Chapter 11

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I could stop trying to squirm to break free. This was for one to sudden. I could feel a sharp stinging on my bottom lip. She was biting me!? Oh gog how horrible and confusing it must me for Mituna who is watching all this.
I struggled more for her to get of me. I swayed side to side forcefully. I was actually finally able to make latula fall over by me rolling over aside making me on top of her this time. I gave her a death glare kind of look but she just smirked at me. A growl escaped my lips and I immediately got off her. I wiped my lip in disgust noticing a small splatter of blood on my arm. I was bleeding. On my freaking lip. I glared back at the bastard one more time before I began to walk of to the exit of the park. Right when I passed the exit I her a familiar voice all for me. "(Y/N)!" Not willing to stop I ignored the voice. "(Y/N)!!!" The voice repeated again. It did a few times until it finally gotten my attention. "WHAT?!" I turned almost giving a half yell. My eyes widen when I saw who it was. "....T-Tuna...I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" My voice began to soften. "No...I'm thorry...I forthed you to come when you didn't want to." Mituna looked down at the ground not looking at me. "You mutht hate me now" he mumble quietly. "No! Of course not tuna! I love you! I would never hate you!" You smiled softly. Mituna looked up at me and smiled softly. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go back to my hive ok. You should stay and learn some radical tricks ok?"
"That's a good tuna" i smiled more before turning to walk off. My hands went into my pocket as I walked and as I looked down to the ground. I looked at hives at the corner of my eye looking for one specific one. I stopped at a hive I knew and went over to the door. I wasn't going back to my hive. No not just yet. There was someone I had to meet first. I had the key to that house so i used it getting in. I then roamed around the hive stopping to see a familiar troll asleep on the couch. Going over there I poked the troll repeatedly until they woke up and the first thing the saw was me. " oh....hello (y/n)" the troll greeted sitting up. "What brings mew here?"
"Hello to you to Meulin and I have a question about someone" i told my morail. "Oh and who is it about? Mituna?"
I shook my head at the question. "No someone else. I need to know something about Latula."
"Latula? What about her?" Meulin asked tilting her head. "It's kind of a not so long and not so short story" I laughed awkwardly. Meulin simply meowed, "I'm willing to hear." she chuckled at her own small word mistake as I just rolled my eyes. I took a deep a breathe as I began to explain. Meulin nodded once a while to show she was paying attention until. Telling her all this made me feel so much better. It makes me glad I have some troll to talk about this too. When I finished Meulin's head slanted slightly. "I thought mew said long ago mew wonder why mew weren't her kismesis?"
"I did but I never wanted her to be one. I...I don't want a kismesis..." I said as the palm of my hands laid upon my face for a moment. " to be honest here. Mew should just plan a one on one talk with her. No mituna. No Me. Just mew and her." I was silent for a moment as I took the time to think. It wasn't really a bad idea. One on one talk to figure things out. Maybe this could work out...IT COULD. A huge grin came across my face as I nodded rapidly. "That is an excellent idea Meulin! I should call mituna to help convince Latula to come. This will be great!" Meulin smiles back at me and then I gave her a sudden hug. "Pawsome! I'm so glad I could be some help!" She purred pulling away from the huge. "Meow go call tuna and plan cat meet up!" I nod to start walking at the door. I gave Meulin a once more thank you glance and walked out the door. I pulled out my phone with a big grin on my face. Then I just went to send I'm a quick text.

(Y/n): Hey tuna. We need to talk. Meet me 1n my place some t1me today? Okay~ see ya there!

When the text was sent I made my way towards my hive. Since I got in I just sat on my couch and just rested waiting for the arrival of my matesprit.
It's been a while and it was almost dark out. Mituna hasn't came yet. My eyes felt a bit heavy so I closed them a bit. Listening to everything in my surrounding. My eyes snapped wide open from a sudden startle of a bang. But for a must be tuna~! I hopped out my couch and ran to the door opening it so see that familiar loveable bee. "Hi tuna~" I said it as if I was singing a bit. I moved away so he could enter. Right when he did the first thing he did was plop right on the couch. Poor tuna looked to tired. He must be having one of those Moment he'll be out for hours so he could nail a new trick. New trick? Oh yeah! He must of learned a new one. My hands went behind my back as a swayed side to side going over to him to just to only plop on the couch right next to him. My hands moved to his helmet has I removed it showing is messy fluffy hair. I giggled slightly laying the helmet on the table close to him. "Learning a new trick huh?" A smile came on my face again. Mituna nodded excitedly in response. "Ha Yeth! It'th tho radical you thould of been there." Oh I would off loved to be there and watch but...then Latula happened. "I wish I was! But hey. Let's plan a day sometime and you can show me that new trick! How about it"
"Yethhhhhh that would be radical!" I laughed at his comment. Man he's so cute. The palm of my hand gently pressed the side of his face and I caressed his cheek with a smile. To be honest I just forgot why I asked him to come...I did ask him to come right?
After a while I couldn't help but to press my lips against his. I couldn't help it. He's just so kissable. I could feel him kiss me back passionately and I just threw my arms around his neck. I sort of gotten a bit carried away as I moved my position to me sitting on his lap. Deepening the kiss I didn't really want to break it. My hand moved from his neck to cheeks. After a while I had to break it since the both of use were running out of breathe. "Ith thith what you texted me for~" he panted slightly with a tease on his tone. Oh yeah I was. What was it again? Think. Think. Latula! Well precious moment ruined... I hopped off his lap sitting next to him like before. I scratched the back of my head looking over to him. "Actually I was gonna as for a favor" Mituna tilted his head curiously. "What ith it?"
"I was wondering if you can help convince Latula to have a one on one talk with me."
"One on one?"
I nodded in response with a sigh. "I'll explain more later but could you do that for me?" Mituna just nodded look at the time. "I guethh I thould go then... I'll mention it to her tomorrow" when he got up I grabbed his hand as he got up. "Could you just...stay a little longer?" He was silent at first but he just sat right back down next to me. I guess that was a yes. I grinned leaning my head to rest on his shoulder. Things running in my head. A one on one with Latula? I wonder if that would turn out well. Will we get along? Or will we just fight? To be honest I guess I'll have to wait for the day to find that out.

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