Chapter 2

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Tears Streamed down my cheek staring at the familiar photo i held in my hands. I was like dead to Mituna it seemed Or to me at least. He's not like how I remembered him at all. Not any more. But every time i see him in my photos pain hits my heart as it slowly filled with so much just...ugh. I can't do this. What does it matter anyway? well I am dead. Not only Me but every one was. Kankri, Meulin, Kurloz, ....Mituna. Its funny how mituna is dead and i think he's even more dead to me its a bit ironic...right? What ever I'm not the best to tell what irony is or not... I loved mituna and i knew he loved me...well not any more. Mituna doesnt even remember me. I never saw him again after i died, i avoided it. I didnt want to see him any more knowing i would get worse. Meulin told me of his brain damage back when I was alive. She told me everything. She told me his new love leaned into Latula now. She told me he doesnt even know i exists. I needed to forget about him...Laying on the ground of my hive, I closed my eyes.

"Hey! Hey (y/n)! Wake up!" I heard a soft laugh. "Come on thleepy head." I slowly open my eyes seeing my flush crush. A blush spread across my face. I blinked and smiled sitting back up. "How long have i kept you waiting?" He asked. I looked at my watch. "ummm ahhh....An hour" Mituna's eyes widen. "AN HOUR!? OMG (Y/N) I AM THO THORRY I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BE GONE THO LONG!" He says loudly hugging you. You hugged him back. "You dont need to apologies tuna. I was half asleep the whole time so it was nothing" I smiled softly. I broke the hug and looked at him. "So you came to asked me something...what is it? If im right you came to ask me for advice"

"Y-yeth i did, ok so... um i have a fluth cruth on ...thith girl and i um i dont know how to tell her" He mumbled blushing big. i tilted my head a bit giving him a curious look. Even if i looked confused i was actrually a bit jelous. Who was this girl who captor'd his heart. (Get it Captor'd? Dun dun tsshhhh...yeah I suck back to the story) "Who is she?"

"I cant tell you..." He mumbled. "Well how am i suppose to help you if you wont let me know who she is tuna?" Mituna didnt look at me. I sighed and answered. "ok dont tell me then. anyway I'd just go for the kiss. Trust me it'd be worth it" I smiled.

"...O-ok I'll try that t-then...i guessed" he simply responded blushing alot more. I looked at him and smiled. "Go for it tuna boy!" I then felt something touch my chin. I blinked realizing what Mituna was the one touch my chin I could help to blush. Mituna slowly leaned foward till i felt his soft lips touch mine. My eyes widen for a long period of time before I slowly melted into the kiss and kissed him back. So He was flushed for me. I wanted the kiss to last longer but we both needed a breathers. So we broke kiss and looked at each other "Im flushed for you" I smiled, my blush had not yet faded. "hehe im fluthed for you too, (y/n)" I hugged him when he said thoughs words. "Matesprits?" I whispered. "Matethpritth and together forever and always" he smiled holding me close to him as i rest my head on his chest.

I realized i had just woken up from reliving that memory. A memory i didnt want to remember. A memory that hurts me even more making me want to die even if i was already. I have never been so sad for some one in my life. Who am i kidding I missed him so much... Honestly i really wish to see him again. Hold him close like when we were younger. He promised we will be matespits and be together forever and ever...A promise that he cant keep no more.

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