Chapter 4

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Mituna's Pov
I have been getting the feeling to ride my skate board at the park. Me going alone. No Flushed crush latula. No Kurloz. No anybody. I feel like something was calling me to go to that skating park and i did. I brought my skateboard off course. ITS A FUCKING SKATING PARK WHY WOULDNT I HAH! I dropped my skateboard in front of me and hopped on riding off. It wasnt long till i notice a girl in front of me randomly appeared out of nowhere but i couldnt stop for some reason. I guess im going to fast. "GAHHHH LOOOOK OUUUUT" i yelled before i tripped falling on her. "im tho thorry (y/n)..." Wait (y/n)? who the hell is that? Why did that come out!? "...I mean girl...i mean thome one...i mean hyugkubytuyrkykn" My head it hurts i cant think properly again. I felt myself get off her but i count speak everything i tried to speak was total nonsense and bullshit. But she helped me calm down. Not many people can calm me down that quick! How come she can? "Mi...Mituna?" She knows my name? What is her name? Why is she so familiar? WHY IS EVERY THING SO CONFUSING?! "Hello thome girl i dont know who knowth my name." comes out of my mouth. Some girl? I must know her... she's too familiar. Who is she? "B-but you said my name" she tells me. Name? what name? (y/n)? Thats her name? how do i know! Thinking makes my head hurt. "i did?" she nodd. i can see tears form in her eyes. What did i do!? Why is she crying. "Tuna..." she whimpered getting up. I blinked and grabbed her hand before she moved anywhere. "Dont go!" i quickly said but I didn't really notice I did until later on. She looked at me and sat down with me. I can feel her soft hand lay gentle on my cheek. She had a painful smile full of sadness. Her eyes were beautiful. I feel like i have known her for so long but i dont remember. Who was she it want to know. My head hurts again and I don't like that at all. "Mituna...your....crying" she told me. i was confused at first and felt my face. I was crying. Why was i crying. "Why...." I stopped for a bit. " i crying, (y/n)" I seemed to ask her the same thing i thought. I said the name again. How do i even know this. Why am I thinking of this person named (y/n) so much?! im so comfused...and frustrated. I want to know her. I know ive repeated many things ive said but its true!...Who are you?

Your Pov
I blinked realizing a tear slowly going down mituna's cheek. "Mituna...Your...crying" I managed to say. He slowly touched his face realizing. "why..." He stopped confused. " i crying, (y/n)" he asked me. He said my name again. A small smile when on my face and i just hug him. Was he remembering? I dont know. He might. He had no reason to cry. Maybe there was still a bit off my mituna stuck in there wanting to say something. I Kept hugging him not wanting to let go. I missed him so much you have no idea. "I missed you so much" I whispered. I broke the hug and let go of him. I got up and helped him up. He didn't say anything but looked at me only. He was so confused. I knew he was. I looked away walking over to Meulin. I felt the need that i should just go even if i didnt want to. "Im guessing it went well?" She meowed. I shrugged. 'I feel like there is some of my mituna in there i guess' I slowly sighed to her. Meulin just smiled. "Mew need to stop signing to meow. I can read lips mew know" she laughed. "Sorry" i mumbled. "Alrighty lets go ofurr to my hive! Dont furget mewr sckateboard" I nod grabbing my skateboard. When meulin took off i follow behind.

Mituna's Pov
Its like she really knew me. She said she missed me. Shes seen me before. Her eyes was like a lusus finally finding her lost wiggler she lost for sweeps. And i cryed...I cryed for no reason...why...i dont get it! do i know her or not? I should ask Kurloz...No maybe Meulin in her free time. She seems to know that girl more than anyone. I watched her go and i picked up my sckateboard from the growned. I can see tear drops fall off my face hitting the ground while i picked my skateboard up. Am i crying again? DAMN IT I NEED ANSWERS!

Your Pov...Again
"What am i gonna do meulin" I whinned. "It will take time. I bet he remembers it will just take time to fully develope." Meulin says confident. "It might be to late then. He will be with latula by then." I sighed. I was laying on the ground while my head was laying on meulins knees. I can feel her pet me softly. "Mew'll be togefur again i just know it. Lets start off with the basics. Be his furriend!" She purred. "I dont think i would be able to do that without crying" I sighed again. "OI! Mew will be his furriend and soon to be matespurrit again! No exceptions! THIS SHIP SHALL SAIL AGAIN!!!" she hissed. "OK! OK! I'll do it, Happy?!!"

Mituna's Pov
The talk didnt last long with Kurloz. I didnt really tell me much at all. All he signed is that i was very close friends with (y/n). Almost like morails! And we used to Hang out together at the skating park or go to each others hives to play video games. Or even more! (y/n) sounded so radical! But kurloz said that was all he could tell me. Nothing more. All i know about her is that we were only close to about morails. I need more information! I know he knows more...I should hang out with her more maybe. Maybe Me being with her will bring me some of my memories back of her!

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