Chapter 6

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I yawned opening my eyes. I sat up moving my head about. Where was meulin? Did she go already? I slowly got up and notice a helmet on a table. Mituna was here too? Cause well...He left his helmet here...yeah. He must be looking for it. He's so forgetful... hah. That hasn't changed I jumped letting out a little yelp in surpise hearing a sudden noise, Was someone still here? i Turned and began to walk over to the noise. It came from my room! I walked over to my room noticing the door was open, slowly entering. I see mituna sitting on the ground looking at a photo. There were photos all over the ground. "What the hell happened here?" I whispered loudly to myself. I walked over to see mituna and just stared at him, sitting next to him. I could see tears stream down his face. I couldnt see his eyes with all the hair in his eyes though, but it doesn't matter even if I would love to see his eyes again.

Mituna's Pov
Her hive is nice. She has a gaming room which i thought was awesome! I pretty much went to everyroom but her room. Her respiteblock may have something to help me remember since i have nothing else did. I opened the door to her room and closed behind me. Im pretty sure she's gonna kill me for this. I hadnt touched anything at all yet. Just looking about. I looked over at the shelves and at the top saw something say 'photos'. This could help. I tryed to reach but i couldnt. I jumped a few times and i sort of caught it. The box fell hard on the ground and photos went every where. Shit im gonna be in trouble. i grabbed the box and started putting the photos in. I stopped looking at one of the photos. It was (y/n) when she was little. She was super adorable. Her hair was all curlly and messy unlike now. I looked through the next one. It had Meulin and (y/n) when they were alive doing something silly. I picked up the next one. I sort of froze. Its was me and (y/n). It showed her kissing my cheek.

"No i didnt"
"No i didnt you just werent fast enough and you got shot!" (y/n) laughed playfully hitting my arm. "Rematch!" I demanded with a laugh. (y/n) Laughed. "Bring it lispy~!" I looked back at the screen. "letth do thith" after a few matches I jumped a bit at a sudden yell.
"BOOYEAH! SUCK IT, CAPTOR!" (Y/n) yelled, laughing loudly. My jaws dropped in shock. She beat be again. I threw my remote and she laughed again. "You get angery too easily~" she smirked and scooted over to me. I blushed a bit looking at her. "Y-Youll jutht have to get uthed to it" I smirked back. "I am though" she smirked more. She leaned over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lip. I blushed a bit untill meulin burst in. "Picture time!!! Eeeeee" she giggle. "Smile!" she says about to take a pic. We both smiled but before she clicked (y/n) kissed me right on the cheek. I bushed like crazy not expecting that. Meulin look at the camra and squealed loudly. "Awwwww Mew guys are like my number one otp! EEEEEEEEEE"

I was silent. I had actually... I think remembered something of her. Was matesprit of some sort...? If she was i cant believe i forgot my own matesprit! I hear a door open but i didnt bother looking. When they sat next to me i knew it was (y/n). A tear streamed down my cheek."W-what happened?" I hear her soft voice ask me. "We were matethpritth werent we?" She just kept silent when i said that. i knew that was a yes. I'm not that stupid to not know. "Im tho thorry" I felt tears run my face nonstop hugging her instantly. I handed her the picture. She looked at the picture and sad look formed in her face. "I should of told you..." she mumbled all disappointed in herself. I broke the hug looking at her. "How could i forget my own matethprit?!"
"do you rememeber more about me not counting what you just found out?" she asked. I only shook my head. I can see the slight disappointment on her face but I didn't say anything.

Your Pov
I knew something like this would happen. Why couldnt i just-...No i cant... Its to late to think about than anyway... I'm so sorry Mituna... I should of told you sooner. I'm sorry...

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