First Christmas Song

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Luke's POV

I couldn't believe it. This was amazing! The main singers/performers that are going to be in the upcoming Christmas play were going to do a small performance next lesson to the entire school to basically promote the play itself. Our teachers said that it was to show how creative some of our students were, and we were kinda forced to agree that was why we were planning this, yet, in reality, everybody knew it was to promote the play itself. I still had no idea how I was going to do that, though. The only ideas I had was either encouraging Emma, who was the best at writing song lyrics, to write a Christmassy song that was about our play, or just do a few songs and talk about it at the end. To be honest, I didn't care how many people showed up at this thing. The fact that we were doing it was good enough for me. I still found it hard to believe that the school was letting me do all of this. It was amazing! I couldn't believe it! I would be making those small booklets that you saw on the chairs at plays soon. I actually was planning on making them tomorrow. Sure, making stuff for school on weekends seemed crazy to me, but I was just so set on making this play the best freaking play that this school has ever seen! I want the words that were going to be spoken in this play to be remembered for the rest of their lives! That was such a big dream of mine! I wanted it to happen so freaking badly...I really did. I also wanted to write more songs, yet I had no experience of that whatsoever. Maybe I could try and ring Emma...Yeah, maybe I could ring her and ask her to come around to my house this weekend!

Geez, Emma was so freaking amazing. Sure, some of my close friends did find out that I did have a massive crush on her, yet for once I didn't care. Emma just seemed freaking perfect in every single aspect of life! She was happy, she was joyful, she was funny...She was just amazing. I loved her so much...I really did love her. If I somehow plucked up the courage to ask her to come around my house this weekend, then I could casually bring up the conversation of dating people and see how she responds. Hopefully she would just laugh and say that she wasn't going out with anybody or anything. Then again I wouldn't really mind if she was going out with somebody or had a major crush on a person. I didn't want to be that guy who constantly tried to get with girls. I just wanted to see if they liked me or not if I had a crush on them...God, ringing her up was enough to make my heart flutter and my pulse start to race. I hated the thought of it, I really did. Whenever I had the chance to talk to any of my crushes I normally ended up stumbling over my words and making no sense whatsoever. I prayed that wouldn't happen this time...I really hoped it didn't. I rolled over, picked up my phone from my bedside table, and opened it up. I went into my contacts list and pressed down onto her name. I did get her phone number the other day, which made me feel even more nervous. Would it be too pushy if I called her a day after I got her number? Was that a normal thing to do or not? 

The phone started to ring, making me jump. Okay...At least her phone was on. At least it was on. That was always a good thing. At least I wasn't ringing a dead line. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, grabbed my laptop from the floor with my free hand an awkwardly opened it up. I did have a few ideas of what the songs that she could sing could be about, so I could tell her now if the conversation managed to go down that route. The phone suddenly picked up, making me almost jump out from my skin. My heart started to pound even faster as an extremely awkward silence started to grow on both of us. Crap...I needed to say something before she hung up. How on earth did I start something like this off though? I couldn't just ask her straight away, that would be way too rude! The only thing that came to my mind was just saying a simple greeting that everybody said when they ring somebody, and wait for the conversation to go somewhere else. Yeah...that seemed like a good idea. 

"Hey, Emma!" My mouth suddenly felt extremely dry while my heart was beating so hard that it physically hurt me. 

"Hey, Luke, what's up?" Phew! This conversation was going well so far, which was always a good thing. At least she wasn't asking why I was calling her yet in a weird, creeped out voice.  

"I'm just...just planning stuff for the play." I guess this would be the right moment to talk about the small performance that the school was letting me put on next week. "Yeah, speaking of plays, next week, I can put one of the musical people from my play in the singing...thingy. I don't really know what it's called to be honest." Dammit...How could I forget what it's called? I just sounded stupid right now! Stupid and organised...Great. This was a great way to start this conversation off! Not..."Yeah, so...would you be the musical person who performs? I don't really know what Christmas-like songs you know, obviously, but maybe we could meet up and talk about it? Or...or something like that." There was a few seconds of silence. Crap...Did she think that I was crazy? Did she like this idea? Ugh, why did I ring her? Why couldn't I have just denied the offer from the school the second they spoke up to me about it? That would've made things a whole load easier. It meant that I wouldn't have to make awkward-as-heck phone calls to my freaking crushes! 

"Yeah! That sounds cool! Should we meet up outside of the school?" My heart stopped racing and my body relaxed. She was fine with all of this. She was perfectly fine. That was a good thing, it really was a good thing. We both agreed on a time, which was in two hours time, and we also planned where we would be going. We had planned to go to Starbucks for lunch, walk around the main shopping district for a while, before coming back to my house and actually doing what we were meant to be doing. It sounded so simple and normal, but it still made me shake with excitement. I was finally going on a day out with the person that I had the biggest crush on. I knew that she wouldn't like me back. She wouldn't like me in that kind of way even if I was the last person on earth! Yet I hoped that this would draw us slightly closer together. I really did. I rolled off from my bed, stumbled over to my wardrobe, and started to see what kind of clothes I could wear. I didn't want to wear anything too casual, as she would probably think that I was some sort of 'chav' or 'tramp' or something like that. Yet I didn't want to wear a suit either. Ugh, I this was too freaking hard. Why did I have to care so much about what people thought of me? Sure, it was my crush, and I was supposed to care about what I wore, yet at the same time I really didn't want to. I just wanted to wear what I wanted to wear...

After two whole minutes of deciding, I eventually went for what I normally wore on weekends; A short sleeved, or longs sleeved, depending on the weather, shirt with a random design on it, as well as a pair of black skinny jeans. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. There was slightly less than two hours left before we were meant to meet up. Ugh. Why was I so nervous? She was just a friend...I did have a crush on her, but she didn't like me back, so we would never be together. I just had to stay calm and act like I had no crush on her whatsoever. It was going to be hard, yet I had to try. I had to freaking try to hold back my emotions. I sighed, ran my fingers through my hair, grabbed my laptop, put it in its case, and walked out of my bedroom door. Of course, I didn't have to be in town for another hour and forty-eight minutes, yet I just wanted to get out of the house and do something. As long as I was doing something, then I wouldn't be thinking about Emma...At least not in that kind of way.



Sorry this took so long to update guys but...School. D: 

And I'm ill? My stomach hurts?? IDK

Anyway, as always, Hope You Enjoyed!

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