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Emma's POV

After me and Luke had finished our Starbucks and left the building, we started to make our way back to his house. This was mainly down to the fact that we both decided that going around the shops and looking for stuff to do was a waste of time. What we really wanted to do was write some music for the upcoming performance. We only had time to have one song played, as well as a few moments to describe the upcoming play that we were putting on, yet this song still had to be wrote out, practised, and approved my everybody. As we were walking down the lightly-powdered streets, I couldn't help but shiver from excitement. I couldn't wait to start writing and practising this whole thing out. I loved writing songs, ever since I was a child. Ever since I could remember, I loved to sing and dance and just basically perform to nobody in my tiny, tiny room. Now I was doing it to the entire school. For some strange reason, I wasn't nervous at all. I wasn't all that scared of performing in crowds. Then again, I had never done it, so maybe when the day that when I was going to do it rolled around, I would probably be shaking harder than an earthquake. Until then, I was just going to enjoy the overwhelming feeling of happiness that I was currently feeling. I wondered how people would react to me as well...Would they like my performance or would they just want to leave halfway through it? Was I going to entertain them or what? I hoped I entertained them at least a little bit. Sure, I wasn't exactly Katie Perry or My Chemical Romance, but I was good enough to at least keep them awake, right? Right? 

I started to feel small specks of fear rise up inside of me. Okay, maybe I was a little bit nervous. Maybe I was. I ran my fingers through my hair, took a deep breath, and let my hands fall back down to my sides again. I just need to write this song, practise it over and over again, and then know it well enough to perform it next week. Once that performance was over, then I could focus on the performance that I was going to do in the play itself. Hopefully those things would go well. I'm pretty sure that the play would go well! After all, last year the Christmas play was freaking amazing! Everybody, including the school bullies, freaking loved it! They were cheering, laughing, and they even sung along to the Christmas song at the end. Nobody was actually performing it, the person who was doing the sound effects just played 'I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday' on the speakers. Still, it was pretty awesome. Hopefully the school would like an actual person performing it while singing it into the mircophone rather than having it being blasted out from the crappy speakers that made every single word clip horribly.

Luke randomly turned ninety degrees to the right, and started to climb over a fence that led into a rather large, forest-like area, that made my mind stop in it's thoughts. He was taking a shortcut, I knew that for sure, but why did it have to be through some awful-looking woods? Couldn't he just have taken the long route to his street? Wait, how the hell was I even meant to climb up this thing in the first freaking place? I was horrible at climbing! Instead of trying to scramble up the metal, pointed fence of doom, I took a timid step back and watched Luke do it instead. He easily scaled the fence, swung his legs over, and jumped down onto the soft, muddy other ground that was on the other side of it. He then turned around, made eye contact with me, and chuckled. After standing there, staring at me and laughing quietly for a few seconds, he grabbed a rope that was inside of a, presumably, hollow tree-trunk, tied the end of it around his wrist, and flung it over the side of the fence. Was he really going to try and pull me over? He did look strong enough to do so, and I only weighed a few stone, yet I couldn't help but squeal when my feet got lifted off from the ground. Crap...I didn't want to get hurt and possibly killed! The tops of the fence were those horrible, pointed, sharp, metal things that could easily pierce through your leg if you fell onto them; I didn't want to go to hospital today and get that thing removed either, that was only going to make me feel worse. Not because I was injured or anything, but because Amanda was there...I would probably have to talk to her and...and after what happened a short while back...Yeah, I don't really want to talk to her for a few days. It would just be way too awkward. 

My body reached the top of the fence. Crap...I had to do something. I gingerly placed one hand onto the small gap that was in between the spikes, and lifted my legs up in the air. God, I was glad that I wasn't wearing a skirt today, I was really was. Then again I only owned, like, four or so of them. My body suddenly slipped, making my heart feel like it was about to explode from out of my chest. My stupid brain seemed to have forgotten that I, not only had a person pulling against my body, but the fact that the rope that they were pulling me up here with was only tied around my left hand. My legs slipped and my body was quickly suspended in mid-air. The only thing keeping me from falling to the floor was my right hand. It had attached itself to a small gap where there was no metal spikes. I carefully looked behind me, my heart pounding like crazy. Luke looked completely petrified of this entire thing. He was still holding the rope. That's when I realised why he was so scared. I was going to have to get down from here somehow. Crap...I looked down. If I were to let go, then the drop that I would fall would be at least eight feet. It wouldn't kill me, but my God it would hurt. I felt the wrist that had the rope tied around it being tugged on. Shit. Was I going to fall? It didn't take me long to realise that I spoke too soon.

Somehow, my hand decided to let go of the fence, and I fell. As I made my way towards the dirty, bug-ridden mud, the cold, harsh winter wind lapped harshly against my face. I hit the floor with a smack, as a weird, aching, numbing pain shot through my left arm. Crap...Ouch. That hurt. That hurt a hell of a lot. I lifted my head and looked up at Luke. He was staring down at me, looking the most shocked that I had ever seen him in my entire life. When we made eye contact he ran over to me, grabbed me by my wrists, and lifted me up. At least the pain that was in my left arm was now gone, that was always a good thing. Once I was back up on my feet, I suddenly realised something. I have brought my Uke out with me. I spun around and looked down at the floor. Sitting next to a log, in its hard case, was my Uke. Shit...Was it broken? I stumbled forward, unzipped it, and lifted it up. I breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't broken. There was only a little scratch, but that didn't matter. It was still working, and that was all that mattered. At least it wasn't broken. 

I zipped its hardcase back up, slung it over my shoulder, and got onto my feet again. A jolt of pain shot through my ankle. Crap. I knew that pain. I had dislocated it. Great. Just what I needed right now...I bent over, grabbed either side of my ankle with both of my hands, lifted it a few inches above the ground, and pushed it upwards. It hurt like hell, but at least it was now back in the correct place. The only thing that I was dreading was the bruise that I was going to get. My knees and ankles frequently got dislocated, and whenever they got put back into place again, the bruise left behind was horrific. Colour-wise, if was beautiful. It had greens, yellows, oranges, reds, purples, blues, and even shades of pink in there, yet it normally twisted around my ankle like a bangle and stung. Hopefully the writing session that me and Luke were about to have would make me forget about that. I pulled my trouser leg down, covering the bruise that I could already feel forming, walked back over to him, and carried on following him through the dense, and freaky jungle. 



Yes, I decided not to quit...I like writing wayyyy too much! :D 

Anyway, as always, Hope You Enjoyed! :D

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