Chapter 12

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"Mew sure this would work out?" Meulin gave me a concerned look. I gave her a small glare before just responding with a little shrug. "I've waited long enough. It's now or never. She's gotten the wrong idea and I want to fix that." A sigh escaped my lip and Meulin help my hand for comfort. "I just what to be her least for mituna's sake!" Meulin nods as she read my lips as I spoke. She grinned at me giving me a little boop on the nose. "Mew'll succeed! I know Mew!" I smiled a bit at that and got up form my seat letting go of my morail's hand. "I can do this!" I blurted out trying to gain my confidence. Meulin cheered for me telling me 'mew go girl!' I couldn't help to giggle at that. Meulin was so cute sometimes. One of the best morail's around. Meulin got up as well as she handed me my skateboard. "Mew're meeting her at the park right? Then mew'll need this" I smiled as I too the board from her. I used to skate back then and Meulin knew since Mituna taught me and recently Meulin got me a present which as a new skateboard. She really is the best morail! She knows me so well. I turned to the door and walked out closing behind me. I looked by calling so Meulin saying I'll see her later while she just watches me go while yelling 'I know' back to me. I couldn't help but to giggle at that.
I dropped my skateboard in front of me and took off. Since the park was close it wasn't long. I was already there in like a few minutes. Picking up my skateboard I began to walk about looking for that one troll I'm suppose to meet. But it wasn't long until I saw them standing there. Well here goes nothing. I took a deep breath and then began to approach them. They turned to me giving me a none pleasant glare. But I just shook it off. "Okay listen. I don't want to be here long so let's make it quick okay?" I blurted out and she just gave me an agreeing nod. Good. So just need to get to the point and this will be over. "Okay... Latula... I don't want to be your kismesis-" I was then interrupted with a groan. "Is this what it's really about. Really!?"

I frown at the comment Latula made but I continued but I kind of snap at her. "shut up and let me finish will ya?! You don't get it do you? I wanted to be your friend! But all you do is be a total asshole to me! Like what did I ever do to you?! I just want you and Mituna and me to be happy together! Isn't that to much to ask!" I couldn't help but my eyes to tear up a bit. What the hell?! Am I seriously just gonna cry because of this? Why? She been an asshole to me for so long! Why am I crying at all this.

I looked out to Latula who just looked at me on like full of surprise. She didn't say anything she just looked at me. "I get it! Mituna loves me as a matesprite and not you. That's what makes you hate me. But you can't change the way Mituna feels. But Mituna still cares for you almost like you were his morail... Isn't that enough?" I stopped after that. I didn't have anything else to say. Nor did Latula. She was dead silent. It kind of made me feel a bit uncomfortable. "..... I'm just gonna go. Thanks for this nice talk" I told her half sarcastically as I turned away. I dropped my skateboard and almost took of until I heard some thing "wait-" I stopped at that and turned to face Latula once more. "....I'm sorry..." I blinked a few times trying to process what I heard. Did she just...  "I'm sorry about everything. It's just... I was flushed for him so much" tears began to form in her eyes as she spoke. I was so surprised though. I was never expecting this from her. She was crying. "I...I then just didn't like how you got him and hatred just flooded me. I never meant to hurt the both of you...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" she then when silent. I didn't expect this at all. Why did it end like this? She was so mean to me before telling be to back off and now... She's crying... Crying right in front of me. I don't know know how to feel about this but I could help but to go over to Latula and hug her. If she really meant what she said then we could be friends now right? Then everything will be fine!
"Latula....I forgive you" I had to say it. If she meant what she said I had to. This could fix everything. I broke the hug looking at Latula with a friendly smile. Why don't we have a hang out her later. It can be you, me, Mituna, and some of out other friends."

"Like a mini party?" Latula asked tilting her head slight wiping those extra tears away. I nodded before speaking "Yeah! Like a little party. And it will be here and we can skateboard all day" I could help but to laugh. "It would be a blast! So radical" Latula and I held hand and jumped up and down squealing like little wrigglers. It's like we became close friends already. "We could teach each other so many cool radical moves!" Latula cheered. I just let out a squeal in agreement. This didn't come out so bad after all! The plan worked and now we are friends and now we are gonna have a blast! Now I have to tell Mituna and Meulin the great news!

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