded again, "Yes."

"Nice." Luke smiled.

"So how old are you?" Michael inquired.

"23." I answered.

"How long have you guys been dating?" They each began to ask me more questions, going around in a circle.

"Um two and a half weeks."

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Um bands like Fall Out Boy and All Time Low. I also really like Halsey." Michael gave me a high five after that response. They asked me a few other small questions, like how we met and random other things.

"Do you-" Luke started.

"-Okay guys," Calum cut him off, "I invited you over to babysit Daniel, not interrogate my girlfriend."

I'm was glad I didn't take a beer, because I definitely would have started choking after Calum said that. He called me his girlfriend. That was the first time he had ever used that word. Three dates seemed like only a little to be calling me his girlfriend. Not that I minded. I was ecstatic. I was Calum Hood's girlfriend. My head rate picked up significantly. I hoped Calum couldn't tell.

"Actually, I only asked Luke over, I don't know where you guys came from." Calum added.

"I called them over. Sorry." Luke said.

"You always pick Luke to babysit, why not me or Mike?" Ashton asked half jokingly.

"Do you not trust us?" Michael faked being insulted.

"Nah I think Daniel just likes me the best." Luke teased them with a laugh. Calum just rolled his eyes.

I glanced at the clock, it was 9:26, "Okay, well I should get going. I have to work tomorrow." I began to stand up, Calum doing the same.

"Alright, I will walk you to the door." He said.

"Sorry about them." Calum apologized for his friends.

I shrugged with a soft laugh, "It's fine. It was nice to properly meet them."

"Alright. Well, I will see you soon." He leaned forward again, but quickly kissed my cheek instead.

My heart dropped slightly, but I maintained a smile as I walked out to my car, so he wouldn't see my disappointment. I was so sure he was going to kiss me. I know he would have if the boys hadn't interrupted earlier. I started to drive away. Halfway home, I replaced my disappointment with happiness. Why was a disappointed about him not kissing me, when he called me his girlfriend? That was almost just as amazing.

I texted Cami when I got home.

So I guess I have a boyfriend now...;)

NO WAY!!! Calum?!

No, Bob Diddlebock

I wrote sarcastically.

YES Calum!!


I texted Cami until 10:30 when I decided to go to bed. It took a while to calm myself down enough to fall asleep. But I went to bed happy.

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