Chapter 9

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Cami blew up my phone, but I didn't respond until I was safely parked outside my apartment building.

I know I'm freaking out too

What did you do?!?! Are you still at his house?

Well he kissed me and then I panicked and said I had to leave bc I have work tomorrow. So I called Luke from his phone to come take care of him bc Calum was still smashed and he came right away so I left. I'm home now

I explained to her what happened at Calum's house. My heart was still pounding, my body filled with adrenaline. I felt on edge, I couldn't believe what had just happened. Was it a dream? Did I hallucinate? Maybe I was the drunk one!


Like I said I panicked! I'm just supposed to be the babysitter, I wasn't expecting him to kiss me! Plus he was drunk, he probably won't even remember what happened, and if he does he will probably regret it. He only kissed me bc he was drunk. It was just a drunk kiss that's all

I wrote almost as reassurance to myself. Although it just made me feel worse.

Do you want it to be only a drunk kiss?


Do you want it to be only a drunk kiss, or do you want it to have meant something?

I guess I want it to mean something...

What was the kiss like??

Um, it was pretty simple I guess. Just a gentle kiss on my lips. I could taste the alcohol too

Do you like him?

I've liked him since 2013

You need to talk to him about it!!

I can't just do that. Like what would I say? "Oh hey I don't know if you remember but when you were drunk and crying about your ex, you kissed me!"

I still can't believe she cheated on him >:(

I know. I always did hate her

Well if it wasn't for her you wouldn't have kissed your celeb crush



Calum hadn't talked to me since the kiss, three days ago. I kept wanting to text him, but I was too nervous. I just finally settled on the fact that he probably would never contact me again. At first I cried over him, for messing with my heart. But I decided one stupid drunken kiss wasn't worth tearing myself apart over, so I sucked it up and went back to my normal life.

Life seemed so boring and mundane after being involved in my teenage idol's life for a little while. I continued to work at the toy store, hang out with Cami, and just keep myself alive and sane.

After work, I went on my laptop. I checked my email, hoping maybe for some reason Calum decided to email me. It was unlikely, but I had emailed Calum once before, so there was always a chance. But of course there was nothing from Calum, but there was one thing that caught my eye.

I gasped as I saw an email from the parenting magazine I applied to. I clicked the email, opening it. I began to read quickly, my heart pounding.

'Dear Miss Ellie Benson

We have received your application to work here at Parenthood Magazine, and we would like to set up an interview with you. Please respond or call us within five days time to schedule a date. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards
Fran Hanks
Parenthood Magazine
Editor In Chief '

I squealed in excitement. I instantly hit reply, sending an email back, saying that I would be happy to have an interview. We emailed back and forth, finally scheduling the interview for Wednesday morning.

Finally I felt like I had a chance to actually follow my dreams. Maybe I could finally secure a job in journalism. Maybe this was my chance.


"Hello Miss Benson, may I call you Ellie?" The woman in a crisp work suit shook my hand.

"Yes, of course." I nodded, sitting down in the leather arm chair in front of the desk she sat at. I smoothed the wrinkles out of my pencil skirt, trying to occupy my fidgeting hands.

"Welcome to Parenthood Magazine headquarters, my name is Fran Hanks. I am the head editor here." She introduced herself, "Now what made you apply to Parenthood?"

"I am very interested in journalism, and I saw that you had an opening, so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity." I told her.

"Are you a parent?"

I shook my head, "No, I am not yet, I am only 23 so I have time," I chuckled, "But someday I will definitely want kids. I love children, I currently work at Toys-R-Us and I do babysitting as well so I am experienced with kids."

The interview went on. I tried to answer confidently, but inside I was so nervous. My hands were balmy, and I resisted the urge to tap my foot, a habit I had.

"Alright, that should be all the information we need." Fran smiled, standing up to shake my hand again, and showing me to the door, "We will be in touch with you."

"Thank you." I grinned, a weight falling off the shoulders. I exited the building and inhaled the fresh air, which felt amazing. I got in my car and checked the time. It was only 11:39 but my stomach was starting to growl. I drove to the supermarket. I needed groceries anyways, plus they also sold some prepared foods.

I grabbed a cart, pushing it into the store. The wheels squeaked as I strolled down the isles. I picked up a salad for lunch, then went on to do the rest of my shopping. I bought my usuals, cereal, juice, chicken, bread, and I may have splurged on some donuts. I turned the corner into the produce section when I heard a familiar voice shout my name.

"Ellie!" The small child ran over to me, wrapping himself around my leg in a hug.

"Hi Daniel." I spoke nervously, because if Daniel was here, that meant-

"Dan don't just run- oh... Ellie..."

I froze. Calum.

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