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Emma's POV

The entire day went by in a matter of seconds. I got to watch one of the first scenes being filmed for the DVD that was meant to come out, I got told that I had to perform another Christmas song-which was an amazing thing to hear, by the way, and during the final hour of the school day, Luke ordered each and every single one of us Hot Chocolate from the nearby Starbucks, and we all drunk it up while watching tons of Christmas Vlogs from YouTube. I was already starting to get into the sprit of things, and it felt abosuletley amazing. It was ages away till Christmas, yet I already felt like the day itself was tommorow. I mainly felt that way because, on every single Christmas Eve, me and my Dad, little sister, little brother, and even Amanda herself would all bunch up together on our sofa and binge-watch Christmas films until we were either all fast asleep, too tired to go on, or our voices were cracking because we had sung along to the songs wayyy to much. It felt like like that right now; The only difference was that I was mainly surronded by friends rather than family. Well, I was only surronded by friends. I had no real, blood family in this entire school! I'm pretty sure that, once my sister turned twelve and left her crappy Primary School, she would come here, but I would probably either be in a job or finishing college by that point. There would be no chance that she would see me in here for learning purposes if she did decide to come to this place, that was for sure. I wonder what she was doing right now? As she was in Primary school, her holidays were much longer than ours. She left school in two or so weeks, while we broke up in four. To this day, I still can't believe that each year, all Secondary schools in this area broke up four days before Christmas. That was utterly insane! It truly was!

I took a sip of the boiling hot chocolate, pulled the hood of my jacket over my head, and glanced over at Luke. In the dim light that the crappy school TV gave off, I could see just how complex his eyes were. There were so many shades of blue...So many shades of blue! It was amazing. There were specks, dots, and patterned lines all across his light blue eyes. God, I would kill for eyes like those. My eyes were just a horrible, muddy green colour that had no kind of glimmer in them to speak off. They were just...dull. Sure, sometimes I did get random, bright brown specks in them, but they faded before I could show anybody. I mean, being insecure about your eyes is one of the strangest insecurties you can have, but luckily nobody really seems to care about eye colour. All they care about is personality...I hope that's the case with real-life people at least. You always see posts online coming from cismales saying that the main thing that they care about is personality, whereares in real life, it's always about the looks. If there was one person like the people that I see online in this school, then it has to be Luke. He seems like the nicest person, personally. He was funny, kind, caring, and just all-around a nice person! I bet that he already has a girlfriend, though...Wait-What was I talking about?! I was acting as if I had some sort of crush on him or something! I chuckled to myself. Why would I have a crush on somebody who was wayyy out of my league? I had had crushes on the older students in this school, and even though he was in the year above me, I knew that he was still out of my leauge. I mean, he had tons of friends, he was kinda-popular, and he had looks that straight, cismales would die for. Why would he want to go out with a weird, skinny, pale-as-fuck, angry bitch like me? I would count myself lucky if we talked after this play. We would never go out, not in a million years.

The film ended and everybody started to get up. Judging by the clock on the wall, we had five minutes left until the end of the day. Good. I could finally go home and try to talk to Amanda. It has been around four-or-so hours since I last spoke to her mother, so hopefully she was in a better condition now. God, I had so many questions to ask her. I wanted to ask her about why she lied, why she wanted to protect me by lying, how she was doing and...and most of all, apologise. I wanted to apologise to her so freaking badly. I wanted to apologise, not for just pushing her over today, but for everything that I had done to her. For everything...I was such a horrible person, yet we still remained friends...I don't know how yet we did. I wanted to apologise for everything and do my very best to start afresh again. That was all I wanted right now. I stood up, placed my now empty coffee cup into the bin, and brought my phone out from my pocket. I dialed in her number as I walked out the drama room door and sat down in the exact same spot that me and Luke were sitting earlier today. As soon as my butt touched the floor I pressed the call button. The phone started to ring. My heart started to pound. Please pick up, Amanda...Please pick up...Please pick up. Please be okay. Oh God, what if she wasn't okay? What if she was hurt? What if she was in some sort of coma? My heart started to pulsate. No...Please be okay, Amanda! I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you were hurt...Please be okay! Oh God, I didn't want her to be hurt. I didn't want her to have such bad injuries that she couldn't even speak to me!

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