Keep It A Secret

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Emma's POV

I ran the entire way home. Not because I was scared or anything like that, but I was more...shocked than anything. Me and Luke were officially dating. He asked me to become his girlfriend as soon as we finished kissing, and obviously I said yes.  Why wouldn't I say yes? I still felt so shocked by all of it, though. I didn't know what it was, but my entire body was shaking like mad. It must've just been the shock of it all. Either that or I was catching some form of flu. Still, I freaking kissed him! We freaking kissed! How the hell was that even possible? He was the most popular person in this entire school, while I was the weird freak who only had a few friends. Now that we were dating, I was bound to meet up with his friends and become more popular overall. I didn't know whenever to be happy or scared by that. I ran around the corner and found myself at the end of my street. I stopped in my tracks, sat down on the bench that was on the end of the street, and tried to catch my breath. If I walked into the house breathing heavily, then it would cause my Dad to get suspicious. I sat back, pulled out my phone, and checked the time. Half six. Ugh. It was half six and it was already pitch black. The winters here in Britain were freaking ridiculous. It was dark by four, one day it could be fourteen degrees, the next minus ten, and it could snow at any moment. I wished that I could just move to a place like America during the winter months. It was probably a hell of a lot better over there if I was being honest.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, stood up, and made my way to my house. It was at the very end of the street, so it was going to take a while to actually get there. I never really understood why we got the house at the end of the street. It was the oldest, cheapest, creepiest house that I had ever seen. It didn't help that it was on the end of a hill. When I was around five, the front, bottom section of the house collapsed down that hill and into the nearby road. Since then, we've gotten this weird, wooden frame thing to keep it up. Sure, it was cool when I was younger, as I could make it into a fortress with my small amount of friends, as well as sit there and spy on people without them seeing me, but as I gotten older, I realised that it just made the house much more uglier. At least it stands out on the street, I guess. I walked up the steps to the front door, unlock it with my key, and walked inside. I instantly spotted my dad, who was sitting in the living room, watching some sort of news show on the television. Did he even realise that I was standing here? I was about to run up the stairs when he turned his head around, looked at me, and smiled. Crap. I was going to have to talk to him now. It's not like it really mattered, but I just didn't want to tell him about the kiss. If I did, then all he would do is bombard me with questions about him. I walked up to the doorframe, leaned up against it, and waited for him to start talking. 

The conversation only lasted for a few seconds. He basically asked me where I went and I replied with the truth. The town centre, a coffee shop, and Luke's house. Of course I didn't tell him that me and him kissed at the house, or the fact that I had to walk through a thick and mud-covered forest to actually get there. Some things were best left private, for now. Once we finished talking I made my way up the stairs and into my room. I put down my Uke in the corner, where it always sat, laid down onto my bed, and pulled out my phone. I needed to message him, saying that I was home. I went into my contacts, clicked on his name, and looked at the options. I could either send a text, or actually call him. Should I call him? Would it be worth it to call him? My thumb pressed down on the call button. There was no turning back now. I lifted up my arm, pressed my phone against my ear, and waited for him to pick up. After what seemed like the longest eight seconds of my entire life, he finally did so. 

"Hello?" My mouth automatically smiled upon hearing his voice.

"Hey!" I replied, letting out a slight chuckle. "Just ringing you so you know that I'm home, safe and sound in my tiny freaking house."

"Well I can kinda tell from the tone of your voice. If you were being kidnapped you wouldn't be sounding so cheery, would you?" I laughed again. Dammit, I swear, Luke could make a joke out of almost anything. "Well, talk to you later, bye!" 

"Yeah, talk to you later. Bye." With that I hung up, put it on charge, and grabbed my laptop that was underneath my bed. Hopefully the email that he sent me with the song actually went through. As it turns out, we weren't that good at writing songs, so I was either going to do a cover of 'Christmas Time' or 'Merry Christmas Everyone'. Either way, I needed to know what song I was going to sing so that I could, well, sing it! 

I opened it up, typed in the password, and logged onto my emails. Apart from the usual spam emails that I got, as well as emails telling me stuff about MySpace, I instantly noticed the email that was right at the top. The email it had been sent from was called 'DigiBlueDude'. That must've been Luke's email. It had to be! It was his Yahoo username, after all. I clicked on the email and looked at the words that he had wrote. I was going to be singing 'Merry Christmas Everyone'. Luckily it was the one that I knew best. I didn't really have to learn that much. I already knew the chords to it, as well as the lyrics, so that was a good thing. Once I finished skimming through it, I sent a quick reply of 'thanks' before closing my laptop again. Good. Now that I had done that, I could actually focus on practising the song. I picked up my Uke again, quickly re-tuned it, and started to play. For once I was actually glad about this house having thick walls; It meant that nobody but myself could hear me play. 

Luke's POV

I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. Did that just happen? Did that really just happen? Did we just...just kiss? I couldn't believe it...I pinched myself. I wasn't dreaming, which was a good thing, yet in a weird way, I kinda wished that I was. I was so shocked that the things that happened today happened that I knew it was going to take a while to get used to. Me and Emma were now dating, which was freaking amazing. God, I still couldn't believe that happened. Did that honestly just happen? I pushed myself up into a sitting position and looked out my window. The small lamp that we had in our garden lit up the grass, which was now covered in a thin sprinkling of snow. Finally. It was snowing. As childish as it sounded, I freaking loved snow! Yet for the first time in my entire life, I hoped it didn't snow hard enough to cancel school. I actually wanted to go into school on Monday. If I didn't...well...then Emma couldn't perform her song! And then we couldn't promote the Christmas play, and then hardly anybody would show up. Yeah, I wanted to go in. I really did. Another main reason that I wanted to go in was because I would see Emma...I couldn't wait to see her. We were probably going to go through that phase all couples go through when they first meet, when they both love each other to bits, yet I didn't care. 

I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.




Sorry it took so long but...


So yeah, as always, Hope You Enjoyed! :D

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