Chapter 22

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I rushed back and forth through the office, grabbing papers, making copies, getting coffee and delivering notes to other offices. Giana kept me busy, putting me to work while she wrote up her most recent interview. I was relieved when it was time to leave. I drove to Calum's which wasn't too far from the office and collapsed on his living room couch.

"Long day?" He asked, bringing me some tea. It had become a routine, I would spend the day at work then go to Calum's where he would have tea or food waiting.

"Oh yeah." I sighed, slipping my heels off my aching feet, "I need to start wearing sneakers to work if she's gonna have me running around all day."

"Awe poor Ellie." He pouted. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. I leaned my head into his chest, grateful to be in his warm embrace.

"I just can't wait until I'm finally able to do my own interviews and reports, so I can just sit in a chair all day and boss another newbie around." I said with a sip of tea.

"You'll be there someday." Calum said.

"You have it easy." I said, "You made all your money doing something fun. Now you get to just stay home and do whatever you want."

"It was a lot of work, being in the band. Traveling around almost everyday. Writing and recording music. Being away from family. Performing even when I felt sick or upset. And there was always loads of pressure on us, from management, the press, the fans." He said, "And being home now gets boring." He added.

"True. But at least you're not stuck in a busy office all day."

"Yeah, pretty glad I'm not." He chuckled, "Do you want dinner? I was gonna make chicken for me and Daniel."

I nodded gratefully, "Where is Daniel anyway?" I asked, looking around but not seeing or hearing him.

"Up in his room." Calum answered from the kitchen.

I nodded even though Calum couldn't see me from the other room. I pushed myself off the couch to joined him in the kitchen. I sat on top of the counter watching him cook. I loved watching his facial expressions as he made the chicken. The way he looked off into the distance trying to remember the recipe, or twisted in concentration as he worked. Even the grossed out face he made when touching the raw meat. Even through he we weren't talking, or even doing anything together, this moment felt so right. Just being in his presence made me feel so warm and happy.

"I'm so glad I have you." I blurted out of the blue.

He turned to me, surprised at the sudden statement, but a smile still formed on his lips.

"Sorry, that was weird." I blushed, "It's just being here with you, even just sitting here always cheers me up. If I didn't have you I would just be sitting at home watching tv and eating ramen noodles alone. Being with you makes gives me a sense of belonging." I bit my lip, hoping that didn't sound too cheesy.

Calum didn't seem to think it did though, as his smile widened, "I'm so glad I have you." He walked over to where I sat on the counter, standing between my legs, "You make me happy. Just seeing you brightens my day. You understand me and you get along with Daniel. You make me feel less alone." He leaned forward, but quickly seemed to change his mind and kissed my cheek, like he always did.

My smile turned to a small frown, "Why won't you kiss me?" I asked the question that had been pestering me for a while.

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You always kiss my cheek. I mean, I don't mind it, but I feel like you don't want to kiss my lips. Do I have garlic on my breath or something?"

"I just-" he started, "I just want it to be perfect. I want to make up for that night, the first time I kissed you. I want to give you a proper first kiss, not some drunken excuse for a kiss. It's never been something wrong with you, it just didn't want to mess it up again." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You wouldn't mess it up. And even if you did, I wouldn't dump you for one bad kiss." I said.

"Well, okay then." He smirked. He leaned forward again, not stopping this time until his lips reached mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Fireworks exploded in my chest at the feeling of his lips. His hands rested on my thighs. He was tall enough to reach my lips, even from where I sat on the counter.

It was a moment I had dreamed of since I was 15, but I never thought would ever happen. I was kissing my boyfriend, Calum Hood. And it wasn't a dream or some longing fantasy, it was real.

Time seemed to freeze as we stayed in the kitchen, kissing. I don't know how much longer it would have lasted if we weren't interrupted.

"Ew!" A little voice spoke, causing us to break the kiss. Daniel stood in the doorway, crinkling his nose.

Cal and I laughed, "Hey little guy." Calum greeted his son. I jumped off the counter.

"Is dinner ready yet?" He asked, seeming to ignore that I was just kissing his dad.

"Almost." Calum said turning back to finish making the chicken, but not before he shoot me a wink.

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