Seeing Her

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A/N: Most chapters will only be around 1500-2000 words now. I hope you don't mind, guys! 

Emma's POV

As soon as I got out of the school building, I started to make my way towards the hospital. Despite Amanda telling me that she was okay, and that there was nothing to worry about, I couldn't help but think that she was lying to me. Even if she was telling the truth, I wanted to see her nonetheless. I wanted to just talk to her about what happened today, and get her thoughts on it. What kind of reaction would she have to me telling her that I actually went along to the first session of the Christmas play and actually enjoyed what I saw? How the heck would she react to that? Well, knowing her, she would probably be pretty mad. I could tell when she was angry, even when she did her best to hide it. Whenever she got mad, her left eyelid would always twitch. It was both funny and horrible. It felt horrible knowing that she felt like she had to hide her anger from me, despite what I had done to her over the last few years that we had known each other. And...and if she hid her anger from me after what I had done to her today...then I would get so upset....I deserved to get yelled at. I really did. In a weird way, I wanted to get yelled at. I wanted to feel scared so that my brain wouldn't let me do anything like that again. I knew that I wasn't going to physically lash out on anybody now, after the injuries that she now has, but I never wanted to feel the amount of anger that I do on a day-to-day basis anymore! I didn't! I really...Really didn't...I hated it. I hated the feeling of not being in control of your emotions. It was awful. 

I pulled my hood down as I walked through the front door of the building. After all, I didn't want to look like a criminal of some sorts. I walked up to the counter, asked what ward Amanda was in, and started to make my way towards it. She was in the 'young adults moderate injuries' one. Geez, these wards have the longest names in entire freaking world. Well, I guess it described the people that were in there for easy recondition or something like that. I wonder how Amanda got up to this ward. I mean, it was on the second floor! She either went through a lift or, somehow, made her way up the stairs. Then again, the paramedics that brought her here might have carried her up the stairs on a stretcher. Wait, why was I thinking about how she got here? What mattered was the fact that she was here now. She was here, and she needed to recover. That was all that mattered right now. That was all that freaking mattered. I ran up the seemingly endless two flights of stairs, pushed open a door and stepped into a hallway. On the nearby wall was a sign saying that the ward that Amanda was on was 'forwards'. I guess that was the direction that I was going in. I walked past the sign, through some more sets of doors, and turned around a corner. There was another set of doors in front of me, only this time they were made out of dark brown wood rather than the weird, smooth, white doors. On the front of the door, there was a sign that read 'young adults moderate injuries'. She was in here...This was the ward that she was in. 

I took a deep breath, opened the door an inch, and slid inside. Apart from a few coughs and the sound of trolley wheels squeaking loudly, it was pretty much silent. I shakily walked over towards the desk that was right by the doors, asked for Amanda's name, and waited silently while the receptionists checked to see what room she was in. God, this was so damn creepy. It really was. I could feel my stomach starting to knot up into a tight, tight ball. I felt as if I was going to throw up at any second. God, I was so worried for her. I wanted her to be alright...I really did want her to be okay. I couldn't handle it if she was lying to me and was actually not healthy or 'fine' in the slightest. I really did pray that wasn't the case. I hoped that she was telling the truth, I really did. The receptionist then walked back, told me that Amanda was in room eight, and got behind their desk again. Okay...Room eight. Judging by the fact that the room numbers that were right at the start of the ward were in the late two hundreds, it was probably at the back end of the ward. At least I would have a chance to try and calm myself down before walking in there. I pulled out my phone as my legs and feet started to move. I could feel my heart beating madly as I took my large, shaky steps. God, this walk was doing nothing for me. It was making me more scared than anything! If I walked in there all nervous then, most likely, she would start to feel shaky and scared too...I didn't want that. 

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