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Emma's POV

As soon as my alarm went off, instead of turning it off again and falling back asleep, I actually got straight out of bed for once. I ripped off my covers, stood up, and instantly made my way into the bathroom. I showered, brushed my teeth, walked back into my bedroom, and pulled on my uniform. I had to be at school as early as possible today. Even though the leader of this entire performance said that I only had to be there ten minutes before the school day actually started, and I normally did that at the usual time that I got up, I still wanted to be early. I wanted to practise some more, I wanted to talk to some people, and just have time to relax rather than rushing around. I picked up my uke, that still happened to be in its hardcase, and made my way downstairs. Despite me getting up at six thirty rather than at quarter to eight, my Dad was already awake. Jeez, what time did he get up? I sighed underneath my breath and started to make myself some toast. I normally loved eating breakfast in the morning; Yet most of the time I didn't have the chance to do so. I normally was rushing around and I never even thought about breakfast. Now...Now I could actually eat something. As I was waiting for the toast to finish cooking, I placed all of my bags, including my uke, at the front door, took my shoes from out of the cupboard, and I was about to sit down at the table when my phone started to buzz, alerting me that I had a new text. I pulled it out of my pocket, unlocked it, and went into my messages. Of course it was from Luke. 

Hey! What time are you coming into school?

Why was he asking me that question? Was it because he wanted to plan to leave at the perfect time so that we would meet up on the way? Was he at school already? Did he want to know when I was leaving so that he would know how long to wait? I had no freaking idea. My toast popped up, making me jump. Well, once I finished my toast, which would take around five minutes, I needed to put on all my stuff, walk to the nearby shops, get my lunch, and try to catch the bus in time. I guess I would be at school in...half an hour? Yeah, that seemed like the best option. 

Thirty long as my bus isn't late. lol 

He replied almost instantly. 

Ahah, see you then, I guess! :D 

I chuckled underneath my breath, put some butter onto my toast, and started to eat it while looking out of the glass doors that led into the garden. It was winter, meaning that the sun had a long way to go before it was going to make an appearance. The thought of getting the bus in the dark made me feel sick, though. I normally hated the dark as it was, but actually walking in it, being totally alone, as well as vulnerable to, well, practically anyone was enough to make my stomach churn. I just wanted to leave the house, get onto the bus, and get to school as fast as possible. I quickly finished my toast, put the rest of my stuff on, yelled out a 'goodbye' to my Dad, before running as fast as I could to the nearest bus stop. God, I really hated the dark.  I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and crossed my arms over my chest. If I just stared at the ground and said nothing, then I would be able to get on the bus without being attacked in any way, shape, or form. I could sense that there were people staring at me. I briefly glanced up for a split second. It looked like some sort of gang. There were three guys, all wearing baggy jumpers, jogging bottoms, and high-top shoes. Dammit...I couldn't aggravate them. They just looked tough...

I looked back down at the ground again as I walked out of my street. Okay...I only had to walk up this lane and I would be in the safety of the bus stop. Well, I knew that I should have probably got lunch, yet the school's cafeteria wasn't that bad if I was being honest...That's all I have to do. That's all I have to do to be safe. I picked up my pace. I just had to get to that stop. That's all I had to do. Ugh, I don't know why I was this afraid of walking in the dark. Personally, to me, it made no sense whatsoever. I shouldn't be scared of the dark! It wasn't even that dark out! There were street-lamps everywhere! It wasn't that dark if I was being honest. It could easily be darker. 

Two arms suddenly wrapped themselves around my body, sending fear raving throughout my body. I screamed out in fear. What the hell was going on? Who was doing this? Was somebody actually trying to rob me? I screamed again. I needed help. had to get away. I had to get away. I didn't want to be robbed when I was basically on the front steps of my house! The person, whoever the fuck they were, then let go of me. I fell to the ground, hitting my head against the pavement. Luckily my rucksack cushioned the fall for my Uke, so at least that wasn't broken. Yet who the fuck tried to kidnap me? I brushed the dirt from out of my eyes, got up to my knees, and looked up. Out of all the people in the world, Luke Cutforth himself was the person who I would last suspect. Why the fuck was he doing this? Did he think that it was some sort of joke to pretend to freaking rob me or something? I was about to walk away from him when he grabbed hold of my shoulder, and brought me into a hug. Even though I was still kinda mad at him, I did notice that my anger levels had gone down. At least that meant that I wasn't going to be yelling at him the entire day. 

"I guess you didn't take very well to that, huh?" He said. I shook my head in a silent reply. "I was just trying to scare you...In a nice way. I didn't know you would be that terrified of it all. Do you not like the dark or something?" 

"Well, to be honest, I don't. In fact, I hate it. Especially when I have to freaking walk in it! The thought of walking alone in the dark scares me half to death, so actually doing so is's just...Horrible. I hate it. The fact that you pretended to fucking mug me didn't help that much either." There was still some anger buried inside of me. It seemed that there always was nowadays.  Luke reached out and slipped his hand into mine. I could feel the rough skin of his palm rubbing up against my own. I could feel his blood pulsating through his fingers. Somehow, it calmed me down enough to be able to put my head onto his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry. I had no idea you were this afraid." He squeezed my hand tightly and started to walk towards the bus stop. "Anyway, let's get to school."

"Yeah, let's." With that the both of us walked towards the bus stop, sat down on the weird, plastic chairs, and waited for the bus to arrive. And for the first time in seemingly forever, I was happy.


I'm so sorry this was so late! 

I had so much school work and ARGH

Yeah, I'll try to make sure the next chapter isn't as late as this one! :D

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