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"EEEEEEE (Y-Y/N) NO STOP IM GONNA FALL!"  A laugh escaped my lips as I heard my Morail scream as I held on to her. "No don't worry Meulin I got you! You're not gonna fall!" I kept laughing and Meulin kept screaming she was going to fall. Teaching her how to ride a skateboard reminded me of the times when Mituna tried to teach me Back before the accident. Oh the memories. I clinged on to meulins hands as she wobbled. Slowly walking aside so she could roll down my skateboard. "EEEEEEEE (Y/N) NOOOO" I laughed more. I been in her shoes so still funny. "Hey babe. Watch ya doing~" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I looked over my shoulder grinning. "Hey tuna! How you liking the mini party?"

"It'th awethome! I want it to latht forever! I cant believe you and tulip became friendth!" I smiled softly. "I'm glad you're happy tuna! It wasn't easy but it happened. Now why don't you go and run off with kurloz or Latula hm?" Mituna grinned nodding his head. He planted a kiss on my check before running of make me blush. I looked back at my morail who was still clinging on to me for their dear life. "Meulin calm down I won't drop you. I'm your morail don't ya trust me?" I asked tilting my head. Meulin nods her head but she looked terrified so I thought it was time for a break. "Okay okay let's take a break. I feel like you're gonna cry if I keep you here any longer." Meulin nodded and I picked her up slightly to get her off my skateboard. Picking up my skateboard I looked at her and she was a trembling mess. I just sighed. "I'm sorry for making you learn okay? I just thought you should try" Meulin sighed as well giving me a split second hug. "It's okay I fur give mew obviously! Hehe!" She giggled and then just ran off. I laughed to myself at that at walked of to meet up with Mituna who was talking to Latula. I sneaked up behind him and tackled hug him. But it was strong enough to fall to the ground. We both laughed and I gave him a quick peck on the lip. Soon I looked over at Latula with a grin. "Want to race?" I asked her with a mischievous smirk. She smirked back "like hell ya I do!"

"Hey I want to rathe too!"

Latula and I glared over to Mituna and we both had a big smile in our face. "Hell ya you can join come on!"

All this time I though I lost Mituna and I won't get him back but look now. Latula and I are here together as friends and Mituna and I are here as Matesprite. Nothing could get better than this!

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