The Performance

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Emma's POV

I took a step forwards, my entire body shaking with absolote fear. I was going to sing in front of the entire school. The entire freaking school...I didn't know if I was prepared for it or not if I was being honest. Sure, I really loved singing, and singing is what, personally, I put the most effort into. Yet I wasn't sure if I was actually good enough to sing in front of the whole, entire freaking school! I looked over at the entrance of the school hall. The first groups of students were starting to file their way into the room. Even though the group had around twenty students in it, when they sat down, it made me realise just how many people were going to be in this room. It was going to get hot, sweaty, and extrememly uncomfortable shockingly fast. All I wanted to do was sing my song, and then leave. That was all I wanted. Once I played my song. I could go home. At least the school allowed that. After all, today marked the day where all of the test results got handed in, so for the next week or so, all of the classes would be watching movies and stuff like that.

More people started to file in. God, I was terrified. What if I messed up? If I messed up infront of the entire school, then there was no way that I was going to get out of the bullying that I would recieve from that. I turned around to look at Luke, who was standing next to the door that lead to the backstage area. Well, it wasn't really that 'backstage'. It was just a small gap in between the back wall, and the base of the performance area. It was only one meter wide. Yet, I guess it was a place to hide while you were waiting for your turn to perform. The bright lights that he had just turned on reflected off from his bright orange hair, creating a small glow. God, I still couldn't believe his hair was all natural. To me, it seemed like something from out of an anime or comic book. His hair was incredible. He looked up from what he was doing, made eye contact with me, and smiled. My body instantly warmed as all of the nerves that were building up inside of me faded. His smile was one of the best smiles that I had ever seen in my entire life. It was truely beatiful. I loved it. He walked up to me, slipped his hands into mine, and started to talk.

"This thing starts in around ten minutes. First, I'm going to do some talking, Miranda over there-" He pointed over to a girl that was in Sixth Form. She was dark-skinned, had long, black hair that came down to the base of her back, and deep, brown eyes. "-She's going to sing a song first. Then, I'm going to do some more talking, introduce you, and then you get up and do your part. Then, after that, you can wait backstage and do whatever you want. Yet, at the end of all this, everybody is gonna have a vote to say who they want to, well, I guess have another performance. So...they might choose you to perform. If they do, just sing either a different song, or the same one again." He said, gently squeezing my hand.

"Yeah, I bet they will want me to perform again...Not. Who would willingly let their eardrums hear me sing? Besides, even if I did get choosen, I would probably be too scared to even perform." Luke took a step closer towards me, joined our hands together, and smiled. I felt my face start to turn a dark shade of red. Was he going to kiss me in front of the whole school? Why was he holding me this way?

"You'll be fine. Trust me, Emma. Trust me." He gently pulled me into a hug. Yeah, he was right. I would be fine. Nothing would go wrong...Nothing could go wrong, right? All I had to do was freaking sing and that was that! "Now, the shows about to start, so you need to go backstage. I'll tell you when you need to come on. Remember, you're singing Merry Christmas Everyone." He pulled away from me, smiled, and led me backstage. He wasn't lying when he said that it was tiny. There was hardly any move to move around! I somehow managed to shuffle my way to the end of the 'backstage' where a few random beanbags lay. I take off my hardcase that had my Uke in it, lean it up agaisnt the wall, and flop down onto the seat. A few seconds passed before the main lights turned off, and the bright glow of the stage light could be seen. I could hear Luke's voice introducing Mirianda and, only a few seconds later, Mirianda herself singing 'All I want for Christmas (is you). God, she sounded freaking amazing. There was no way that I was going to be as good as her. I was going to be the crappiest person around here.

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