That Question

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Emma's POV

The woods that we were walking through led right to his back garden. Yes, I did find it a bit creepy that there was a giant set of woods behind his house, but at least we were here now. We could go to where ever he recorded his music, or wrote scripts, and do whatever we needed to do. We walked across his back garden, which was basically two meters squared of nothing but slippery mud, and he opened the the door that led into the kitchen. Standing by the kettle, waiting for it to finish boiling, was probably his sister. She had blonde, curly hair that came down to her waist. Her eyes were blue, like Luke's, yet they were more of a sky blue rather than a deep, nightly ocean shade. After a few seconds of conversation between the siblings, Luke grabbed onto my wrist and started to pull me up the stairs. As his fingers wrapped around it, I felt my face turn start to burn up. Crap. Could he see that I was blushing? I placed my free hand against my cheek, feeling the warmth radiating off from it. I was definitely blushing. Oh, please say this passed before we started to write. I didn't want to spend my entire time with him blushing like some kind of ditzy schoolgirl! Once we were at the top of the stairs, he pulled me across the hallway and opened up a door that led into his room. Although he said that it was small, it was much bigger than mine! He had a double bed, a bedside table, a desk big enough for his laptop as well as some notebooks, and a rather large wardrobe. Not to mention all of the space that he had to walk around. Compared to mine, his room was massive! 

He sat down onto his bed and patted the space behind him. I could feel my face turn hotter. Even though we were just sitting next to each other, the fact that we were sitting on a bed made it...made it seem more sexual than it should have been. Still, I sat down next to him, pulled my Uke from it's hardcase, and started to play quiet, little strums. It was way out of tune. It must've done that when I fell. Well, I could easily retune it. It was better than this thing being broken, that was for sure. As I started to retune the instrument, Luke grabbed his laptop and opened up a word document that already had some writing on it. It must've been some lyrics that he had started to write. It wasn't that much, but it was a start. God, I hope I was able to actually write satisfactory lyrics. I didn't want this song to sound too cheesy or too, well...modern, I guess. I couldn't really do a rock-and-roll song on a Uke. That would be nearly impossible! And even if I was able to strum out all of those chords, I would probably need stitches afterwards from the amount of cuts that my fingers and wrist would be littered with. I needed to write a song that was slow and nice, but not too slow so that it would bore everybody to death, and not too nice everybody was throwing up from sweetness. Now that I thought about it, writing a Christmas song was probably one of the hardest songs to write. Nearly all Christmas songs out there are intensely cheesy. Ugh, maybe I should just do a cover of a song. If I couldn't write one, then I would probably have to do that and put my own little twist onto it. 

"So, this is what I got so far." Luke said, turning the computer around so that the screen was facing me. I put my Uke to one side, leaned closer towards the screen, and started to read. ]

Snow is falling from the sky. Little kids wrapped up in warm coats. Nobody wants to die. Frozen over moats.

I had to stifle a laugh. Everything about that first verse was good! It could really pass as a proper Christmas song! The only thing that ruined it was the mention of death. Why did he have to mention death? Yeah, it did rhyme with 'sky', yet surely he could've thought of a better word to use! I had to change that. I had to. I looked back up at him, nodded, and gently took the computer from his grasp. That was the first thing that I needed to change. I wasn't going to mention freaking death in a joyful Christmas song! That just wasn't right. I placed my fingers onto the keyboard, and erased the death sentence. Good. Now, I just needed a word that rhymed with sky, vaguely related to Christmas, and slap it in there. 

"Hey, Luke, can you think of any other words that rhyme with sky?" I asked, looking over at him. He was writing something down in a notebook. His bright orange hair fell in front of his crystal blue eyes, making them seem more vibrant and brighter than ever before. My face turned warm again. Crap! When I had finally stopped blushing, I look over at Luke and it starts all over again! He made eye contact with me, smiled, shut his notebook, and placed it back onto his bedside table again. 

"Wait, did you get rid of my death sentence?" He replied, chuckling. I could feel my face turning warmer by the minute, yet I just ignored it. If I ignored it, then maybe it would go away. "I liked that sentence!" He added, pretending to cry. The laughs that I had bottled up inside of me suddenly spilled out. Within a few seconds, the both of us was laughing. I couldn't help but feel great. We were actually acting like friends! There was nothing weird between us whatsoever! Maybe my blushing around him was just the strong feelings of friendship that we both subconsciously wanted. I slowly stopped giggling like a crazy person, and started to re-focus my attention to writing the song. Even though it had been at least ten minutes since he made that joke, small chuckles were still coming out from my mouth. 

"Anyway, let's get back to writing." Luke nodded, let out a final laugh-filled-sigh, and shuffled up next to me. I could feel the warmth radiating off from his body. I quickly spun my head around to make eye contact with him. My heart started to beat incredibly fast. My face turned red. No...No, I couldn't be crushing on him, could I? Surely I couldn't! We were just friends, and that was that! There was nothing romantic between us what-so-freaking-ever! 

"Well, apart from die, there', July, oh! Sly? What about sly? We could add a lyric that talks about parents being sly about what they got their kids for Christmas!" I nodded. It was actually a really good idea. I started to type it out. 

Snow is falling from the sky. Little kids being wrapped up in winter coats. Parents being sly. Frozen over moats.

That actually sounded really good! I turned around to Luke so that I could say something, when my body froze up. He was staring straight at me. My heart was pounding so freaking fast. I could easily see that he was moving closer towards me! Were we going to kiss! In a weird way...I kind wanted to. Ugh, what was I saying...? I would love kiss him. I had a massive crush on him! What was the freaking point in denying it anymore? I had a crush on him and that was that. I moved closer towards him as well. He lifted up his arm and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. This time, I knew it was more than friendship act. We got even closer towards one another. I could smell the peppermint scent that was on the other side of the room coming off from his body. It smelt like Christmas. It really did smell like it. He placed his hand underneath my chin, and lifted it up slightly. I shut my eyes, and waited for it to happen. And it did. 

Our lips interlocked for a few seconds. My body tingled with delight as my heart raced. It was beating so fast that it could've burst free from my chest. Still, that still all connected to the fact that I was kissing somebody! This was my first kiss! And...And it was wonderful. He pulled away from me, gently placed both of his warm hands on either side of my face, and smiled. I quickly realised that both of my hands were around his shoulders. The strange thing was, I wasn't blushing. I felt so relaxed...This felt so real. It felt genuine. It wasn't awkward at all. He leaned closer towards me, pressed a kiss onto my forehead, and then whispered something into my ear. 

"I love you."

"I love you too." 

Today really was the best day of my entire life.



Sorry I haven't been updating as often, guys! I've been at school, and I've had so many tests, and I have a lot of homework to do over the holidays! So yeah! Sorry about that...

Anyway, how are you guys feeling about this book! Comment down below! 

And, as always, Hope You Enjoyed!

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