Chapter 5

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I hear Meulin softly hum a song you knew while she still was petted my head to my hair. I remembered she used to sing that to me when you were down to make me at least be a bit happy again. Funny thing the song she hummed helped. My eyes were closed as i was out asleep. Which is good i guess because i hadnt slepting much at all lately.

Meulin's Pov
I stopped humming realizing she was asleep. I slowly moved her to a soft place to sleep. I smiled and then turned my head over to the door. I would of sworn i heard a vibration of a loud door knock. I looked at (y/n) and she winced at the noise. Yep it was a door. Well she wont be able to answer so i might as well do it for her. I walked over to the door and opening it seeing a familiar person. "Hey meulin! Um uh...ith er (y/n) there?" Mituna asked. I nodd and let him in. "Shes well asleep but feel free to wander about i guess. i bet she wont mind." I tell him. He nodd and walked over to (y/n) and looked at her. "What brings mew here anyway Mituna" I asked. "I wanted to thee (y/n). I want to get to know her better like how the already knowth me" He says looking at me. "That would be nice" i meowed back. Mituna softly petted her head. "I feel like i know her...Like ive know her for like ever...Kurloz didnt tell me much...i feel like he knowth more...and he hathnt told me everything." I sighed looking away. "Its best if you do not find out fully yet. mewr head wont be able to take in the full thing. mew will spazz out badly again purrobably" i tell him laying my hand on his shoulder. "Mew will find out soon. It takes time" I can feel mituna shake a bit seeing one tear slide down his cheek. My expression immediately looked concerned. He moved away from (y/n) looking at me "I dont want to wait damn it! I want to know who the ith! I want to know why i sudden feeling like holding her clothe to me! Why i feel like Kiththing her at timeth! And all that kind of bullshit!" He growled at me but quietly. I just smirked. "Sounds like mew got a flush crush on her" Mituna blinked looking at me in surprise. "I do?" He asked with a blank expression. I just laughed. "If mew want the truth. (y/n) Must tell mew herself in anyway." I saw walking over to the door. "Im gonna go! Be nice to (y/n)~!" I purred. Soon having a split dark look after words "Or mew'll regrrret it" then smiling again, walking off.

Mituna's Pov
I Tensed a bit at Meulin's last comment. Soon shrugging it off. She's a lowkey protective morail that's for sure. I looked over at (y/n) who was sleeping peacefully. Im flushed for her? What about Latula... i thought I loved her too... I keep getting more and more confused the minute. I felt liking my helmet off for some reason... So i did. i dont understand myself sometimes. It feels more comfortable without it at times any way. I took my helmet off My hair falling in place covering my eyes. I place my helmet on the nearest table and walked over to her. i sat next to her petting her head gentle. She was adorable in her sleep. Was i really flushed for her. I wished i at least remebered one thing of her. Meulin did say i can wander about. Maybe there is something that can help. I stopped dazing off looking at (y/n). I leaned in giving her a kiss in the head before getting up. When i did i began to start wandering about ing her hive quietly hoping not to wake her up. I will find out who you are (y/n). That is a Promise!

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