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Emma's POV

It was the morning again. Great. I was dreading school much more than I normally dreaded it. I knew that, from the moment I walked in, I was going to be entirely alone for the day. I was going to be nothing but alone. Amanda was going to ignore me, I had no other friends to talk to, and the lessons that I had were utter shit. I honestly didn't see the point of going in to be honest. Still, if I didn't go, my Dad would get mad at me. I had already taken tons of days off this year, and if I took another one off, then he was going to get extremely mad at me. I rolled out of bed, put my horrid school uniform on, and walked down to the kitchen. My Dad was standing by the door that went into the garden, eating a slice of overcooked toast. I didn't see how he could eat in the morning. I couldn't eat a thing. Not only was I hardly ever hungry in the morning, but I never had time to do so. As soon as I woke up I had to get dressed, pack my backs, brush my teeth, and rush out the door before I was late. If I sat down and ate breakfast, then I would be 'that' person that ran into class twenty minutes late while they were having trouble breathing and bright red in the face. I was hated enough already, and I didn't want to add that to my long list of problems. 

I silently filled up my water bottle, walked back up the stairs again, and started to pack my bag. I had to bring in a bunch of books today, which was always nice on my back. We had PE as well...Great. That was going to help me out even more. Sighing, I grabbed my Science book, my Maths book, my English book, and my Programming book, stuffed them into my bag, and stuffed my old PE clothes in there as well. I guess that one good thing about my school was that there was no 'set' PE kit. All you had to wear was a shirt, and a pair of sports shorts or jogging bottoms. You couldn't have things like skinny jeans or 'short' shorts, although some of the other girls got away with it. Lucky them...Still, my 'uniform' consisted of a light grey jumper, and a pair of black jogging bottoms. They looked horrendous on me, and I absolutely despised them. I wished that I could get another pair yet there was no way that I was actually going to afford the stuff that actually fitted me correctly.  It was almost impossible! Still, at least they were comfy. Once that was done I zipped my bag up, put it over my shoulder, and walked towards the front door. I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my beanie from the hooks that were by the door, and walked straight out into the freezing cold British November air. God, it was freezing out. I wasn't going to survive PE if it was outside today! 

As I made my way to school, I tried to think of things that weren't related to that stupid Christmas play or Amanda. When you were trying not to think of something, you ended up doing it anyway. Ugh, I didn't want to go into school today. I just wanted to stay home and spend the entire day either on Myspace or sleeping. It was cold, wet, and the fact that my only friend hated me made me want to scream and cuss and...and just do anything to get this anger out of my system. Oh, and the whole 'crush on Luke/Christmas play' thing didn't help that much either. If anything it was annoying as heck. I wished that I could just rewind back to that moment outside of the drama room, reply to what he was saying causally, and just shrug off any 'theories' that Amanda had. Sometimes I wished that I could rewind back to my own birth and change how I act from there. Yet this wasn't some sort of book that you could read on the internet or video game...this was real life. I couldn't do stuff like that. It was impossible. I glanced upwards and saw the entrance of the school looming above me. I could already imagine Amanda in there, making new friends, and making a plot to make sure that I was hated by every single person in the entire school. I bet that she was doing that...I bet she was. I walked through the entrance and, as soon as I did so, somebody jumped onto my back, startling me. A loud scream escaped from my mouth, followed by the sound of whoever did jump on my back's struggling. Who the heck did that? 

I, somehow, managed to fling them off from my body, stumble backwards, and try to catch my breath back again before I started to yell. What kind of arsehole would do something like that? I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down at the ground. Laying on her side, coughing violently, and wiping tears away from their face, was...was Amanda. Did...Did she forget about our texts last night? Did she forget about that? Did she forget about all that? I took off my rucksack, squatted down next to her, and pulled her back up to her feet. If she wasn't mad at me before, she was defiantly mad at me right now. I had almost broken her freaking spine! Of course she would be mad at me! When she was back up to her feet she leaned up against the nearby lockers, stayed still for a few seconds, before pulling something out from the front pocket of her back. It was a sheet of paper with the words 'Christmas Play' written on the front of it. What the heck was this? What the heck? Did she still want me to sign up for this crappy play?  Our eyes linked which each other for a few seconds before she grabbed my wrist, opened up my palm, and put the papers inside. No...She couldn't be wanting me to sign up. She couldn't be! I had already told her that I wanted nothing to do with that goddamn play! I don't know why I opened it up. I don't know why I didn't just chuck it in the bin and carry on with my day. I really don't know. Yet once I did open it up, I regretted it horribly.

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