Chapter 1

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Today was a sunny day. Perfect day for going to the skating park. My morail, Meulin, got me my first new skateboard that I've been practically begging for weeks and knowing how bad i wanted to learn to try it, she got me it! Isn't she the best! I walked out my hive making sure to close it behind me and stuff. Soon then pretty much sprinting over there. Luckily i lived rather close to the park so it wasnt much of a long sprint. Plus I dont get tired so easily like most trolls I know. So, this run is like nothing to me. All this Excitement just seemed to show so brightly in my eyes, my expression, my everything as I then dropped my skateboard down in front of me, Since I already made it to the park. Even for how excited I was I couldn't help but to slowly get on my skateboard I felt my legs wobble more than they should and before I knew it I felt myself just slip off. Of course even if I was slow, I was too excited to really think of my actions. Although surprisingly I suddenly felt like something... erm... or well more like someone grab me before I could even could hit the ground. I looked down a bit seeing two other arm underneath me holding me pretty close. "Are you alright?" I heard a voice ask me. I moved my head upwards seeing a troll likely my age but obviously much taller. A soft little blush ran across my face. Although it wasn't something I'd notice. Though, I went back standing straight. I turning to face him and nod. "Nice catch dude", I said smiling. Standing normally help gave me a better view of how the other looked. It seemed He had a yellow skater helmet, yellow and black striped shirt and plain old jeans. He had red and blue eyes which i found very pretty and two horns in each side. Did i really have to keep describing it to all? Well I could but that's not the point at all. Even so He was real familiar though.... To familiar...Wait a second....I DO know him! He was one of those skateboard experts I used to watch at the park! Especially since i didnt have a skateboard back then too! He smiled back looking at me. Oh my god! He is! "Thankth. But you thould of wore a helmet to be thafe. You know if I wathnt there you would of hit yourthelf right on the head firtht", he told me. Awww He had an adorable lisp too! I kept adoring how cute he was than really paying any attention at all to a thing he really said. "You know what? Here" he takes off his helmet and put it on me. It was a bit big but oh well. I'm still young so my head may grow a bit bigger along with me... Or not... how do heads really work? Why am I questioning this now? Huh... "I can live without a helmet for a bit. Tho anyway Firtht thkateboard it theemth... well by how you fell it'th already a yeth ithn't it?" he said to me going to pick up my skateboard and hand it back to me. I simply nodded taking back my skateboard. I couldnt speak for some reason. Its like He got me in like a trance or something. I must be just in aw by out of all people to catch me it's him! "I can teach you if you like" I nod again at his offer. He grinned still looking at me. "Oh i forgot to mentthn my name! My nameth Mituna! Whatth your name?" I put my skateboard down it front of me. I used one of my feet to hold it down so it wont end up rolling off. I later then looked back at him. "My name is (f/n)" I smiled finally answering back. "Nithe to meet you! Now come on let me teach you thome radical moveth!" He held both of my hands helping my up on my skateboard. My legs shaked as i was on it. Wow my balance is crap. "M-Mituna i d-dont think i can do i-it", you whinned a bit. "Nonthenthe! Your doing great! And you'd be even be more great ath thoon ath you take off!" He chuckled making eye contact with me. "R-really?" my eyes seemed to gleam brightly with joy once more. "Yep! You're already a natural!" He assured me. A blush spread more across my cheek as i suddenly lost complete balance. I tripped foward falling ontop of  the one and only Mituna. My head was laying on his chest as i can here laughter escape his mouth. I feel it to since my head was like right against his chest. My blush has gotten worse and i realized i was laying on his chest still. I quickly got out up and offer a hand to help him up. He took my hand and i tried to pull him up. When he was up he looked at me with a small blush, laughing. "well then...letth try that again thall we?" He held out his hands out again as i slowly grabbed his hand accepting as i hopped on my skateboard again. This time i had better balance. "Good! Ready for the next thtep!" "Next step? what's the next ste-AAAAHHHHHHHH!", before i can finished i screamed a bit at the surprising push mituna did. I kept my balance luckily. "....Im....IM DOING IT!",i grined big. Mituna was running after me. "THEE! TOLD YOU! YOURE A NATURAL!" He yelled back to me. Soon I feel like I should stop and well I tried to stop but i couldnt. My excitement quickly turned in to worry. "HOW DO I STOP?!" I yelled his direction. My skateboard hit a sudden bump i yet again fell off but I didn't feel my self hit the ground. Did mituna catch me on time before i hit the ground again? I have no idea how he even makes it on time. "You were amazing (y/n)! but i think that ith enough for today dont you think?" he asked with a small laugh. Before I nodd in agreement i then noticed some how floating surrounded with weird red and blue color. "Umm...oh yeah about that...I'll explain that later" he tells me letting me go. I landed on my feet running over to get my skateboard and walked over back to him. "Well i have to get going soon! I got a pal to meet! It was nice meeting you and i hope to see you again later!" i smiled. I took off the helmet mituna let me borrow and handed it to him. "Keep it. You need it more than i do" he tells me. "Ok... Thanks!" i soon turned to leave. "W-Wait! Um....maybe i Could walk you to your hive? well itth better than going alone." he asked his cheeks tinted the color of his blood a bit. I looked at him and smiled again. "I'd like that very much! Come on, mituna" Mituna smiled back at me blushing more. He walked over next to me and followed as i walked. I listened as mituna spoke and it turned out he was your morail's matesprit's morail Kurloz. Heh... Sounds complicated but I understood it all. Anyway, I told him a bit about my self also and he listened. We both stopped in front of my hive saying our last talks. "Will i thee you at the park tomorrow?"

"Of course i will tuna! but i gotta go now though"

"Ok...I'll see ya then!"

"Alright! Bye tuna!" I love how we didn't know earth other for so long and I'm already at it with the nicknames.

"Bai (y/n)" He waved bye as i wave bye back. before i entered my hive. i stopped looking back to mituna. "Hey and tuna" I called over to him"


"Thanks...For everything" I kept my smile and then entered my hive, closing the door behind me as I then leaned against it. I mumbled one thing that first came up to my mind. "Man, Why does He have to be so adorably attractive."

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