Chapter 7

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Mituna may have found out the truth on who i was but it didnt really do any thing bad really. We still werent offical matesprites of course we were no more than great pals and im ok with it. Its better than losing him forever. He need some time in a way ya know? Although We did hang out alot like skateboarding, play video games, and more like the good old times. This Mituna made me completely forget my sadness over my matesprite back then. Latula joins too at the fun stuff. But Latula doesnt seem to like me very much at all. I didn't like it much either with the looks and attitudes with her. I try to be friends for the sake of mituna but she just pushes me away. I guess its gonna take some more time. That or there is just no point?

I had nothing to do today since today was mituna hang out with latula day. I sighed reading some fandom comic i found hidden some where in my hive. I stopped  reading it facing the phone seeing it vibrate. I stared at my phone for a bit before picking it up. Before i even did. I closed the comic and set it aside.  I looked at the screen seeing that mituna was tring to texted me. A small smile formed on my face as i answered back...

Mituna: H3Y (Y/N)!!!
(Y/n): Yay tuna! What's up?
Mituna: C4N Y34 'CUM3' 0V3R?
(Y/n): Um...Sure! come? D1d someth1ng bad happen?
Mituna: N07 R34LY...C4N YU0 7H71L CUM3 0V4?
(Y/n): Now?
Mituna: Y37HHH N0W!
(Y/n): Alr1ght 1m com1ng 1m com1ng! Calm yo t1ts bro!

I hopped off my seat running over to my respiteblock. I put on my causualy going out clothes and ran down the stairs and out the door. I walked towards Latula's houses taking my phone out. i plugged in my headset. I put them on to listen. My hands hid in my pockets while i looked at the ground. Soon i was standing infront of  latula's hive. I wandered i should join the two. Latula doesnt really like me after all. Even if i was to turn back, it be to late. I could see mituna peeking out the window waving to me. I force a smile back on face and waved back. I see the figure of mituna from the window disappear and the door fly open. Mituna came running glomping me. I kept my balance succeedingly not falling over. "Woah! Ok Calm down!" I laughed a bit. He let go of me full of excitement. "Ok...sooooo Why did ya calm me over for?" I asked. "Im gonna help you and Tulip be friendth!" He grinned big. My eyes widen a bit. Latula? Me? Friends?! I dont think that would even be possible between us! Like I said before I've tried but... it's never worked out! Like... at all. She looks at me like she hates my guts! I gave him an awkward smile. "A-Are you sure tuna? dont think it will come out well..." "Nonthenthe! It will come out really well!" He assures me. I look aside from mituna seeing a unamused Latula leaning against the door. I could of swarn a anime sweat drop is coming from me. Mituna grabbed my wrist dragging my in the hive. Latula forced a smile when mituna went by, but when it was me all i got from her is a frown. I sat on a chair as mituna then ran off to go get some normal honey that latula said she had. Latula looked at me after mituna ran off and walking over to me. "I do not like you" She tells me. "I can see that" I answered back. "What you should do is you away from my mituna" I smirked at what she said letting out a fake laugh. "YOUR Tuna?! Since when did mituna belong to someone? Especiaully if its like someone like you! Plus He's a free troll!" I said calmly as Latula growled at me. "Shut up! Just Shut. Up! I do not like you nor want you here! I want you gone!" She almost yelled. "Well I can not leave as you can see! Mituna invited me here so you just have to deal with it!" I almost yelled back as well. She smirked and looked away from me. "Oh. I WILL deal with this" She mumbled to herself.

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