Chapter 9

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"M-Mituna!?" can't be...hes...he's been avoiding me all day! Why now!!
Mituna didnt really look at me. He just looked at ground. This felt way too awkward. it even looks like he doesnt even want to be here. I slowly moved aside the entrance motioning my hand letting him know he can come in and he him. He stayed looking at the ground not moving. He REALLY looks like he doesnt want to be here. I slowly reached to his hand grabbing it. He moved his head up looking straight at me. I forced a small smile on my face and i just went to sit on the couch leading him along. He sat looking away from me again. It hurts to see him not wanting to be around me so much. Whats even shocking is that meulin was serious when she was going to get him. "Mituna..." He looked back at me but stayed silent. I really wanted to take his helmet off to just see how he feels in a better view. "...i um...didnt expect you to be here so soon..." I managed to say something. "Meulin thaid you wanted to thee me tho yeah..." I nod my head nervously in response. "i wanted to ask you something...i feel like its super important" i looked down at my feet before looking back at him to say something else. "Why have you been ignoring me? Have i done something bad to hurt you" Mituna was quiet again for a few minutes before speaking. "It'th complicated..." he just says. ".......whats wrong" "It'th only like being around me becauthe i remind you of him dont I?" My eyes widen hearing what came out of his mouth. I froze... just staring at him then to my hands. I love him... because he reminds me of my old him? I... the more I though the more Unsure I was. Did I really just like him because of that?! It can't be... there is so much more to him i just...

It's difficult to think. So much going through my mind. He may look like him, sound like him but... he isnt him. He's not the person I fell in love with. Yeah he has his moments but there is more to him. So much more... I'm... I'm flushed for him either way in the end so That wasnt really true. Still first yeah maybe because he reminded me of my old matesprit but i knew how different he was. I gave it a chance. He almost made me forget of my old Matesprit. This mituna and the old mituna were like two different trolls in one body. I realize it was quiet way to long. I was already growing uncomfortable of this sudden silence. "Latula told you that didnt she" i looked back down at the ground. its still obvious latula does really hate me sometime I wander why cant we both just be those stupid kismesis, but whatever. "but the'th right...ithnt the" i closed my eyes avoiding any tears at all. "She's wrong" Those two words slipped out of my mouth. "of course im still flush him. but...i dont care any more. he's not you. i care for you and only you. you my be now wandering but hes still me or oh your just saying that to make me feel better or some shit like that. its just no. your wrong. you both are like two different troll in one but im flushed for you more! and everything im telling you is the truth. the old mituna can never be as radical and awesome as you are. and i....and i dont want to lose some one i care for again." tears streamed down my face and tried wiping them away. i looked at mituna and he seemed a bit surprised. i couldnt help but to hug him. I hoped he'd hug me back knowing he understands. Surprisingly to me he did hug me back. A big smile slowly grew back on my face and didnt let go, hugging him tightly. "Im fluthed for you too (y/n)" he tells me softly.

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