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Luke's POV

I shut the door behind me and pressed my back up against it. Great. I had a flipping crush on somebody. And they were in the year below me! What was the deal with that? If I were to go out with them, it would look so weird. Somebody in Year Ten and somebody in Year Eleven dating...It would look so wrong! Maybe this isn't a crush, though. Maybe I'm just feeling some kind of emotion that all people feel when they think that they had made a friend. Emma did seem like a nice person, and it would be cool to hang out with her. Yeah, maybe it was just that. Maybe I was just overreacting a little bit to all of this. Maybe I just needed to wait a few hours, go and find her again, and just have a normal conversation. If I felt the same way that I did now when that happened...Sure, there was a chance that I could be crushing. I had a feeling that it was unlikely, though. I mean, why would I have a crush on her? I hardly freaking know her! I only get crushes on people that I've known for the longest time, not twenty seconds after saying a simple 'hello' to them for the first freaking time! Sure, I've seen her around school a lot, and I did think that she was attractive, yet that was that...That was it! I didn't have any feelings for her up to this moment. Sighing, I pushed myself off from the door, walked over to the desk that was covered in scripts, and started to go through them. I had already put them in a massive pile, yet I quickly found myself putting them into separate piles organised by the scenes. Each scene script was colour coded, but I had to distract myself. If I didn't, I would just think about Emma for the rest of the day. I hated the way that my mind acted sometimes...I really did.

Once the scripts were all stacked into eighteen neat piles I walked back over to the small casting 'set' that I had put up and sat down behind the other desk that was there. So far, not a single person had auditioned to be the main music person. Without music, this play wouldn't be worth it in the slightest. It wouldn't be! It wasn't a fully fledged musical, however, it did have a few songs in it. Without would be awful. I really needed to go around and ask as many of the performing art teachers if they knew any students that were good. If that didn't work I could always put up posters asking for people to audition. I could always do that. If I did that then, at the very least, I would get people who liked music. Why was this so freaking hard? Sometimes I wished that I just let the school did all of this instead of myself. I had tones of friends that were helping me out yet it was still one of the most stressful things that my brain was putting me through! It didn't help that I was starting to feel these weird, sort-of-messed-up feelings towards a girl. Surely it couldn't be a crush, right? It couldn't be! There was no way on earth that I had a crush on somebody. I should be focused more on this play, not my feelings towards other people! What if I did have a crush, though? No...I couldn't think of that. I needed to think of this play and finding more people to recruit for the music side of things. That's what I needed to do.

I grabbed my laptop from my bag, pulled out my drawing tablet, and sat back down at the desk. I needed to design a new poster advertising that I needed more musical people to sort out the vocals, the backing track, as well as some of the lyrics. I had gotten a few ideas for lyrics that I had wrote down during the night, which happened to be the exact time that I thought of them, yet when I looked back on them in the morning, I realised just how crappy they were. That small incident did make me realise that I shouldn't be the one to write all the lyrics out-especially at two in the freaking morning. This was going to be so freaking hard. I had to find these people in three days or else everything will be over the final deadline. I calculated the amount of time each scene takes to shoot, around five minutes for all the middle scenes, and ten for the starter and ending scenes, so altogether it'll be at least hundred minutes long. The actors aren't going to get it right on their first go either-it's going to take a lot of takes to get it all right. There were also things like the outfits that people had to make, time off for the actors if they needed it, and time for the special affects people to time when to add noises such as thunder clapping, the sound of a blizzard, among other things. I would ask them for help with the music side of this entire thing if I hadn't done so already. When I first 'hired' them, they quickly stated that not a single one of them could play an instrument or sing. Well, Lacy, one of the SFX people could play the Ukulele, but she just did it in her own time. I didn't really wanna force her to make a hobby her job. I didn't want that. I hoped that these posters would work. If they didn't then I had no idea what I was going to do. I had no idea whatsoever. I guess I was going to have to cancel it if such a thing were to happen. Ugh, all I could do was hope for the best.

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