Old Friends

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Emma's POV

I leaned up against the backstage wall, my heart pounding. How the heck was I able to storm through a whole four songs without dying on the spot? How was that possible? I opened my eyes and stared up at the celing. I just performed four freaking songs. Four. Freaking. Songs. And I didn't die? I closed my eyes, trying to calm my shaking body down. I felt like I was going to throw up; Both from the shock of it all, as well as the relief of finally being off stage had me worn the heck out. I felt myself slowly sliding to the floor as my head fell forward. Unless Luke was taking the bus home with me, I was going to end up falling asleep and waking up on the other side of town. At that moment, I heard the sound of tapping. It sounded like somebody was wearing high heals yet...yet, if they were, these high heels weren't that great. The tapping got louder as the person, whoever they were, got closer towards me. A few moments passed before the person stopped walking, and I felt a small jab in my ribcage. Groggily, I opened up my eyes and looked upwards. My heart seemed to freeze while my blood went cold. Out of all the people that came to mind, this person wasn't one of them. It was Amanda.

She had a bright purple cast on her broken leg, as well as a few stitches running down the side of her face. It took me a few seconds before I jumped up and flung my arms around her neck. I was shaking. I couldn't believe it. She was here...She was here. She was freaking here! She was out of the hospital! Did she see me perform? How come I didn't see her in the audience? Then again she probably wasn't in the audience. A few seconds of silence passed before she gently pulled away. I could see tears rising up in her eyes. Dammit...Was she mad at me for something? She only ever cried when she was mad at me, or extrememly upset. Crap...Had something happened in the hospital? Did she still hate me for what I had done to her? She turned away for me for a few seconds, dried her eyes, and spun back around again. A small smile grew across her face. Okay...I think she was okay now. At least she had stopped crying. Knowing me, if she had carried on sobbing, then I would've started up the waterworks as well. I placed my hand onto her shoulder, in a sort of comforting way, and smiled back at her.

"You were-were really good at singing, you know. I don't know why you say you're crap. You're amazing at singing!" She said, her smile slowly growing larger. "I only came in here during your last song...so I don't know how it went for other performances but...you really were amazing, Emma. I'm not going to lie. You are!" My face turned red.

"T-Thank you..." I paused for a few seconds, my heart beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst through my chest. "I'm sorry for what I did a few weeks ago...I didn't mean to hurt you, Amanda." 

"It's fine...Trust me." She took a step away from me, smiled one last time, and spoke again. "You did great."



I'm so crap, I know! 

Anyways, it's the holidays, so I can (hopefully) start writing more!


Anyways, as always, 


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